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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
^^^^^^^^^------- leave comment here ^_^

| Was screwing around with my post styles and in the end ended up putting my comment box thing above the post rather than below, and i dont know how to fix it yet. Maybe its fine where its at, thats what will make my site special :)
But yes, got home a few days ago from california, just never got around to posting till now. Nothing new and interesting has happend since i got back...
Am going to lay down now.......paaaaiiinn :(
Ill get to your sites when the tylenol kicks in
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

| Lost internet for a while, so i havnt been able to visit sites and such.
Went to disney land a few days ago, and of coarse i landed myself a cold, but other than that it was pretty fun, went on the pirates of the carribean ride, and some sweet space mountain rollar coaster that was indoors and it was all dark except for stars and nifty stuff like that.
Came home from disney land and got a phone call telling my dad that he had won a hummer, from a draw a long time ago when we went and saw pirates of the caribean in theaters in june or july. Then got a phone call today telling us we would have to sit through a time share presantation first, and cause its my dads last day with us before he goes trucking again and my mom and I are going back to Canada tomorrow, figured it wasnt worth it. Wouldve been nice though, i bet if it wasnt for the IRS tax shit we couldve had a hummer :(
oh well, ive lived long enough without nice things, what wouldve made today any special.
Driving isnt going to be fun tomorrow, 30 hour drive ahead of me, grumble.
WELL! If i dont get to your site today ill make it up to you when i get a better internet connection! ^_^
Cyuh later!!
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Friday, September 15, 2006

| I am in Fontana California right now, im just so glad to be out of vegas i dont care where i am! This was the first place i came to when i first got to Los Angeles and is where we saw all the hobos and the dead dog.
But yes, Did MORE shopping, haha, this time i got a Hollister California hoodie.
Im bored. Me and my mom are waiting for my dad to get home from trucking, and theyll do some stuff.
hmm..theres nothing else for me to comment on, except i watched the new episode of "survivor" and thought it was interesting, cause i lost interest in survivor a long time ago, haha.
Well, whats new with you?

WOOT! FLYBOYS! A must see

Go Airforce!
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
blue and yellow -- the used

| My last night in Vegas (thank god) cant take it here anymore, i hate being in a place where you dont want to go outside. So its off to Las Angeles tomorrow haha, like that will be better, but i really cant wait to go home to canada. I miss my kitten. Did some more shopping today and got a watch, well...two watches, cause the second was practically free. They are nifty ^_^
Found out today that "LOST" season three wont be starting up until October :'( stupid ass' have to tease me. I LOVE THAT SHOW!! the best ever!! super stoked about that. cant wait.
Totally forgot, really scary incident happened the day before i had left to california. I was just sitting in my grandmas basement watching my brother beat my grandma at a game of Dr.Mario when all of a sudden this incredably loud bang noise that sounded like a car had actually crashed into my grandmas house scared the shit out of everyone, i bolted upstrairs scrammbling to find my cat "ducky", i ran outside and a cars front end was smashed completely beside my grandmas house, i was freakin out looking for damage on the house, and of coarse i knew the girl in the car, used to have grade 10 science and grade 12 bio with her, and the truck that she had hit was in my grandmas front yard, (really nice truck! :'() the kid driving the truck sat directly in front of me in my art class last year, had just ran right over a fire hyrant which flew and skipped down the block three houses down luckly didnt hit anyone. Not to mention he was drunk and his truck wasnt insured...hmmm bad day for him. and it was his fault, he admited it. both really nice cars and new.
a peice of debris went right through my grandmas rain spout thing, it was all just a huge mess on the road.
Oh and guess who ended up calling 911. Yup. ME. the second freakin time having to call 911, the first because of a forest fire. the girl i knew in the car kept asking me to call little caesers, so i said okay and my brother was already calling 911 and im like "I HAVE TO CALL LITTLE CAESERS!!" I rip the phone from his hand and there was a woman asking what my emergencie was, so i gave up on the pizza place thing.
fucking weird. the day before my mom and i were going to drive two days to the other side of the continent, a huge accident nearly took out my grandmas little house haha!
very scary and the worst part of it all was the wicked crash noise.
totally escaped my mind till now.
Have a new found liking for techno! haha, its fun driving music! listening to the tetris mix, its groovy!
But other than that nothing new except im sad for what happend in montreal.
good thing the shooter died, im not sorry to say that. I hate people that kill other people and have NO pity for them whatso ever.
Well im out!
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

| Ahhh yes, still in Vegas. Not my place of choice might i add. A security guard at a mall tried to pimp off some guys for me and my MOTHER! very sick and strange and wrong and not good at all. Yes its the "sin city" but...calm down a bit!! The amount of porn here is rather shocking at first, first of all: your always walking on it, second: you buy it like you would a news paper, and there are noooo news papers.
It really sucks being american, cause 21 is a little too old to only START drinking, i started when i was 16 and that was by parental supervision and in small doses of coarse, but its no wonder americans are so screwed up theyre overly shelterd so they become crazy! just like mormons!! (i was once mormon so you cant be offended)
heres a tip: Be Canadian...forever.
Anyways, i went shopping today and got meself a hurricane lighter (blow torch type of deal) its silver and the front is black with a marijuana leaf on it, I KNOW im such a hypocrit for judging my friend for doing drugs, but i dont do drugs to i can enjoy my cannibis leafe lighter! (its pretty) and also an O'neal hat which is sweet too, cause i thought i never looked good in hats till i tryed one that wasnt a visor in over four years, a corona tshirt, and a las vegas key chain that is really shiny and has a spinny dice! ^_^
I was once bubbly with joy cause i thought i outdid the canadians with my new found adult swim. Canada has a better line up after all. Thats Canada for ya' always being better than the world. WHATEVER! ill be back in probebly less than a year. I am Canadian, and after being interrogated at the boarder for an hour, literally, i dont want to be here anymore. :(
woe is me.
How is life treating you? my friend. (notice how its not plurred. no one visits me anymore) im like the hobbit of the otaku. I have left you a long post.
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
gicky travleing forever.

