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Friday, March 25, 2005

Cool! The want thing is true.

What is you True Anime Character? (Girls&Boys) by albino blackWolf
Favorite Anime
Candy or Ice Cream?
What is your favorite color?
Your Apperance
You want..To be in your own World
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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My exact words when I saw this were 'Holy shit!'

What Does Your Inner Soul Look Like?::male and female pics:: by angel_drifter
Favorite Colors:
What your Inner Soul Looks Like:
Your Weakness:You Fear "Fear"
What you Are:Lover...Purifier
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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   Happy good friday!
Haha! 4 day weekend and tonnes of chocolate ahead! Tralalalala! LOL! Sorry, me mum and I got into some of the Easter Candy, we left some for my brothers though, oh yeah, Im renting either Finding Neverland, Brigit Jones' diary, or The Forgotten! Muahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Im soooooooooooooooo hyper!
Peter c.-get the hell away from me freak! Dont forget my restraining order!)

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Sunday, March 20, 2005

   So, I guess nobody wants a spot on my interviews...
Now, I STILL havent found that person whose GB entry I accidentally deleted so anyone who signed my GB around mid to the end of February PLEASE check to see if your entry is still there cuz I ACCIDENTALLY deleted an entry.

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Friday, March 18, 2005

Im lazy 2day so Im just re-posting a post that was under all of my quizzes.
Yay! I just got my glasses! I got a purple pair and a green pair plus a bronze pair of sunglasses! Im ALL better and am writing a new 'Inu's Corner' and Jim Carey guest stars! Well,anywho, if anyone wants to marry Koga or Miroku or Fluffy, gender doesnt matter, in fact, a gay revalation(although theyve all been done) would be great material! Just PM me with the name you wanna be calld by, your 'lovers'(Inu's taken, tee-hee)name and any description you chose to include(I dont really need one)well, we saw Inu bathing until stupid Kagome got in the way and I cannot wait til Fridays episode! K, well

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Thursday, March 17, 2005

   Well, I guess, a little
You represent... apathy.
You represent... apathy.
You don't really show any emotion. You can be
considered cruel and cold, but you just don't
really care about anything. This is just the
way you are... you're quite a challenge to get
close to, and others may perceive you as

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

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<<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics )

brought to you by Quizilla

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Sorry, I cant help it!
Goddess of Loneliness
Goddess of Loneliness

What Emotional Goddess Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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   Ha! Betcha thought I got outta the quiz stage!
Moon Goddess
Goddess of the Moon. Beauty, yet a sadness lurks
about you at times. But hey, pain is beauty,

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

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Yay! I just got my glasses! I got a purple pair and a green pair plus a bronze pair of sunglasses! Im ALL better and am writing a new 'Inu's Corner' and Jim Carey guest stars! Well,anywho, if anyone wants to marry Koga or Miroku or Fluffy, gender doesnt matter, in fact, a gay revalation(although theyve all been done) would be great material! Just PM me with the name you wanna be calld by, your 'lovers'(Inu's taken, tee-hee)name and any description you chose to include(I dont really need one)well, we saw Inu bathing until stupid Kagome got in the way and I cannot wait til Fridays episode! K, well

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