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myOtaku.com: KannaWithAKatana

Tuesday, February 8, 2005

   *Yawn* Maybe I shouldnt wake up so early...
*groan*Second day and already Ive found flaws! My homeroom is science but my teacher seems nice, my french teacher is okay 'cept she sat me in the front row of our applied class with people who think Im a genius!(Im NOT a genius and,in case you didnt know, applied means we dont have to apply ourselves in my words)My french teacher only sat me in the front cuz I used to say hi to her when she was leaving my math class! Well, my religion teacher wasnt much better, not only do I have to trudge to a portable but shes a little snippy if u know what I mean. My business teacher is okay though. Alright! I made you force yourself to read this long and boring post so here comes the relief!.......Toodles!
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