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myOtaku.com: KanonGirl15

Sunday, March 18, 2007

   18/3 2007
Yay! Iīve planned to have a slumber party tonight. Iīm actually soon going to town to buy
all the stuff I need to the party. When I come
home again Iīll call my friends so I know that they can come. It would be fun if they could casue I havenīt done so much this weekend. It was
pretty boring yesterday and itīs boring right now too. I have almost not done anything today except on here when I changed my bg. Hope you like it everyone and if somebody donīt know who the girl on the bg is so can I tell you that itīs
Makoto Sawatari from my favorite anime Kanon. Well... Now I must hurry to the bus so I can come home again and call my friends. Hehe Iīll ask Animated Girl 2 if she want to write about the party casue Iīm pretty sure she would like to do it. So check out her site tomorrow if you want to read about the party.

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