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M e a G a n
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since dragon ball and sailor moon. long long time ago (always grew up with it)
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TRIGUN, BLEACH, NARUTO, Black lagoon, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, gundam wing, Gundam Seed, Rurouni kenshin, witch hunter robin, Cowboy bebop, paranoia agent, samurai champloo, fruits basket, wolfs rain, DNAngel, DeathNote, spirited away
To be a Naval electronic sensor operator
anime of coarse, drawing, sports, reading, and other stuff.......i think
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Sunday, February 13, 2005

| yay for gundam seed!! The show is getting to be really good! i wouldnt be surprised if cagalli or whatever her name is, is a coordinator as well! That would be pretty kewl, I also have a theory that the dude leading the zaft people (blond guy with the mask) is her father. Just a theory, but in the first episode shes like "father! why did you betray us!" so.....yeah. I was also wondering when inuyasha was going to introduce cat demons! Its just with that whole dog vs cat dealy-o, it took them long enough is all im saying ^_^ lol i thought that was funny with inuyasha playing with kagomes cat, and was just so amused by picking on it lol! I laughed.
Very soon ill be going to see boogyman with my friends! I cant wait to get out of the house. I watched "sky captain"...thing, and it was weird, then i saw "Ray" and i cried, then i cleaned my room! its sparkling clean now, and i finally moved the litter box to the basement now that ducky can run around the house whenever he wants (my cat if you havnt noticed lol) So its all good at Meagans house!!
well, when i come home ill see ppls sites! (is it just me or was the site all buggered up for a while?)
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
LOST, damn school

| I was just watching the music video "Home" by three days grace, and i couldnt help but notice how much the lead singer reminded me of Ethan from LOST. (They almost look identical!) I cant believe Ethan died because of stupid charlie. (I dont like charlie) (i dont like jack either) I like sawyer though lol!
that ends my thoughts on LOST
5 minutes before chemestry ended the teachers like "oh yeah" for homework tomorrow, do pages 17 and 18. on page 17 theres 7 questions, but on page 18 theres 53 questions!! KAY!!! After school is OUR time to do as we want, its not an extention of school, sure a lil homeworks okay to catch up, but not a days worth of work! c'mon retard, get with the program!
*eyes turn red*
I also watched american idol for the first time ever, It made me angry! They had to do group perfomances, and one girl couldnt remember her lines to save her life, so instead of her group helping her, they show her the door, and they went to bed. After they perfom the girl is sent home because she couldnt remember her lines even though her singing was really good, but a group of guys that waited to practice the day OF the performance, and didnt know a single word practically, and they were allowed to stay!! not cool.
tomorrows friday!!
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005

|  The Assassin.
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
So yes, anyways. Today wasnt so much of a success as it probebly could have been and its only getting worse, seeing as how i had spent half an hour typing a post just for my server to be a bitch, and for the site to be a bitch, and lose it all. Frusteration is very painfull in my opinion. (it hurts the brain, very much so)
I woke up with a cold, and my colds are never ending, as soon as i lose one, i gain one. One of the downsides to a cold, is nosebleeds, of coarse mine JUST had to occure in my english class while the teacher was explaining "conformatism" (or somthing or other) during a class discussion, and i end up spending 20 minutes in the washroom trying to stop it.
Im bord. Im home alone. Im now sick. I still stand by the fact that the world is, over rated, why must humans be so retardedly fragile? My immune system is nothing more than just an idea, i swear i could catch a disease just by thinking about it.
I realize this is a cranky post, so heres somthing cute and cuddly to look at!

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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
Blah blah bloop...............blah

| Its midnight and i finally got around to only a few peoples sites. But my cat is being psycotic, and when that happens... there is no rest for the wicked. Its Tuesday...yay *dull excitement* Today i got back my first math quiz results and it said 2/8, my first reaction was "what the bloody fuck" and when we corrected them, clearly i had gotten most of them right, but he had marked them wrong for some reason....strange how we entrust our future in these beings called "teachers" o_O' Someday...ill be a teacher to (wow?)
Well there goes my thought train for the day, and you lucky fellers, were fortunate enough to see them!! "who am i kidding?"

