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Monday, April 11, 2005

   Yawn....(READ THIS)
Oh, sooo tired! *perks up*Hey! Who likes candy? Mmmmmmmmm! Candy!(Im just gonna ask stupid questions, k?) What kind of candy do you like? Cookies? Cake? I dont like cake, I like the icing though. Ive run outta questions already...

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Friday, April 8, 2005

400 VISITORS! 400! 400! 400! 400! 400! 400! 400! 400! 400! 400 AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*sob* Im so honored! um...Id like to thank...*hours long boring speech*...and finally...........Thank you all!(I just did you a major favor by taking out my early morning hyper yet tired speeches, you had bettter thank me! LOL! j/k)

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Thursday, April 7, 2005

Thanx to all who commented on my article! Im still ticked cuz I sent it in as an article and they didnt post it, its been about a week so thats the second one they have rejected, sigh, oh well, Seeya!
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Please read my article below!!!!*puppy dog eyes*
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Saturday, April 2, 2005

   No one's reading my article... :(
*sob* no one is reading my Players Corner article! No one is commenting! I just feel so depressed today! Now I gotta go out an Im too fucking sad! Im sorry, I get like this time to time, I usually dont post on those days, Im so sorry!
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Friday, April 1, 2005

Comment LOTS and LONG on the Players Corner and Ill post some good interviews!
(you dont have to read or mean it, I just like reading

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   Players Corner (if you love Miroku then you'll love this)
Miroku: Hello and welcome to Players Corner! Im your host, Miroku Assgrabber!
Jessica (me): *hiss* Introduce your guest and stop touching my ass!!!
*a girl storms across the stage*
Girl: *slaps Miroku* How could you?! You proposed, married and impregnated me and then you ran off with our daughter!
Daughter: Mommy!
Girl/Mother: Sweetie! Did Daddy hurt you?
Daughter: No, but, you now have great- great- great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren!
Mother: IN ONE WEEK?!?!?!
Miroku: Dont underestimate an inner child-molester, I have skill.
Jessica: You can credit that line to my good friend Ben who put me through torture by suggesting such a thing (GIRLS DON?T MOLEST THEMSELVES! I DUNNO ABOUT YOU BEN BUT I DON?T!)
500 girls: *unison slap and scream* YOU PIG!!!
Jessica: Uh-oh, umm?our first guest is...Fluffy?
Fluffy: (a.k.a. Sesshomaru, Sessy-poo, Big Sess, Big Sass, etc,) Hawooo girlth! Hey! I have a lithp!
Jessica: Yeah, it isn?t as good as that one you had on someones ATG installment but its still similar!^-^
502 girls: MAKEUP TIPS!!!
*502 girls lift Fluffy onto their shoulders and make for the exit*
Fluffy: My loyal fanth!
Audience: FLUFFY!!! *follows*
Miroku: NO! SANGO! GIRLS! BOYS! Grrrr! Okay, show?s over, I guess?*chases everyone* WAIT, FLUFFY! WILL YOU BEAR MY CHILDREN?
Fluffy: Sure!
And so, Miroku and Fluffy lived happily ever after...until the honey-moon...It put Miroku into a padded room to sum it all up.
(this was graciously donated by Holly)
6 months later after the padded mental ward cell...
Holly: *walks down street past Miroku and expects a groping*
Miroku: *walks by with a blank stare*
Holly: 0.0 Wow! Miroku! Youre, youre, youre, youre sober! *gasps*
Miroku: Well, after all Ive been through...you know...
Sango: *about to kiss Miroku* Ive made up my mind! Yes I will bear your children!
Miroku: *blank stare*
Sango: Miroku! I thought youd be jumping for joy!
Miroku: *blank stare* Ruuuusty spoooon?
Sango: What the ****(< Miroku: *millions of slaps on his face*
Sango: Don?t you rusty spoon me mister! Im hygienic!
Miroku: *gurgles*
Holly: What the hell is wrong with him?
Sango: Where did you come from? Hes mine you know.
Holly: Yeah, yours and 500 other girls, plus a mother and daughter!
Sango: XP Nah!
Holly: XP Nah!
Fluffy: Miroku!
Holly: *dreamy eyes* Wait, what? Miroku? But I thought*sniffle*(Holly loves all the inu guys)
Holly: *walks away moping but takes the time to squish Jaken on her way*
Jessica: You beotch Holly! You squished my boyfriend! *pissed off*
Sango: Well now, this is awkward?*spots Hojo* Hey cutey-pie! *chases*
And so, Hollys moping, Jessicas pissed, Sessys weird, Jakens squished, Sango and Kagome are at war, Miroku has locked himself in the psycho ward with a strait jacket and a mirror, and InuYasha is all WTF mate?!
The End!

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   WEEKEND AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOO-HOO! Man I almost thought the weekend was never going to arrive! Hmmm, what shall I do...LOL! like I ever do anything but vegitate! Sigh, no one ever invites me to parties, movies or shopping. Sure I hate shopping but I dont give a fuck! oopsie, sorry, Ive been using that word to vent lately...alot...well, I guess Id better go, oh, crap! Now I feel depressed! Why doesnt anyone like me?! Sh-nevermind, I wont swear, for the sake of those with fragile ears. I think Ill post that talk show hosted by Miroku now so no one will see this...Seeya...*depressed*
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   I gotta go soon...
I gotta go to school soon, its like 7:20 and my bro takes longer than me and my mom together to get ready! (we do not know if hes gay...yet) Well, Im gonna pack a snack 4 french class, we're watching E.T. except in english, that was a first for me, the last 23 (yes, I counted) times I saw it in french class it was translated. Hmmm...in your opinion, what snack should I bring? Oh, man! My Pringles tube is too big! Noooo! So, whadda you think I should bring?

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Thursday, March 31, 2005

   Just FYI...
I am the pyro, I trained the leprican and failed to housetrain the nimph...^_~

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