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Monday, January 17, 2005

   Thanx Guyz!
Wow I have somany visitors now! Im so *sniffle* grateful!LOL!Well I made it through the weekend and wuz still adle to post*smiles*! Well Im gonna be gettin sit commands from my mum if I dont get ready 4 school so Ill try 2 post another acrostic later.

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Sunday, January 16, 2005

   Another one!
Yo! Im just going to post another acrostic, its just a bunch of describing words though.Anyway, here it is;
Holly's man
Overly feminine
Make-up fan

Well, thats it, I have a couple more that Ill post, k.

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Saturday, January 15, 2005

Firstly, Im half asleep right now, k? anywho, I wrote this poem a while ago cuz KT and I got REALLY bored in math. you should first know that my friends (and Holly the most)HATE any girl who poses as competition 4 InuYasha, Koga or even Sessy-poo, so, here it is;

Girl named Kagome
Meet your worst

Now, this only applies to all Kagome's on the show, so all you other Kagome's r safe....For now.
LOL! Bye!

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Friday, January 14, 2005

I am NOT in love with Sessy-poo! InuYasha is the only guy for me! Plus I just say Sessy-poo cuz;
1)easier 2 spell than Sessaumaru(hope I spelled that right)
2)My friend Holly's totally in love with him
3)I just plum love callin him Sessy-poo!
See, 3 valid reasons why you cant judge me on the nicknames I give people!(oh crap, someone IS going 2 judge me now)

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   HeHeHe...I aint even supposed 2 b on...
I dunno how Im gonna find time 2 update this weekend so Im sorry in advance if I cant post.

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Thursday, January 13, 2005

   Jaken, the loyal annoyance
I for one would like to know how Sessy-poo came to hiring Jaken. I mean, Sessy-poo is way too strong to need any help, isnt he? Besides, if jaken hates Sessy-poo pushing him around, then why doesnt he just quit? Maybe theres more to their follower-boss relationship, if you know what I mean.....
P.S. I am quite fond of accusing Sessy-poo of secret intentions and relationships, if you cant tell.

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Finally some visitors! *sniffle* Im so relieved, ha ha, kidding, but not really. Thank you sooooo much 4 visiting though!
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

   Hey! Yeah you! Please,wont you visit me?*puppy eyes*
So, I guess since no one has visited in the past couple of days, that means Im talking to myself. I end y begging you to please visit my pitiful site.
(pleeaassee, for the girl that everyone says looks like Kikyo with a nice personality!)

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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Hey, if anyone cares, Im still sick.
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Monday, January 10, 2005

   Hey Guys!
Listen, I feel like crap, so Im gonna keep this short...
To KT; I cannot believe you wore your Inu sweater to school 2day!
To Frankie(girl); Well, Im kinda outta it so, I guess...youre cool...soooo,whatever.
To Holly; Next time Fraser pokes your butt, kick his scrawny little rat @!$, K.
To all males; Im pretty sure that those 3(plus me)are single *wink*

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