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| Kana no Hoshi
Thursday, August 11, 2005
I did it again!^^;
Ohayo minna-san! Right now I’m updating at 1:14. Why am I updating so late? Because my not tired! I don’t know why but I’m not sleepy right now. XD (But I will probably regret it in the morning.) But I tried to go to sleep but I wasn’t tired!
Hmmm…well, yesterday nothing really happened.
Ummm…ah! I went to Barnes and Nobles!^^ I sat there and read manga and drank some coffee!^^ (Maybe I’m not tired because of the coffee….) But I enjoyed it anyway.
Ah, I bet this post is going to be short…Hmmm…
I changed my layout! Heh, I know I had this background before but this is the only light colored Edo-kun and Aru background I could find! So I hope you like it!^_^
So for my next layout what should I do? I’m kidding! I’m not going to change my layout so soon! I really like this one.
Okay, (this post will suddenly become larger. Very larger.)
I’m going to post the Prologue (sp?) of my story. This story has only my original characters in it. I hope you read this story and if you could tell me if there’s anything I should do to make it better.
I was shocked. Completely and totally shocked. My dad patted me on the head and said some thing about being sad and mom. When he finished he turned around and began to walk away. I clenched my fists in anger and yelled at him,
“Fine! Leave! Go away! I don’t care! I never really liked you anyway! You can leave and never get to see mom when she comes back!” I screamed the worst thing I could think of. Hoping that maybe he would turn around and come back. I didn’t work. I just kept on walking and walking. I looked down to the ground.
I knew he was never around that much and he was always very busy, but I thought that he would at least love me enough to stay with me when mom was gone.
I wiped my face to make sure know one knew I was crying. I don’t know why but I always did that, pretend that I wasn’t crying. I tightened my fists to keep me from cry when my grandma came up behind me.
“Ki…” She said in a worried tone. “I-I don’t think that he-”
“I know! I know he wont come back!” I wanted to run somewhere…I didn’t have a room let…or at least I didn’t know where it was so I just took of to my friend’s, Photon, house.
When I got closer to her house I saw her in her front lawn, reading a book. She look up at me when I called her name just in time to see me trip and fall in her yard.
“Ah! Ki! Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“M-my dad! He- he left me! He went somewhere not even telling me where he was going to just dropped me off at my grandparents house and left!”
“K-Ki! Is that true?!” Photon said with concern in her voice.
I nodded.
“I’m sorry…I don’t know what to do for you…”
“Ahhh! I forgot! I have to tell Access and Ryou!!”
“Oh! Can I come?”
“Sure! Come on!” I said as I started to run down the street and Photon followed behind me.
I banged on the front door of Access and Ryou’s house.
“Gosh! Settle down!” Access said opening the door. “Oh, Ki! What do you-”
“Access! Ryou!”
“Ah!! What!? You don’t have to be so loud!” Access said coving his ears.
“My dad dropped me off at my grandparent’s house and then left me!”
“Wha-!? Why would he do that?” Access asked
“We don’t know.” Photon said.
“So, now that he’s gone…what are you going to do?” Ryou calmly asked while reading his book.
“Ahhh….I don’t know. Live with my grandparents I guess.”
Everyone but me sighed.
“And why could you tell us this at school?” Ryou said asking another question.
“Because I can’t yell at school!” I said
“You just came here to yell at us?” Access questioned me.
“And tell you about my dad. And now I don’t feel as upset anymore and my throat hurts… ”
“I’m glad you feel better but…” Photon started
“…That’s what you get for yelling for no reason.” Ryou continued.
“Eh!? Heh, heh, I guess you right…” I smiled
How did you like it? If you want to read more tell me and I’ll Private Message you okay? (I hope you guys like it enough to want to read more!)
Well, I better be going now! Before it morning…>_^;
Take Care!^_^

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