| Me and my mom took a little road trip. Veeery last minute. It was a shock to the system to find out that i was traveling all the way from Canada, Manitoba to California within only hours of actaually leaving. not quite there yet, so we've stopped for the night in Las Vegas, only 5 more hours from our destination, but that was 5 hours i didnt have the nerves to drive for.
Pretty sweet deal i have going here though, (yet another motel 6) but at least this one we have a clear as day view of the city, and the luxor hotel is RIGHT across the street!!! ^_^ (the big black pyramid hotel) theres a beam of light shooting straight up from the peak of the "pyramid" and it looks uber awsome. Tomorrow, i might have to do some premium outlet shopping.
But in other news, i was sad about bleach coming to ytv. yeah, yeah, im soo glad for you canadians STAYING in canada, but i thought ide never be able to watch it without sitting through the download, but here in the states i have adult swim which is awsome too, cause the line up is like: bleach, naruto,(some show with the number 7 in it), and FLCL. SO, ill stop sulking now ^_^
downloading episode 61 of bleach right now...freaking cant remember what episode i left off at!! Thats what happens when you lose internet for months at a time, as the people who wont be coming to my site no more are well aware of. grrr....
maybe ill make new friends!! hmph
anyhoo.. Im tired from traveling and i have a weird guilty feeling for no reason. But, I FUCKING MISS MY CAT!!! MY CUDDLY BABY DUCKY IS SOO FAR FROM ARMS REACH!!!!
well then....
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Friday, September 8, 2006
...friendly fire....

| We changed locations as of yesterday, of coarse we are still going to be living in California, but we now have a house in 1 of 5 gated cities in CA. Its pretty sweet, theres a lake and such, so we might be getting a seadoo ^_^! Pretty stoked about that!
Yesterday, was fun. Went to the bar with my buddies, found a prime spot on the upper level where there were less people and the music was less intense, where we had our own counter with stools to sit at, and played darts. It was pretty sweet. Found a new hang out spot, too bad im only here for a few more weeks.
Remember that friend i told you about, the one that takes ecstasy that lives on her own ( only two of you know) Well, she worked at a resteraunt that her own family owned. And guess what...
Her own DAD fired her a few days ago. How embarrasing would that be. That would suck, and i bet its going to be hard for her to get another job cause she worked there all her life (her one refrence), till she started doing drugs and not showing up to work.
her bad.
Today im going to see "the protector"!!!! Huzzah! gonna be awsome!
And while im here in canada i offered to deliver papers in shilo for a few bucks, some of you canadians might have heard of shilo cause thats where all the soldiers who die lived at.
well, wont make this post to long
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006
boring short posts

| Todays a bit blah, its the season premier of "House" which im excited for but thats of coarse not till later tonight. My three year old cousin was in town for five days and left this morning (thank god) love the lil guy, but you can only take so much at once.
Woke up yesterday and found out that steve irwin had died. I thought that was very strange, i grew up watching his show, me and my best friend would watch it all the time cause we were both going to be zoologists, and by a sting ray? that was different.
I had the WIERDEST dream i ever had in a long long time! Woke up early cause my cousin WAS leaving, but I i have nothing else to do so ill explain my dream; Me and my family (mom, two brother, cat and dog) were living in a small cabin in the middle of no where, and we were expecting a nuclear bomb to be dropped and kill us all, so we were just sitting in this dark cabin waiting to die basically. All of a sudden this shrill horrible scream scared the shit out of everyone and we turned around and this african art sculpture of a baby, painted black was suddenly running accross the cabin. Everyone was scared of it so i stomped on it, and it got angry so i threw it out the door just for the cat to run out into the storm (by the way there was a hurricane going on, and it was pitch black out side) and the stupid sculpture jumped back into the cabin and my cat suddenly became a fuzzy book. Back into the cabin i went after seeing people walking their dogs in a hurricane, and thats when the bombs went off, you could see them in the distance with a strange electrical, booming noise and suddenly i felt scared to death of dieing, and was afraid of what it would feel like and what would happen.
Then instantly i was in a very bright building and had to go up a weird elevator that was just a platform and i nearly flew off of it many times and i crushed my legs and fingers on it when the elelvator would crash into the walls. it was more like a futuristic magic carpet.
But that was it, and it was scary
i love dreams, theyre always interesting.
but yes ill take off now. Buhbye

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Saturday, September 2, 2006

| I dont really have anything to post about, but ive been curiouse to know what my site looks like on your end. For the reason that on my lap top my sites wallpapers and background images work, and my menu bar is the color i picked for it etc. But on my grandmas computer, its brown and black, and no images. Plus my page is stretched out '_'
so yes,just have to know, so i can fix it or not worry about it anymore.
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Thursday, August 31, 2006

| WHAT THE FUCKING HELL!!! Damn you Alberta!! Whats this nonsence about Alberta being the new and imporved pussies wanting to seperate from Canada? Kay. Im sad.
Moving on. Todays a short post, i just have to ask; What does my site look like to you guys? I made my improvements and changed the theme on my laptop, but when i come on to my site from my grandmas computer, its black and brown with no wallpaper, backgrounds or images, plus its all stretched out.
Well thats all for now
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