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myOtaku.com: KannaWithAKatana

Friday, April 1, 2005

   WEEKEND AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOO-HOO! Man I almost thought the weekend was never going to arrive! Hmmm, what shall I do...LOL! like I ever do anything but vegitate! Sigh, no one ever invites me to parties, movies or shopping. Sure I hate shopping but I dont give a fuck! oopsie, sorry, Ive been using that word to vent lately...alot...well, I guess Id better go, oh, crap! Now I feel depressed! Why doesnt anyone like me?! Sh-nevermind, I wont swear, for the sake of those with fragile ears. I think Ill post that talk show hosted by Miroku now so no one will see this...Seeya...*depressed*
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