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since dragon ball and sailor moon. long long time ago (always grew up with it)
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TRIGUN, BLEACH, NARUTO, Black lagoon, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, gundam wing, Gundam Seed, Rurouni kenshin, witch hunter robin, Cowboy bebop, paranoia agent, samurai champloo, fruits basket, wolfs rain, DNAngel, DeathNote, spirited away
To be a Naval electronic sensor operator
anime of coarse, drawing, sports, reading, and other stuff.......i think
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
im back again!

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Its been a very long time since my last post! lost our internet again. but yeah, whats new is i dont work at walmart anymore ^_^ practically just quit though haha, oh well, i get to enjoy my long weekend now. On December 5th im going to the My chemical romance concert! (yay!) cant wait! And im doing pretty good in school lately! im not skipping at usuall like i did in grade 10 and 11. Lifes been good lifes been bad, the same old story im sure.
hows everyone else been lately?
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

| Back! Our friggen internet is down at my house so im using my grandmas computer right now. I was also in florida for a week and just got back 3 days ago, its nice, but i wouldnt want to live there, the drivers are crazy in american for one and either your rich or dirt poor and i aint rich, so that means... shack. Plus we saw two over turnd semi trucks and 3 car accidents and one semi truck had caught of fire and was pulled over to the side of the road and was one of those trucks that transfer cows and pigs, so there was like 5 charred cow bodies on the road and was really sad, cause they had no where to escape the fire from and burned to death.
anyhoo, i went on a bunch of rollercoasters and was super fun! i love the hulk! didnt get sun burnt like i was expecting not that thats a bad thing. (saves me the pain)
Also, ive been working at wal mart for 5 weeks now and havnt received a single penny yet! THOSE DIRTY BASTERDS ARENT PAYING ME! god damn it that makes me mad. grrrrrr....
School starts again in two weeks, thank god its my last year, thats right! high school graduate very soon! YESH! cant wait! go to japan! go to quebec! then Kingston ontario, then ill be on my way to becoming a pilot for the canadian military, keeeeewl! After I move out my parents are moving to San Diego, which im glad but now they wont be a driving distance away from me ;_; not that im tooo broken up about it, but now i have to spend extra to fly on holidays. oh well, i like flying anyways.
So how has everyone been? good i hope. Ill get around to as many sites as possible before i have to leave.
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Saturday, July 23, 2005
good goolly mister!

Sooooo pissed off! GRRR!! I was playing a game called "Luxor" for the computer, and its simple enough: you blast colored balls and get three of the same colored balls together if not more to blow them up and the train of colourd balls is moving and you have to get rid of them all before they reach the end. I got to 8 million plus points, the new high score and it took weeks to get that far and i accidently clicked the wrong button trying to load my game and erased my score!!! FUUUuuuuuUUCk.
Im waiting for Bleach episode 41 to download now though ^_^ which is the only thing keeping me from going insane with rage. Bleach is awsome. Still waiting for episode 144 of naruto, now pissed about the licensing thing that i never knew what it was till now. It better come to canada soon then!
ooooh well..i go camping in a couple of days which is going to be freakin awsome, just me and my friends for a change! But my friends stupid parents have to drive us there which defeat the purpose of us doing this, kill joying basterds. while i go off a mumble profanities and threats, hope you all have a nice day!
ALmost forgot! REading the new harry potter book now finally! now that everyone else is done reading it before me, im already on chapter 11, ide say im making pretty good progress! anyone else a Harry Potter fan?
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
be amazed at the amazing!!!

| Booyeah
GASP!!! I cannot believe it!! LOOOOOKIE AT WHAT I CAN DO!! Do you see it? can you see it?! the amazing image in my post?!
Isnt it just Nifty?!
Im so proud of myself. I had an extreme giddy moment, even MORE giddy than my regular giddy moments!
geeez, its so sexy.
of coarse everyone else can do it to, but for ME to be able to do it is like..... human evolution or somthing.
I survived the most miserable night of my life, working at walmart from midnight to 8 in the morning. See...the old walmart is moving to a new location so it can be bigger, and we have to stock the shelves and its just a massive store so i dont know if itll ever be finshed. I go back tomorrow, but for a noon to 8 PM shift.
Currently downloading episode 40 of BLEACH! HUZZAH!!
well, best be off. i have to see my wonderlastic site again, i know its ugly but to me.....its talent! ^_^

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Friday, July 15, 2005
So this is what ...morning... looks like?


