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myOtaku.com: Kana no Hoshi

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Hello Minna-san!^^

Yesterday I got Havest Moon: More friends of Mineral Town!^^ It's so fun!
ALso, Since the birthdays are going to be different this year, we decied that we weren't really looking superly forward to our birthdays so we just bought a bunch of stuff at the mall!XD
(instead f getting presenst but I'm still getting a few thing off the internet, Nee-san has some drawing supplies that should be coming soon and my little sister resereved a game.) (This is the first time I ever cam home with a bag full of stuff from the mall! Becuase I usually don't like going to the mall.)
We bought a bunch of HagaRen shirts! And Nee-san and I got a HagaRen sweat shirt!^^ They're so cool! (On my older sisters birthday there's some court something or other so we weren't looking that forward to birthday time.) So, on my sisters birthday (there one day a part so we usually celabrate it on the 19.) We are just going out to eat or something like that!^^

Other that all the shirts we bought I got the 11th book of Friuts Basket!^^

Umm...did that post make any since? Ah...just tell me if I counfused you guys.

Well, I'm going to go visit your sites!^^ Have a good day Minna-san!

Take Care^_^

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