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| Kana no Hoshi
Friday, August 12, 2005
This is.....
I'm sorry. I am very truly sorry.
I have not feeling the greatest lately. It's not like I feel sick it just...I don't know how to explain it. I was going to take an absence from MyOtaku until I feel like myself again but I could bear to be away from you guys. I will try to update almost every day but I probably won't make it to your sites. Or at least comment on them. I wouldn't be surprised if you guys did the same with me. >_^;
It's might be the thing with father....I can't handle it right now...I'm just...can't
For those who don't know: My parents are divorce and I'm living with my mom. I never had a relationship with my father and now he think we should build one up. We are not going back to the house in which we move out of. That place is hell. He is coming here instead and we will just talk with each other for a couple of hours like once or twice a month.
I want to be alone...but I feel lonely.
Ah, I'm really sorry. I typed up the first chapter of my story. (I could not put that much detail in it because of how I'm feeling.) I just need and break...I need to think.
The things I've been doing lately...
I changed my layout!^_^ I changed it again,(Sorry) because this layout has a peaceful feeling to it.
For three days in a row I've been going to Barnes and Nobles and reading manga and drinking coffee.
Also, I am staying up very late. I just am not able to go to sleep at night. I hope I get really tired soon.
I- I'm sorry. I'm probably acting really strange.
Well, I'm going now. Please...Take Care~
For you~ I’m doing this for you, you know.
If you weren’t here than I wouldn’t be this far~
So will you please stay by my side? No matter what I do?
When I first saw you I knew~
You were the little angel watching me all this time~
And taking care of me. Making sure that I didn’t die~
Thank you, Thank you. My angel~

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