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myOtaku.com: KannaWithAKatana

Monday, February 7, 2005

*yawn*Oh boy, Im exhausted! I couldnt sleep last night, it had nothing to do with the fact that I was up until 11:30 PMing people*shifty eyes* YOU CANT PROVE ANYTHING COPPERS!!!*calmliness*Ookey, Im a little out of it right now...anywho,a new school day has reared its ugly head, *sigh*no more art, geography(we got to PLAY on the computers instead of do work!)or english(I LOVE literature)On to science, french, religion and business studies. The worst part is that none of the people, well, anyone I like or know is in my class! None of my friends or even oneof my brothers(although I have 3 its IMPOSSIBLE 4 them 2 b in my class)Uh-Oh, my mum has awoken so I shall have to part,adios, and

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