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since dragon ball and sailor moon. long long time ago (always grew up with it)
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TRIGUN, BLEACH, NARUTO, Black lagoon, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, gundam wing, Gundam Seed, Rurouni kenshin, witch hunter robin, Cowboy bebop, paranoia agent, samurai champloo, fruits basket, wolfs rain, DNAngel, DeathNote, spirited away
To be a Naval electronic sensor operator
anime of coarse, drawing, sports, reading, and other stuff.......i think
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
Milton Keynes

so jelouse i wasnt there ;_;
greenday is da best XD

Well..summers been a little bit on the boring side, but tomorrow ill be doing somthing with my friends and going to boston pizza for dinner which should be fun!
well, g2g hope every one had a good daddy's day
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Monday, June 13, 2005
LA LA La La la LAA laa La la la LAAAAA!!!

| For the past couple of days I would start a post then Ide get distracted and exit the site. Ofcoarse time passes and the same thing happens and it builds up, sorry for not getting to anyones sites, and i have looked at Dan Feltons manga but havnt sent any feedback on it, im soo ashamed of myself ;_;. IM SOOOORRRY!!!
LAST MONDAY OF GRADE ELEVEN AND ITS OOOVER ^_^! ^_^! ^_^! WOOT!! This calls for the happy dance, but im far to lazy to do so right now.
Welcome to a new kind of tension all across the alienation, where everything isnt ment to be okay 
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Just a lot of stuff

| Back again finally! Relieved to be rid of that god awfull English exam! By the time i was finished i could barley move my elbow it hurt so badly from writing that huge and pathetic short story lol! It was five huge peices of foolscap long and i had to write it out twice in an hour because we needed a rough draft and a good copy to hand in. I still have to go back for Monday Tuesday and Wednesday though unfortunatly before i can finally say schools over ;_;
I went to Winnipeg last weekend i believe i mentioned in my last post but i failed to mention that i bought the Green Day cd and DAMN ITS GOOD! I love Green Day (Ma heros!) Theyre so funny. My favorite song on their newest album is called "Wake me up when September ends" its sad though, but so friggin good! Slowly turning my site into a greenday shrine but i cant find a good green wallpaper i like, still searching!
Today im going to the summer fair with aaalll my friends and its gonna be a fuckin blast!! Ill actually have money this year unlike the other years where i was dirt poor haha! Theres gonna be a fight though i know it, my friends from our school clashing with our friends from the other school hadnt been getting along lately, im just gonna cross my fingers though! XP
Mr and Mrs. Smith came out today! gotta see that too!!! YAAAY!!
Ill get to everyones sites, RIGHT NOW!!

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Sunday, June 5, 2005

Its really really bad! SORRY! Well...i guess i think its okay considering where i drew it and it was night time where i was using car lights to shade in, uck, oh well i posted somthing and thats all that matters!
Well Relay for life started on Friday, and we got there at 6:30 pm, it was fun aside from the extreme pour of rain, and the path got all muddy and wet and we had to do the walk in our bare feet to keep our shoes and socks dry, therefore i got a sliver...or twenty. I had to leave early of coarse because i was going to Winnipeg the next morning but i had to leave extra early cause i lost my keys to the car. DAMN IT, RIGHT?! Well, i slipped in the mud with my friend on my back cause she hurt her ankle and it took me an hour to notice my keys were gone. But Winnipeg was fun atleast!! I got some pretty nifty stuff.
well please vote on my art if you want and ill get to ppls sites when i get back!
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

| Sickest thing, i was about to go to math class when i found a woodtick crawling in my hair, then when i went to the washroom to get it out i found two more. *shiver* i hate fuckin bugs so much!! damn basterds should all DIE! Lady bugs and butterflys can stay though.
Anyways, its been forever since ive posted some fan art, so maybe today ill do that. Stupid school, if it were summer ide make a drawing everyday! 12 more full school days left ^_^!!! And next year i graduate, how cool is that.
After school ill visit everyones sites who updated today.
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Sunday, May 29, 2005

Ive been a bit busy lately, sorry for not visiting peoples sites, but with this whole relay for life thing, its very tiring. and next weekend will be worse with the actuall relay that starts at 7pm to 7am and i have to go to winnipeg the morning it ends at like 7:30, so it could be quite miserable. I might leave early so i can get some sleep though.
I just got back from seeing "Madagascar" Its pretty funny, and cute ^_^.
well, im super freakin tired, so this will be nice and short and will get to peoples sites in the morning or afternoon or evening or night....

