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since dragon ball and sailor moon. long long time ago (always grew up with it)
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TRIGUN, BLEACH, NARUTO, Black lagoon, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, gundam wing, Gundam Seed, Rurouni kenshin, witch hunter robin, Cowboy bebop, paranoia agent, samurai champloo, fruits basket, wolfs rain, DNAngel, DeathNote, spirited away
To be a Naval electronic sensor operator
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Saturday, April 2, 2005
spring break...i think

This was sure a slow week, im almost glad its over, cause now we just have 3 months of school left to endure and the sooner it starts the sooner it'll be over. Plus i never slept very well during my spring break...dunno why. But i worked at the winter fair for three days this week, and i can guarantee it will be the last time i ever volunteer for something as excrutiatingly boring! On my first day of working there, i worked for 6 hours and the second day it was 4 and the last was 3 hours, but because everything was free, from the newspapers to the draw, i just sat there, and sat there, oh, and i watched people go by. Plus it smelled like horse shit because its the "hic" fair. Good news is i managed to make $104.00 from enduring hell. ^_^
We got free tickets to the
Avril lavgne concert in winnpeg. Not that i much ever cared for Avril, but its an excuse to go into winnipeg, and itll be somthing to do eh? Suddenly "Avril" just seems like a really weird name....meh. Do you ever get that where you say a word so many times that it just sounds strange? Dont worry bout it, im not exactly what you "norm's" call "sane". ha jk... or am i?
well, im done babbleing away!
Buh Bye
p.s. This is freakin wierd!! last i checked i had 1244 votes on my art with 81% and not one person voted since and it just jumped to 85%!!!????!!!!???!!!??!
did i miss somthing?

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Sunday, March 27, 2005
easter, dreams

Last night i finally downloaded an episode of naruto!! of coarse it took exactly 10 hours to do, but i can only imagin how populare that site is. Which is why im starting the next dowload now, and wont expect to watch it till the same time last night to watch it.
anyways, HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!! I got my easter choclate last night, and today we're ordering chinese and watching movies and stuff. yeah, easters not exactly a full out holiday for us where you cook and decorate etc, but its fun.
Had the weirdest dreams for the last couple of nights, i wont go into detail like i just did with my mom, and it doesnt sound as crazy cause theres a lot of jumping from one place to another, so it confusing to other people, but me and my brother were witch hunting, and i shot alec baldwin in the head with a gun, and decapitated a goblin with my sword, and the sky turned green. And we were running through the woods and we kept coming back to this cave, so we waited and just as somthing came running out full tilt, i woke up.
NOTHING worse than an incomplete dream.
oh, and so much for that whole theory of "when you fall in your dreams and you hit the ground you die". well NO! I drove my van over the edge of a bridge and i fell all the way and hit the bottom where theres train tracks, bounced off the ground and into a river. (These all happend in one night by the way) .......ill leave.
happy easter again

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Thursday, March 24, 2005

| Spring break officially starts for me today! Im also going to be working at the winter fair the whole week, but ill be making $8 an hour for like maybe 5-6 hour shifts, pretty nifty. Ive been planning to be a RCMP officer for a while now and our city was just handed tazor guns!! how cool is that lol!! people who are dangerous and crazy deserve to be tazored mwahaha!!! I dont work all weekend or have any homework, yay for me.
well buhbye

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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

| School is optional today, because its snowing like crazy for 2 days now, and i work tomorrow, that includes driving all around town. Joygasm!! Atleast theres only two more days of school left till spring break, thats the good news of the day, and im also trying to find time to post a new drawing but before that can happen i have to draw one. I also dont have to work everyday during spring break like how i thought i was supposed to because the guy im sharing the rout with isnt going away for spring break any more, less money, but more sleep for me! well, ill get around to peoples sites now,
 What Wolf Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

| This stage crew thing, not such a good idea, im really far behind in math and chemestry, like in chem, NO idea what im doing! and i had a math test today, NO idea what i was doing! oh well....ill catch up soon enough. I havent been able to watch an episode of naruto since we changed internet, and i want to watch it so bad now that i finally got past the part that ive already read the manga for. well g2g, luch is over and im late!
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
school play crap

| Its been a while since ive posted last! Ive been a bit buisy with this whole major production that im back stage crew for. It starts at 9am and ends at 10pm everyday, im home for a supper break that only lasts 1 hour. We perform today for the first "unofficial" time, a school from out of town is going to watch the play's dress rehearsal, which i have to find suspenders and grey pants for yet '_'. yeah, backstage crew has to go on stage once in a while while the curtain is up ;_; (embarrasing)
I cant believe i missed the last episode of Witch hunter robin!! AHHH! and no reruns either, cause YTV is bringing Hacksign, i want to see that, but sad about WHR, oh well. The variety is nice
Im on a time crunch, gotta go
Sorry that im not getting to anyones sites :(, after this weekend, things will go back to normal!
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005

| im in math class right now, i wont have internet at my house till tomorrow ;_;
But yeah, i was awake since 4am today and worked till six and then had to walk to school T_T. i got that job though! i made 45 dollers today, and somedays ill be making 125 dollers, only in one day! my brother maybe makes that in 2 weeks! man, i got a sweet deal on this job
well, g2g *teachers glaring*
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Sunday, February 27, 2005

| Well yesterday i was convinced to dye my hair. In a way, i didnt want to be blond anymore considering everyones practically blond, so now i have a light orangy red color of hair, i think it looks pretty dern kewl! So im even more content now than before! Also yesterday i got a new watch, i havnt had a watch in 5 years, cause i just keep losing them or breaking them, but i really like my watch, so it might survive, unlike the other watches ive owned in the past.
Tomorrow i find out if i get the job i want or not! im really hoping! The job im applying for is to be a box agent for the brandon sun (city news paper company) so every morning i take one of the company cars and replace yesterdays news paper with the most recent one and collect the money from inside the paper...dispencer box thing (box where you buy papers from on the street) If i did it by myself 7 days a week ide be making $1200 a month! but i want some time off to sleep in and stuff, so ill only be making 600 a month and share the job with my brother. In the summer ill be working full time, and ill get a car in no time! Or go to Tokyo japan in no time lol!
well, that sums everything up!
Buh bye!
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
*yawn*...........*yawn*.........................*yawn* T_T'

| Well, yet again, i so happen to miss: Gundam seed, inuyasha, and witch hunter robin ;_;! If anyone knows what i miss, if you could tell me that would be nice ^_^! This is the second weekend in a row that i missed them.
Its 10am now, and at noon i have to go with my friends and paint sets for the school play, (theres one big one every year). it might be fun, but i sure wish i werent so tired -.-
I watched episodes 17, 18, and 19 last night of naruto, they were the episodes where zabuza and haku die, it was sad ;_;!! i dont remember in the manga everyone thinking sasuke had died also, even though its obviouse sasuke hadnt died, it was still sad. Now, On to the chuunin exam!!XD
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Friday, February 25, 2005

|  What Ninja Class Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
I finally reached 2000 hits took long enough eh? Im now ranked 191! ^_^ Todays gonna be great, going out to lunch with my friends, then coming home, watch "saw" then "amittyvill horror" then gundam seed, inuyasha, WHR, and then when im the only one awake ill get my 3 episodes of naruto! only 30min to wait for my day to start :).
My arm hurts :(, i never did anything to it, but its been feeling like this for a week now! My mom keeps insisting on taking me to the emergency, but i hate going there -_-'. Ill only go there if i really have to haha. well i probebly should go, im might not be able to get to anybodys sites today, but for sure tomorrow
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