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myOtaku.com: kankuro love

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Guestbook Entries:

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Inuashi101 (07/29/07)

Hey. I added ya! ^^

LadyDeath13 (07/29/07)

Yo! Thanks for signin my gb! Love your site! It's totally AWESOME! I love it!!! I'm addin ya as a friend! Ja ne!


Seto Grl (07/28/07)

Hey nice site here. Please return the favor and sign my GB to pm me any time.


snake Priestes

Vash2214 (07/18/07)

Bahahahahaha! I think I folo the last person to sigh you guestbook! I rarely notice when I only check weekly! But thanx :P I'll add ya and when I get another FMA theme I'll tell ya so you can tell me what you think! I got a Renji theme up on MyOtaku AND MySpace! XD You can have Envy but Renji is MINE! ^__^


Shinoseo (07/16/07)

Hey!I just noticed that you signed my gb!I haven't logged on in forever so i've forgotte some things.I love Envy as well but I'll let you have him.And your right.I do love FMA!

edmari (07/13/07)

thanx for signin my gb.heheh i luv fma its the best show ever.my fave is rose and edward as a couple and wrath.i hate winry she is a stupid blonde who wines too much and is a brat.i like rose cuz she is one of the strongest women for she has been through alot of things and i like it if she and edward are together.wrath is just awesome.heheh ^^ ill add ya as a friend kk huney.
*adios beba*

Menmei (07/13/07)

Oh gosh don't hurt me.*Pushing Envy towards you*I like Roy more anyway.Roy protect me.*leaps behind him* Thanks for signing my guestbook. It felt to unused. Wha. I totally have and FMA oc too. If you haven't seen her she's named Kyo and she's the silver alchemist. Well I hope we can become friends. I'll add you.

FullMetalAngel2 (07/08/07)

Hi ya!! ^^
LOL... Your wrote too much in my otaku XD but thanks... I read your fanfic? n_�
I like it, continue please :)
Yeah, I have an OC too but I don�t work on it now... Im writting a fanfic �_�
Her name its Mirth Angelstein she is the water Alchemist :P
Anyway, I�m just passing for say hello and I like your site too... Its AwEsOmE :D yeah... You LoVe Envy don�t you XD
I love Edo-sama ^//^
Anyway... see ya!!

*~Emily no tenshi~*

sess chans girl (07/08/07)

hi hi!!! thankies for the uber nice comment!! ur site kicks butt 2! ^^ any ways! i love your site!! squeee!! sorry its just ive never found someone who likes envy and kankuro as much as i do!! all my friends like mustang and gaara and they think i'm weird cause i like them. sigh oh well. i'm a gonna add ya okies?! hope we can talk later!! bye bye ^_^

sick of this (07/08/07)

love ur site
i was just wodering sround and saw ur site and said to myself ill schec it out and sign the gb
hope u will do the same!!!!!!

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