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myOtaku.com: kanarazu-kanau

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Most importantly, I have changed my layout. It is now BBI. May you all see worship the goodness that is BBI.

Listening to: Moments - Hamasaki Ayumi ( I finally have the cd single to this song, so I don't have to completely overwork the cd that my friend from Japan gave me... and it has three versions of the song... ^^ Kanau is content. ) And for all of you who don't know, 'Moments' the the BBI THEME! So... yes.

Ahem. Hello, everyone. I think that I did it again today... Nothing. I studied some kanji....but not enough to make my brain melt as planned... and I didn't touch my school books. I suppose my subconscious is trying to hold on to what is left of summer... But my subconscious needs to inform itself that in order to read the wonderful Hagaren manga, I need to know kanji. *curses subconscious*

Now that that's out of the way.... What actually happened yesterday?... Well... I woke up when I was supposed to. (6:30) Then I went for a walk. It's fun when there aren't many people out doing stuff. Then I came back, studied, and then... went on the computer with Kana-chan. Then... I watched SakuraYume play Tales of Eternia, and I started feeling funny... I felt weak, and tired and my insides felt like they shaking, after I fell asleep on the couch ('cause there was nothing else I could do, I wasn't feeling well at all.) for an hour, Kana informs me that I should eat. XD Apparently I was hungry. It would have helped to know that before I fell asleep. And again, just now, as I was updating, I was complaining to Kana-chan of a headache that I am currently dealing with, and she asks me when the last time I ate was. I am hungry again grr... why can't myself tell me this?!?! *sigh* I think that I need Kana-chan to live with me even after I move to Japan... So she can remind me to take care of myself... ( I am pathetic I know... so involved in making a new layout that I forget to eat... I wonder what will happen when I start drawing manga.... ) Anyway, after that, I started looking for stuff to change my layout. And then we went on a walk. And almost died, 'cause we walked too far, with no water, and we didn't know how hot it was outside before we left. We were all wearing pants. Then went on computer more... talked to my friend. (you know who you are^^) and then... now I'm typing this post. Boring day. And nothing accoplished... except for my wonderful layout. ^^ That's actually not very good... Hey, I did the best I could with Paint and Windows Picture Manager...

I shall join LJ today. At the suggestion of -JL-san, I shall join livejournal today... We shall see how it goes.

Oh, tommorrow's my birthday? I haven't even noticed! ^^;; heh. Oh, well.

That's my boring day. I shall try to do something tommorrow. Umm. Sorry that I am so boring, and ramble on about nothingness. I will also try to post chapter 3 of Tsuitachi soon.

Thanks you guys for reading. You're the best.
Thanks to all who read and comment.


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