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Friday, April 22, 2005
Giggidy Giggidy Gig Gig Gig, OH RIiiGHT!-- Quagmire


^_^ Guess who doesnt work all weekend!!??! YUP! my mom! jk, ME!! Sorry bout the lame joke but im so hyper and chatty. Ill finally get to watch episode 60 and 61 of Naruto in about an hour, i tryed twice today to download it T_T' I remember when i was downloading episodes....cant remember, but it took like 12 hours and i was waiting for it to finally finish, and i left the music running while i went out to get a drink, and when i returned it said that windows was restarting!!! AND IT WAS AT 99%! After 12 hours of annticipation, my computer becomes a freakin retard! im beginning to think its possessed and is out to get me o__O' what did i do in a past life to piss off a computer?....hmm.... oh well, Akunamatada!
(if thats how you spell it, and for those who have seen lion king) Anyways, im only hyper for so long so i best be off.
p.s. Ill probebly read this over one of these days and wonder what you people did to deserve this

to infinity, AND BEYOND!

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Thursday, April 21, 2005
gee golly mr!!

I feel so guilty lol! I was given a letter with a list of dates that i have been absent for from school and it was two pages long ;_; and i had to get it signed by a parent so my mom signed it as well as left a ton of notes explaing them all, so i scribbled the note out, and the school liason called my mom at work to ask what the notes all said o_o... luckily my mom and the guy had a sence of humor about it and im not in trouble lol.
Apparently one of the days i worked some guy was almost beaten to death by five guys with crowbars next to one of my stops while i work early mornings. One of the other paper guys that does their job at the same time as me saw it happend and had to call the cops, ah god, how freaky. So for now on i dont leave for work with out a knife or somthing. lol i wish i had maise! You start to really notice all the bad shit in town when you drive all around it all morning as a job. On saturdays if i work, i leave for work the same time as all the bars close, what a safe job eh? hahaha......ha.....oh.
The end
buhbye! |

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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

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Monday, April 18, 2005

lol neji's so cute!
Nothing fantabulous happened lately except that i watched "amityville horror" that was a pretty freaky movie!! ^_^ lol, whenever somthing pops up i cover my face, and i had my M&M's in my it kinda hurt more than usuall. ;_;
well thats it!
buhbye |

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Friday, April 15, 2005
school work stuff

Im realizing just now that im no good at writing poems, I dont know where to start or end or anything!! I cant just write about anything i want, which could be my problem today but for an english class assignment we're doing a "slice of life" project where we have to do so many written things for an experience in life of our choice, and the only one i could think of to do it on was my first roller coaster ride, not to personal, but not really lame either. I know someone thats doing it on their first 'airplane ride', and all i could think about was my first airplane ride where it was night time and i was in a window seat but all i could see was the side of the engine and that was all i could hear to, our conversations consisted of screeming in eachothers ears. Plus there was the thought of how scary i would be to still be alive while falling like a rocket ship going in the wrong direction to my death in a burning airplane.
But anyways, i have to do a poem, a short story, a brochure, a journal entry and an advertisment all on my first roller coaster ride, T_T wow. joygasm, here i come.
better get buisy i still have to take pictures while its still daylight!

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Thursday, April 14, 2005
blah blahblah.....

yay for long weekends! ^_^ but of coarse, i work. oh well, just that much more money to go towards my car :)
Apparently im not allowed to take cameras home from photography anymore o_o, i lost my privlage some how...i talked her into letting me take one home for the weekend though cause im so far behind. I dont really care, but still, i dont know what i did to make her mad and she wont tell me T_T'! (shes just weird that way i guess) teachers hey?
I wish i had more intersting things to say, but as far as excitment goes in life... thats the climax.
-54-029.jpg) -47-098.jpg)
aww..poor wittle hayate

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Sunday, April 10, 2005


I watched "Sin City" last night. Stupid people rated it 'R' so of coarse we had to download it off the computer at my friends house, not as good of quality, but it was the movie no less. Im not normally a big elijah woods fan specially in lord of the rings but he had such a kewl charactor in sin city, how could you not like him!? lol, jhonny boy....yup.
I might be getting a car for my birthday ^_^ of coarse ill be paying for half of it, and its going to be "used" ;_; but...wheels are wheels right? I was at the mall yesterday and there are so many kewl things i need to get for my car (mwhaha!) my birthdays not for 19 more days though :( any time before summers good though.
Kitty goes into the vet tomorrow and gets f-i-x-e-d, poor baby. but its better than him going crazy in the house or running around outside and get picked up by the psycos in our neighbourhood and have god knows what happen to him. We can never seem to get the right collar for him though, we got him a harness when we first got him but it was too big then yesterday we got him another harness cause the last one got lost, and it was to small, then today we got him a collar and it got stuck in his mouth while it was on and we had to cut it off T_T, geez.
buhbye |

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Thursday, April 7, 2005
Just a bunch of nothingness

Come come paradise!
Woops, i accidently put in yesterdays post with todays post. sorry ppl, i was fooling around with some html stuff for my site and i was using a previouse post to test it ;_;. So yeah, dont worry bout my wallpaper staying in place haha!
I think ive been watching too much naruto lately '_', i had another dream of it lol, so ill be holding back a bit perhaps. Im finally bout to watch episodes 45 and 46, theyre almost ready. yeah, so much for me holding back eh.
I was just downstairs watching oprah for the first time in my entire life, and it was really good though, some reporter girl went into the most dangerous maximum security prison in America to interview people and i mean, at first i didnt really care what would happen to these guys in prison, cause all of them had hurt someone at one point in time who was mostly likely innocent, from murder, rape, assult, robbery, drug dealings etc, to getting raped themeselfs til they bleed (sick eh!?!) then they showed a fight and zoomed in on a dead guy and blood was just seeping from the back of his head. And Whenever theres a big fight the security guards can open fire on the in mates. All i can say is these people chose to be there so how much sympathy can you give them? Ide only feel pity for the bank robbers that never hurt anyone while doing their crime. I tell yuh, I havnt seen a fight like a prison fight before though.
well yeah, thats whats on my mind for now

He seems to be enjoying that book all to much lol!!! aww, oh well ^.^

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Hey does anyone know how to get my background image to stay in place? I have a code, but everytime i add it to my intro, everything below it wont show up. so if someone could help that would be awsome!

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Sunday, April 3, 2005

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