What Bleach Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.

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Monday, May 23, 2005
Late night jabber

| Im so HAPPY ^_^! Bleach episode 32 has come to direct downloading now! so ill be able to watch that tonight and i cant wait!! This post is kinda a continuation of the post below this, cause they were both made within only a few hours of eachother haha, i was hyper and had nothing to do.
Tired from jumping on the trampoline all day, but tomorrow will be harder cause we're building our fence tomorrow and im stuck stirring the concrete T_T, joygasm.
i leave with a pic!

lol poor dude, is it a little ironic that in the background it says "Woman" haha

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Sunday, May 22, 2005

| This is a very late post and i probebly wont get any comments lol, but im bored T_T. I just found a baby spider in my room so i probebly will end up sleeping in the living room tonight lol! I killed it with my alarm clock, ill probebly throw that away to, haha! jk.
but please do later kay ^_^
WELL this might sound bad....but...i went and saw Starwars 3 again ;_; i know!! im such a fricking nerd!! as long as i dont look like a nerd im fine. SO sad!! i actually almost cryed that time, i noticed more little things the second time which made the movie a little shorter and better even! POOOR ANIE! (so cute) sorry. But holy shit has my perspective of starwars changed 100%! I though Luke was the hero and the profecy was about Luke, but it was NEVER about that ugly luke kid! (sorry if Mark Hammel happens to read this)jk, (Stupid Padme ruined Anikins babies! I just want to slap her in the face with my foot!!) But yeah, the profecy says "The one, will kill the sith and bring balance and peace back and such" But Darth Vador kills the sith so...IN YOUR FACE LUKE!
I know im getting all worked up over a fictional movie but, STAR WARS IS REAL!! ha jk everyone.
All i can hear is opera music right now. I was going to watch "Phantom of the Opera" but then i got bord and found the spider and left my room without turning everything off, so the movie is playing to the spiders dead spirit.
I got a trampoline yesterday!

pretty kewl, no?

Pretty, no? lol

:O *gasp* sho shad

There, heres to you Ewan fans.


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Friday, May 20, 2005

| Geez, who knew StarWars could be so deep! Not just the technically and nerdy way either, it was sad ;_; didnt cry though ^_^!
HIGHLIGHT next lines if youve seen starwars already!
I didnt much care for Padme in this episode though! Cause first off, Anikin gave up everything for her, and did things he was against to save her life and she still refused to be with him! If it were me, and if someone went through those kind of great measures to save my life, ide change to the darkside anyday!! Even though Anikin was set up from the start, with the dream, which was probebly planted. Plus she gives up on her babies! Although, if i had an evil, hottness husband like that, ide probebly die too if he tryed t kill me, lol. This movie gave me a whole different perspective on Darth Vador though, I just feel sorry for the poor guy, does ALL that he does, also in the older episodes that are long after darth vador is evil, and only because he was set up by the one person that convinced him he could save his wifes life who dies anyways and only because of what the dark side made him! so complicateing actually...'_'
sorry to those that havnt seen starwars, and cant read the highlighted section, but its all i can think of to talk about!

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Thursday, May 19, 2005
the day...i guess

| Last day of the school week, and today just had to be the hardest to wake up to. Of coarse this is my second slot periode that I over slept through, not that my math teacher dislikes me enough as it is cause i missed his class so many times T_T;. Grrr... Oh well, Today is Starwars day! Today is like Friday to me! Today will be a very easy day now that i dont have to deal with math haha, ill take pictures in photography and ill watch "saving private ryan" in english, since yesterday we handed in our last assignment of the year and have nothing to do till June 10th.
Damn, my friend is really pissing me off! She probebly had a really lame assed excuse for not coming to school today just so that she doesnt have to model for my set of pictures in photography class. If she says shes sick, ill know shes lieing, no one could POSSIBLY be sick as much as she is, unless they are on their death beds. Shes just really unreliable, and i cant stand that in a friend. We were supposed to play soccer for the school this year and i showed up to three meetings where she didnt show up to one, cause on everyday there was a meeting she was sick. So then shes like, "yeah, i dont feel like playing this year anymore, maybe next year." Theres no way shes going to play rugby with me next year like she promised cause shes such a bad lier. Ill bet Because im never mad at my friends if i make a big deal, shell probebly get mad at me, and just like everyother time i get a little heated with someone we'll just stop being friends. (no wonder im not a people person)
anyhoo, im done!

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