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myOtaku.com: Kana no Hoshi

Saturday, August 20, 2005

I think that fell...
But thanks to you...
I'm standing again~ And this time, on my own two feet.
Going to face everything when it comes and not worry about what's not here~

I'm sorry, I'm late minna-san,
And I'm also sorry for not updating for the past couple of days. But now I'm back.
Umm...well, for my sister's birthday's I got 2 HagaRen song files. Edo-kun's and Winrii-chan's songfiles. I am now very happy^_^ (Sorry if it sounds like I'm bragging)
We also got bunch of DVDs (for my sister's birthday) we got; Kodocha, Spiral, Furuba, and Saiyuki Reload.

And�today is SakuraYume's birthday! (my little sister) Happy birthday SakuraYume~!

Well, Take Care minna-san!

Thank you~ For being there~
You always cheer me up and pick me up when I fall down~
You are like an angel~
You are my friends~

EDIT: I made a site! It is my webpage!^^

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