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Monday, February 7, 2005

| Well, well, well, meagan finally succeeded in getting a ranking in the 200's! yay for me! I got my internet back so ill be able to visit other peoples sites.
Also, my team won the superbowl :P !! yay patriots, i felt kinda sad that the eagles lost though, cause one of them was crying at the end, plus it wouldnt be like the first time the patriots won the superbowl. Oh well.
*gasp!* After highschool im going to japan for a year!! Since im becoming a teacher, im going to be teaching english for that year. I dont even have to know japanese, but you would think it would be helpfull (really really helpfull) all i have to do is take a 5 hour class or somthing and a seminar, or somthing (not fully sure yet. But the woman i spoke to that did the same thing, depending on the school you work for, somtimes they pay for your trip into japan, and for the apartment. Ill be visiting peoples sites now.
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Thursday, February 3, 2005
just a lot of blah blah blah

| I love how the days go by so fast at the start of semesters, and then they feel long near the end before our 2 month break. I just realized that almost everyday someone asks me if i have a smoke? I just finally gave up wasting my breath on saying "no"...its annoying after a while i tell yuh!
We have a substitute in english and hes promising us all these trip to get ice cream and candy and stuff, its so kewl! I havnt done anything like that since the last day of grade 10 and it was cut short because of a tornado o_O Today was the first day that the weather was in the pluses! it had better be a warm summer this year unlike last year where it was too cold to do anything outside. Last year, we got snow in june, now how depressing is that?! and now the snow is melting at the beginning of february! (not that im complaining)
Today i saved most of my drawings on photobucket, and put them in the art forum in gaia, so i can get other peoples opinion on other sites, kinda kewl! (i get gold while im at it ^_-, for those who understand gaia)
Plus im getting a cold, *single tear*
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
just a few pictures


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Monday, January 31, 2005
wow, what a boring post.

| *sigh* first day of our second semester, and nothing could be more boring than going over a ten page, coarse outline. Math is moving way to fast, in english we're already discussing "oral pressantations" T_T', in chemestry...nothing, just discussed the new rules, where we cant wear backpacks in the school and we cant wear hats, touqes, and coats indoors, or wede be suspended.
Fortunately, i have a spare last slot and no longer have to take physics!!! why? because i looked into what zoologists really do, and i didnt want to work at the university forever, and it just wasnt what i wanted anyways, so im looking into being a teacher of some sort. (kindergarden!! woohoo!) insead ill just get a couple of dogs and live in the country. gotta have your goals. I believe that tops it all off
buh bye

lol this pic is great

poor wittle inu.. i just watched this episode ^_^ on friday that is
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Saturday, January 29, 2005

i just thought this pic was so kewl! so i had to post it
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
how psycos are created

| I hate my town. The only station on the radio that played good music suddenly switched to country!! my...god.. its now called "101.1 farm music for country folk" what kind of inhumane joke is this!! Theyve already got how many country stations, then they come and invade our station. I wish i had an mp3 player or ipod so i wouldnt have to worry about it.
*SIGH* ....watever
Im officially done my first semester! this morning i woke up at 7am (before today i havnt wokent up before 8am in years) and wrote a 24 page math exam T_T' it took 2 hours and 10 minutes exactly to finish, and even then i skipped a few questions cause one, was obviously wrong! i did it though even though it was impossible, it was a cosine question where 2 sides were 19cm and the angle was 132, you have to find the bottom side length, but the answer was 0....hows that possible? dumb. *shakes head* then i didnt know what the "breaking point" of a graph was, and we NEVER covered that! grrr..... all my friends that took that exam had all the same problems as me.
haha, your all probebly saying "this kid needs a nap".... your right.
im done venting for today! >_<

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