myOtaku.com: kanarazu-kanau
Thursday, August 11, 2005
(I'm back...)
Sorry that I've been gone for so long... I haven't been feeling very well lately I guess... *sigh* So, I'm sorry everyone that I've been saying that I'll update, and I haven't...v_v... Sorry...
Well... the first chapter of Kana-chan and my story is up on my website. Please read it and tell us what you think. Please tell us how to improve!!
This post'll probably be really short....
Hmm... not much else is going on. I beat the 2nd Hagaren game... English voices may be the death of me... And I've started studying a lot more. I need to study Japanese a lot more.... The reason?
*start of plotting* As soon as I aquire my September allowance... I shall buy books 1-11 of Hagaren...*end of plotting* But unfortunatley I don't fully understand Japanese, so I have to study before I can buy them... v_v Anyway....
I really don't know if I have that much to say... I'm thinking of changing my layout soon...
Hmm....Sorry, I just don't know what to talk about! So, I think I'll end the post here.
Thank you to everyone who reads and comments!
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