Well i went and signed up for another temporary job today T_T (grr, WHY?!) ive been awake since 7am and im super freakin tired, cause i usually end up sleeping till 3 pm and i think my first shift starts tonight at midnight and could go as long as till 8 AM! I dont know if i can survive this?
Im back in the Naruto obsession phase, i cant any sites to watch naruto, so im stuck jumping ahead to episode 137 from 71 and im lost, i read things that ide wished i watched, damn. i wont spoil what ive read but its huge.
woot! im going camping in 15 days! cant wait.
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Thursday, July 14, 2005

| Sorry about my absences from all your sites...ill be better...ill try
Summers starting to pick up a little bit, my friend has a car she can use now so we drive around a lot and are going camping soon! finally.
well i got a pic of ME on the computer so if anyones interested i can post it....but if no one wants to see the uglyness than i wont bother haha! i wont scare yo all away.
ill get around to peoples sites now hey

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Sunday, July 3, 2005

| Happy 4th of July to all you Americans! And of coarse happy be-lated canada day to the canadians here! Didnt do anything special and terrific except going to winnipeg and watching "war of the worlds" which was freakin awsome!
I applyed at the capitol theater yesterday and will be getting called within the next week, which will be nice!
that tis be all!
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Monday, June 27, 2005

GO TO !!!

What Fruits Basket Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Well...i dont think this quiz result is really me...but i guess ide have to see what the other options are. Perhaps its my fault though, when it comes to quizes its hard to be honest when Id rather just pick the one i like the best haha!
oh well!
We got a truck load of stuff sitting in our house and its becoming a pain in the ass. My mom was in charge of the safe grad party and lots of the prizes that were there for the raffles and silent auction didnt get picked up, so its all sitting at our house waiting for people to come claim it. Some of it i wouldnt mind NOT getting claimed lol, like the cd player....'_'
Thanx to everyone that signs the declaration for "ONE", i know beyblader already has! GOOD FOR YOU! HERES A COOKIE! haha just kidding! but seriously. Im glad people are starting to get really involved in this matter, like the people that can actually do somthing about it: paul martin, bush, etc, i think they have a major responsablity as the leaders of wealthy countries to help out those that need it. We'll see after bush finish destroying third world countries before he can help them.
Just imagin how life would be if earth was still one large land mass. What do you think it would be like? i think thered be less racial tension...but we probebly would have destroyed ourselfs by now. hard to say.
well buhbye!
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Sunday, June 26, 2005

GO TO !!!

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Saturday, June 25, 2005
ramble jamble

| Well, my brother graduated today, yay for him. next year will be my turn ^_^! It made me nervous watching him go up, cause while you walk up to get your diploma they do a grad statement where they read off what your plans are after graduating. Lots of hair stylists....lots. Hes at the safe grad right now, im jelouse. It makes me nervouse though, cause hes in a room with over 300 drunk young adults, even though theyre all locked in a room with OBO, I cant help it.
My brother also got a job today at the grocerie store i used to work at but got laid off because they had too many employees for the very small amount of work that needed to be done, happy happy joy joy.
Other than that nothing happening with ME, i go to school on monday to pick up my report card, not looking forward to it, cause that means returning to the school, grr. Im a little scared of the english im taking next year, its grade 12 transactional, an advance english i think, the highest at least, and theres going to be debates!! AAHHH! WHAT!?! yeah right, i get panicky having to do a little speach, but a debate is out of the question. the person im argueing with will be like: " BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!!" and ill be like "yeah, probebly." *smile and nod*
but oh well, i dont know what these people expect from students like me who just want to get through the school year with all thats left of my pride, and not turn into a shell of a person that im on my way to becoming, taking away all my self-esteem by placing me into debate positions!?
dumb all i have to say.
its 3:30 in the morning so yeah, im a little bit of a crabby pants. so...hope everyones summer has been just peachy! Mines not been to shabby, could be a little more exciting but...its what i expected.
I also just finished watching episode 37 of Bleach! DAMN! that is one grand show! i love it! i love it! i love it! The episodes are coming in pretty quickly! keeping me happy is whats important to these people obviously ^_^ Im still sad that i havnt seen an episode of naruto in a long time though. For lots of sites you have to donate money in order to see the older episodes and i dont want to give strangers drug money. although if they show me some Naruto, they deserve it.
Well... so long and farewell!
Good night, and dont let the bedbugs bite. Cause they probebly have shit in their saliva that make you itchy and rashy and have to pay money out the ass for a stinky cream that actually works. HAHA where i live the worse i worry about is a spider and a misquito! SUCKERS THAT LIVE SOUTH!!! BOWAHAHAHA!!
i love bleach

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