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Friday, February 11, 2005

   This emoticon really contradicts my QUIZ RESULTS!!!
The Witch.

What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

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   I really like quizzes
Hiraikotsu is a rather large boomerang. It can slice through opponents or be used to hit annoyances. It does take quite a bit of strength to throw it but it's an effective weapon.

You should wield Hiraikotsu!

Find out Which
weapon from Inu Yasha should you wield.

Hiraikotsu is a rather large boomerang. It can slice through opponents or be used to hit annoyances. It does take quite a bit of strength to throw it but it's an effective weapon.

You should wield Hiraikotsu!

Find out Which
weapon from Inu Yasha should you wield.

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   Quiz Results
Plain Sight

Your Beauty lies
in Plain Sight. Plain, simple and the girl next
door. People tend overlook you as you are the
"normal girl", but you're actually
very beautiful. And you have plenty about you to
set you apart, but more that
lets you blend. People love the stability you have
because as others may come
and go, you will always be there and you may always
be the same. You like simple
things and that's what people like about you. You
most likely enjoy things most
consider normal, like movies, shopping, that sort
of thing and are very friendly
and probably have many friends. You are sweet and
kind and that shows on you,
but you're also strong and not very naive. You're a
rather well-rounded
individual. Even though some people pass you off as
just another girl, shrug it
off because they don't know what they're

Some Things
That Represent You:

Earth, Light Animal: Cat Color:
Pinks, Blues, Browns Song:
Girl Next Door by Pilot Expression: Simple

Alexandrite Mythological Creature: Fox
Demon, Hobbit Planet: Jupiter Hair
Light Brown Eye Color:

"To the world you may be one person, but to
one person you may be the world."

Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::..
brought to you by Quizilla

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Quiz Results
Guys just love...how vulnerable you are!

What Do Guys Love About You? (with pics :3)
brought to you by Quizilla

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   You better have seen All Your Pie Already!(see yesterdays post)
Alright, this is a humorous interview I wrote so keep an open mind...
Cara: Hello, Im Cara Conway! Today Im interviewing Mister InuYasha!
Inu: *dragged onstage* NOOOO!!! I don wanna goooo!!!
Cara: Hello! Um, Mister Yasha, is something wrong?
Inu: *huffy tone* I wanna go home. Jessica’s making pie!
Cara: Weeell, if you stay then well give you a pie!
Inu: Yay! Hey, look! A distraction! *points to door*
Cara: Really?! *Looks* Hey, its just a door! *looks back* Hey! Where’d you get that pie?!
Inu: *Mouthful of pie* Off of that window sill.
Cara: What window sill?!
Inu: The one that is conveniently located in the middle f the stage, of coarse! Y’know, with the pie lady that’s shakin’ her rolling pin at me * turns to pie lady* YEAH IM TALKING TO YOU!!! WHAT ‘CHA GONNA DO ABOUT IT?!
*epic battle between pie lady and InuYasha begins*
Inu and pie lady: *battle cry* *girly slap fight*
Cara: OMG!!! They’re killing each other!!!
The Pie (not the pie lady): Im so delicious! Look at me!
Ark: No! I cant give in to temptation!
Inu: I can! *eats pie*
Ark: That’s it! Your going down boy! *raises sword* Gladiator! Yah!
*Yet another epic battle*
Inu: Buuuuurrrrrrppppp!!!
Ark: Sushiiiiiiiiii!!! Hah! I win!
Inu: No way! Sushi plus half a burp doesn’t count!
Ark: Does too!
Inu: Does not!
Ark: Does too booger brains!
Inu: Oh, yeah, well, I am rubber you are glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!
*Childish argument continues in background*
Cara: Screw this! Im about to be cancelled anyway!
The End

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Thursday, February 10, 2005

   Okay, now is the time!
GO TO LEGENDARYFROG!!! 2morrow Im hopefully gonna post a humorous little interview that I wrote so watch All Your Pie on legendaryfrog.com or half of it will mean NOTHING!!!

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   QUIZ RESULTS!!!*if they work*
You are destined to be with Inuyasha! Way to go,
You! You just got yourself hooked up with the
hunky hero of the story, and an all-around
pretty good guy, even if he'll never admit to
it. What's that mean for you? Well, so long
as you're okay with him pining over a (dead)
former girlfriend, the two of you will probably
get along great! He'll protect you
(begrudgingly), and he'll never let you
down...though he tends to be a little late
sometimes. Good catch! And remember, if he
gets out of line, you can just say that magic
little word... "OSUWARI!!"

Who's Your Inuyasha Soul Mate? (for girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

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   Re: My maniacle laughter...
I apologize, I did the whole 'Muahahahaha' thing cuz I wanted to get out of updating cuz I wanted 2 go to Tim Hortons 4 breakfast. *sob*Im so ashamed! Anywho, feel free to leave angry posts(if youre an angry person), otherwise you can do whatever you do when your mad*anger at self results in putting foot through sceen*Oops! Heeeey...how come the compoopers still working????
Ahhh, lifes mysteries.
BTW, taking business class isnt a mandatory and it might only be in a few schools, like mine!(it IS fun, we just sit on the compoopers and watch the Apprentice!)
Toodles! ...again...

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   *Maniacle Laughter!*


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Wednesday, February 9, 2005

   Waaah! So Tired!!!
Sheesh!Im just so tired!Ive g2g, I have business homework that Ill have to do at school since I dont have any way of passing it back and forth.(our email is screwed up and I wasnt able to convince my nerd bro 2 lend me his memorystick until last night when I refused to leave him alone until he did)

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