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Monday, February 28, 2005

   Teehee! I took it again...

Your Anime Stalker
by taka
LiveJournal username
Favorite color
Weather outside now
Anime StalkerDuo Maxwell
How many days?87
Status of stalkercheck your closet
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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   Im too tired to post...
Just look at yesterdays posts, Im too exhausted to reiderate.

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Sunday, February 27, 2005

   I know!
Anyone who has recently signed my guestbook, like, from fbruary 16 to now, please check to see if your entry is still there please! Im sorry to whoevers entry I deleted!

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Sorry, Im still asleep cuz I wuz visiting relatives in Hamilton yesterday. Yaaaaaaawn! Well Im still lookin 4 that person. sigh, now I gotta finish my science, maybe science should be spelled 'sigh-ence'LOL!

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Saturday, February 26, 2005

Ha! Internet is no longer screwed up! I just went on a InuYasha printing spree! Its better than shopping cuz you get a hot anime bishounen outta it! Anywho, Im still looking 4 that person(2 posts back) so please help if you are with holding info cuz I like makin new friends!

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Friday, February 25, 2005

Internet is screwed up

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Thursday, February 24, 2005

   *sigh* Another day at school...
Oh, man! I have to go through religion class again? Sigh, I guess I can always look forward to my other subjects, especially business^_^ Business clas is the most funest class ever! Yes, I said it, funest. W Id better go but first, I wuz goin to visit people who signed my GB when I deleted someone accidentally, they had lost their old account and were just starting as a new login, if anyone knows 'em(or if your here)please tell me, sorry bout that.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2005


You Soul-Mate by Keera
your soul-mate
when you meetAugust 10, 2006
how you meetAt the library. He's the cute one hiding behind a mountain of books.
when you marryJune 13, 2010
number of kids4
eye color
hair color
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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   Yo! Well, the pic wuz screwed up so I dunno what I look like yet...

Your Inner Mage (Girls Only, TONS of anime pics!) by Keera
Current mood
What you look like
Your powerYou control plants
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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The Survey Where You Say The First Word That Comes To Mind. Yay.

Created by -ambiguous and taken 45613 times on bzoink!

What comes to mind when you hear..
..snow?That Inu and kikyo pic by Druihd
..rain?ahhh, so serene!
..tornado?Ahhh, so windy!
..summer love?*sob* InuYasha! Please love me!
..dizzy?AUGH! Im having another asthma attack!
..Laura?I aint gay!
..Juan?Is that a name or a poison?
..car?I savin...
..New Found Glory?I-WANT-INUYASHA!!!
..orange juice?eh, Im more of a grape juice gal
..candid camera?I love photography! ^_^
..President?sux!down with goverment!
..sex?not yet nor soon
..death?I hope not soon!
..duuude?is he hot?
..the end?okay.

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

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