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Tuesday, February 8, 2005

   *Yawn* Maybe I shouldnt wake up so early...
*groan*Second day and already Ive found flaws! My homeroom is science but my teacher seems nice, my french teacher is okay 'cept she sat me in the front row of our applied class with people who think Im a genius!(Im NOT a genius and,in case you didnt know, applied means we dont have to apply ourselves in my words)My french teacher only sat me in the front cuz I used to say hi to her when she was leaving my math class! Well, my religion teacher wasnt much better, not only do I have to trudge to a portable but shes a little snippy if u know what I mean. My business teacher is okay though. Alright! I made you force yourself to read this long and boring post so here comes the relief!.......Toodles!
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Monday, February 7, 2005

*yawn*Oh boy, Im exhausted! I couldnt sleep last night, it had nothing to do with the fact that I was up until 11:30 PMing people*shifty eyes* YOU CANT PROVE ANYTHING COPPERS!!!*calmliness*Ookey, Im a little out of it right now...anywho,a new school day has reared its ugly head, *sigh*no more art, geography(we got to PLAY on the computers instead of do work!)or english(I LOVE literature)On to science, french, religion and business studies. The worst part is that none of the people, well, anyone I like or know is in my class! None of my friends or even oneof my brothers(although I have 3 its IMPOSSIBLE 4 them 2 b in my class)Uh-Oh, my mum has awoken so I shall have to part,adios, and

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Sunday, February 6, 2005

   *sarcasm*Great, a new semester...
*sigh*I gotta go back 2 school 2morrow.Boring old school and I dont get out til summer! Anywho, I hope I get good teachers this time. Last semester I had 3 good teachers and one idiot. He was my only male teacher and he was a total dunce! This semester, in the same period I have my only male governed class, I hope hes better than that stupid platapuss(we nick-named him platapuss cuz his lips protruded and he looks like one).*me grandmums accent*Well, me mums tellin me 2 get off of the compooper so Id better get going and finish off me chores, wait a second, why the bloody hell do I 'ave me grandmums accent?
(grandmum:I got real bloody sik of it so I tried to unload the little buggar on you but it seems to've back fired, 'asnt it?)
ookey, well, Cheerio!

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Saturday, February 5, 2005

IM PUMPED FULL OF SUGAR!!! Ahhh...boy, what a great party! We watched Princess Mononoke(hope I spelled that right) and Spirited Away(its just as cool the second time)! We WERE going to watch My Neighbor Totoro (but SOMEONE 4got it)and rent Kiki's Delivery Service(none at the video store) but 4...reasons we couldnt. Anywho, the sugar buzz is wearing off now so I might as well go before I start makin Z's.

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Thursday, February 3, 2005

Man! Why the hell does that keep happinin?! In every battle where InuYasha is seriosly injured its cuv SOMETHING goes through his stomach!!! Sheesh! Do they have bad aim or what?! I mean, I don want InuYasha 2 die, but its gettin really annoying!!!*sigh* Too bad Im not from the feudal era, otherwise Id show 'em a thing or 2 bout aim! Anywho, I had so much fun yesterday! Me and some friends had part one of our two part anime fest! we sat there 4 like seven hours! Lets see...we watched both InuYasha movies...ate pizza...one of the guys ran into a wall...and we watched Castle in the Sky! LOL! Ahhh, Potsu, where would that movie be without your idiocy?
Well, I probly wont be able 2 post 2morrow cuz thats when we're having part two.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2005

I guess Ill just have to accept that Ill have 2 do exams again...as 4 my site suggestion, heres the proper address:
If you go then please tell me what you think cuz alot a people dont like the movies and I wanna see if anime fans think they are cool(cuz we ARE the superior race)
Dont be shy and dont fret if you wanna say something bad about the site, k?

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   To hell with those devios bastards!!!
Haha! *sing-song*I did it I did it I did it! I finished my last exam! I am now free of their hand-cramping evilness!!!
(KT:What about the exams we'll get at the end of the new semester?)
*sob* Toodles...for now...

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Monday, January 31, 2005

Yawn...Im...in...the...middle... o*yawn*f...exams...soooooooo tired! *mumbles*no spoon...no spoon...toooooooooodles...
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Saturday, January 29, 2005

   What about the spoon...
Yo! Now, first order of business, sorry that I havent updated in a while. Ive been REALLY bizy! As for my secret to dicovering the meaning of life, the answer is...
Its kinda an inside joke. If you wanna understand it then go to www.legendaryfrog.com, select the 'heavy' heading and then click on movies. Watch the matrix series and, well, if you really wanna laugh watch All Your pie.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

ZZZZZZ...I stayed up till midnight doing homework, I couldnt sleep til 3, and I had to wake up at 6 this morning! Oh boy Im tired. Well, I dunno what to post so Ill ask you a question that, when solved, will give you the meaning of life*snicker*.
Well, ^there^ it is, please answer either by PM or comments. Ill post the answer 2morrow(unless I cant get on the computer)

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