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myOtaku.com: Kana no Hoshi

Friday, May 27, 2005

Mood: Image hosted by Photobucket.com Not really happy, clam or angry...
Listening to: Kodoku

Okay, well I guess the box thingy didn't turn out to well...I canged it. But I guess I'll just not try to use those things untill I know how they're actually suppose to work...~_~
^^ I'm really gald! I got 7 comment yesterday! That's probably not a lot for some people but *sigh* That's a lot for me.

Ummm, well I'm not going to be here this weekend. My mom, sisters, and I are going to Montana again. (With more boxes) Last time we were there we pick out mine and my onee-sama's carpets! (or did I already tell you that?~_~)
I've be feeling kinda funny lately...(I'm not sick or anything).......@_@ I've been feeling so confused...I don't know why though....

*sigh* I guess it's time for me to go to school. I'm so sorry that I've not gotten to oyur guys sites lately...I feel so bad...~_~

Okay everyone! Take Care when I'm gone!

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I don't want to see...the sun any longer...I just want to be, in the moonlight

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