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myOtaku.com: kankuro love

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Kiroro The Kat (09/06/07)

hi i'm kiroro the kat how do you get your music on your site?

twilight1326 (08/30/07)

yo ya page is hot n so r u

Naruto lover10 (08/30/07)

nice site u have here ^^
oh and can i join the naruto boys club
with young shikamaru??
anyway added u as a friend
come by whenever


sasuke fan 4 life (08/28/07)

HI i was on Katami's site and read a post she had about you so i decided to come and check out ur site. it's totally awesome i love the colors and i add u and i hope u come by my site to sign my GB and feel free to PM me any time u like well i guess i'll talk to you later until then keep it real. Peace

Deadly Sins (08/19/07)

~*The Sins Of The World Have Taken Hold*~

This is the staff of Deadly Sins welcoming you into the club. And we thank you for joining. You have been accepted as Vanity for your sin. If you haven't already sent in an image for your sin, we ask that you please send an image of your sin within a week, if possible. We would also like to point out that you should add Deadly Sins to your friend's list as a way to be able to stay updated on the latest news and events. Also, once you've been accepted, we also ask that you please add a link to the Deadly Sins site on your home page, if possible. Again, thank you for joining!

~*Make Sure The Sins Take Hold*~

President, Wrath

kakashi-18 (08/18/07)

Just came by to say hi and that i like your site. add you as a friend. add me too if you want.


hinatanaruinu (08/14/07)

hi i want to join i love itachi and dendara and kisame and sisori so hope we can be friends!and come to my site! ok bye!

Ms.FullMetal (08/13/07)

Hey love your site. Sorry to hear about your bf. hope you sign my gb and be my friend too. bye (=

NyakeSan (08/07/07)

Hi! Thanks alot for signing my guestbook! Your OCs sound cool!

Yeah, I don't say much in a gb signing.

I LOVE your avatar. I makes me crack up every time I see it :)!

KitsuneTsuki (07/30/07)

Hiya! Sorry for taking so long to visit you in return. Life has been mean to me lately and time escapes me.

Anyhoo...thanks for stopping by & signing the old guest book!


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