myOtaku.com: kanarazu-kanau

I am a member of the Hagane no KokoroEclub. If you want to join go to Kana's site. Please don't steal this banner.
Friday, May 5, 2006
Not goodbye, but....
I'm back to tell you all that I've made a new account. It's here
You can unfriend this account ant friend the new one if you'd like.
I though about it for a while, and I really wanted a new name, I didn't think that Kanau really fit me that well. I've come up with one. 'Kazuka Iwasato' I really like it and I plan on using it for my pen name. So... yoroshiku ne~. ^_~
Lots of things were happening, and I decided that I just needed to start over. So, that's what I plan on doing.
That's all for now. I won't be updating this account anymore. So please visit the new one.
Thank you all~ I've really missed you!
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Again, I update! XD
I figured out a schedule that works for me for updating. So I'll update more often.
Today... nothing much happened.
I watched Howl's Moving Castle with my friend after class today. That was fun. ^^
But other than that, I really don't have much to talk about.
Hope everyone's doing fine~
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Two posts in a row!
I think that I can get the hang of coming back on here. ^^;; Sorry that I've been gone for so long.
Hmm... today's been really odd. I've been thinking through a lot of different things lately. I'm going to try and go to school in Japan. I'm looking at trying to go to school there from April of 2007. I just sent away for the application today! It should be here in a few weeks.
That's all the news for today.
Hope everyone's doing well~
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Monday, March 13, 2006
Hello, everyone. I know I've been gone again. I guess, maybe I'm not made for MyOtaku. ;_; I'm sorry that I've been gone and not visiting people's sites. I'll try and get on more often. I know, I know that I always say that and it never happenes, but I think that I'll try harder this time. ^_^ I miss you guys.
if any of you are on LiveJournal, that's where I am usually.... my name's kanarazukanau.
So, I thought that I'd try and come back.
Nothing much has been going on. Classes are going well
Here's some pictures.... There not really finished, but here you go! (they all open in a new window.)
First is Edo, from a bigger picture that I'm working on. (I just liked how he turned out. XD) The bigger picture is here if you want to see it.
And here are a couple more of Edo. I guess I was having fun drawing him. XD First is Edo with his hair kind of tied back. ^^;; And here's Edo For the school AU that I'm making up. Info about it, if you're interested is here at my livejournal.
And last is a picture of one of my ori chara, Reverie. I was planning on using her in a HagaRen story, but kinda lost my inspiration. And also most people don't like ori chara in stories anyway and think of them as Mary-Sue's. .... So. I don't know if I'll write her story or not. ^_^;;
That's pretty much what I've been up to. I have to get to school now, but I'll visit later!
I hope everything's going well for everyone! ~
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
You're right, no matter what, I'm still me, right~
Ah, hello everyone, I'm back again. I hope that everyone's doing well.
I've been busy. I have papers to write for school(one that I should be working on right now) and as always, too many things that I want to do. ^_~
I've also been having a problem that I haven't been able to write or draw like I'd like to. Everything was getting all mixed up in my brain, and nothing was coming out right. But now, thanks to Kana-chan, I've got everything all figured out. I think that I'll be able to do the things that I want now.
Thank you, Kana-chan~!
Ah, but other than that, nothing's been going on, I guess...
I hope that you're all doing well~
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