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Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Just testing how to post pics

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Monday, May 2, 2005

   Yawn! Soooo tired!
Well, I guess Im screwed when it comes to posting pics, oh, well, I guess I shoould just count my blessings...1...2...2 & 1/2...ummm, Im running outta blessings! LOL! J/K! Well I gotta go.

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Sunday, May 1, 2005

Happy cuz we scared the shit outta my neighbor but tired cuz I had to stay up til two to verify it. Anyway, I am so proud! I learned how to upload an avatar! Hmmmm, I still dont know how to put pics in my posts...does anyone know how? Could you help me?
Well, seeya!

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Saturday, April 30, 2005

I got to go to Walmart 2day!^_^ I may hate shopping but I love deals! I got a kool summer outfit(Im actually wearing a skirt!)and gummy bears! MUAHAHAHAAAAA! DIE GUMMY BEAR DIE! Ive eaten a LOT of gummy bears if you havent noticed.
Seeya!*rips gummy bears head off* DIE!!!

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Friday, April 29, 2005

   Hey everybody!!!^_^
Im so happy! I had half of yesterday and all of today off cuz of parent-teacher interviews! I ended up baking cookies for my grandma(and some for me) and it was SO FUN!!! I love baking! mmmmm! Cookies! Most are now eaten cuz my 2 oldest bros, me, and my mom...'found'...some broken cookies that needed to be...'confiscated'...yes, that is plausable...well, I managed to save a dozen for me grandmum so Im happy!^_^ I feel better too! This day is goin great!!!

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Thursday, April 28, 2005

   I dont feel well...
Sorry I didnt update this mornin, I couldnt sleep last night cuz I felt sick and I woke up late, slept through a half day, sauntered home and had to act perky and clean stuff so as not to upset my mom what with my grandmums cancer, my fuck-head neighbor and childrens aid(false alarm yet they still wanna take me away! At least I can talk about it now)Sigh, well, I gotta go now.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

   Hiya y'all...
Ooooohhhh! Soooooo tired! I dont think Im gonna make it to lunch even! Sigh, I cant sleep in science french or business but I might get away with it in religion...oh, shoot, I gotta go make my lunch now.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

   Geez, 5 o'clock?
Im so sore and tired and sick and bored and Ill stop there. BTW, I have never gone to a cosplay event but I dressed up like Kikyo for mine and my friend's little anime parties, I had a bow and everything. Cept the jewl was a pink rubber ball. Anyways, thanx for cherrin me up about the test but Im pretty sure I flunked it along with todays business test. Oh, well, I cant get on the honor role anyway since I had an applied class this semester. Sigh, I just found out that when my grandma was getting surgery they found out she had lung cancer and my mums really upset, but Barb's a tough old bird, she doesnt plan on dying anytime soon. Man, I really wanna kick my neighbors ass, I feel like he started a chain of badluck with my family. Im too depressed to keep typing so I guess Ill talk t'ya later.

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Monday, April 25, 2005

Im stil REALLY pissed about the paintball/egg prank but Ill just bitch to my friend and get suspended when I threaten the little bugger who did it. The dumbest thing he did was brag on MSN about how he was on extasey(now I know I spelled that wrong) but Ill stop talking about it now. So that cosplay event, sigh, two reasons why I cant enter;
1. Im Canadian(and proud)
2. I dont have any pictures from when I was Kikio(and I looked GOOD!)
Oh, well, ce la vie, that reminds me I have two humongous tests I havent studied for but then again, I never study and I do a half-ass job yet I still have 80's in every subject! Figures, I went from illiterate girl in special-ed to english and art major in my first year of highschool! BTW, hope ya like me background!

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Sunday, April 24, 2005

I suggest that those of fragile ears refrain from viewing my below post.
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