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Friday, March 23, 2007
Aizen, my silly villain ^_^

| HA! I changed my site... not the theme of coarse, just the colors lol! Aizen is still my number one man. Im loyal, what can I say!? O_O
There really isnt anything to talk about, I had a melt down earlier today, 10 of 65 people in my brothers group in basic training was sent to "fat camp" cause they failed the fitness test lol! Oh shit, thats gonna be me!! Its pretty slack, but its really annoying how they go easier on the girls, Its like: *In the middle of a war*, "The men have to run all the way to safty, but the girls can walk!!" PFFFFT who the hell are they helping here?
whatever, see if i care >.> *sob* Another on my list of angry letters I have yet to send.
Other than that, I seriously had another extremely and painfully boring day, one of those days where your in pain from sitting to much?! Thats the one. and I missed "LOST" on wednesday, Im hoping to find it online, cause im really sad about that haha!
Well, hope you like the new colors and that Aizen is starting to grow on you! ^_^ BWAHAHAAHAA!
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
Arm yourself cause no one else here will save you. James bond babay! Is the hottness!

| Im amusing myself by making more wallpapers, and I made my FIRST greetings card ^_^ teehee! So proud of myself, with sooo little effort, I can do soo little!!
Well... I found out today that my best friends boyfriend has a best friend who hot? o__O We met a while ago before I left for California, and it wasnt the greatest first impression, he did somthing less than immature. I got him back for that though >.> probebly even more immature but it feels good to be spitefull somedays haha!
So now hes curiouse as to whether im interested in him or not, and being interested or not isnt exactly.... the matter at hand. Im only going to be in town for a few more weeks and then im being shipped off to Quebec, then Im going to be bouncing around from there where ever my career takes me. I have no room for boys right now. Im kinda sad for that though, hes actually kinda cute to!
*siiigh* woe is meeee...
I think im going to have to change the size of my post box thing, cause its streching my grandmas computer screen. Its resolution size is 800x600 lol! I miss my laptop in the worst kind of way.
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
I like cheese and cheese likes me! ^_^ < where have I heard that from?

| Well, I posted a new wallpaper haha! Its my simplest one yet, but I like it better than my hyuuga one. Anyways, thanks for the headsup on 'Steamboy' I got some mixed feelings about it, but ill rent it just for somthing to do anyways ^_^
Finished reading "Lord of the Flies" today, I thought it was an excellent book, sometimes the conversations kinda irriated my head a little, but the author was correct in keeping them unintellegent to a degree -cause these are kids- and they went in circles -for all the right reasons- and I just wanted to slap them ALL for being dumb lol! Stupid boys, IM JUST KIDDING!!
Poor piggy. I thought Simon was cool, I know all of you are probebly like: "whatever, I dont know what your talking about", but I just want to draw him going crazy lol! British talk, kinda confused me a bit to. Its one of those books that make you think long after your done reading it, I wish had gotten to read it in school (thats for you hitsukuya ^_-) just for somthing new! We read 'Of mice and men" almost every single freaking year, we also had to listen to it on tape and watch the movie several times, and romeo and juliet. That drove me crazy, I hate repeating things. -_-
I havent had my job interview yet unfortunatly, but Im positive now that ill make it through it! I HAVE TO!! For the sake of not ever stepping foot in a college, that wont be good for my health.
mental. health.
Thanks for your comments and patience, cause I know im no role model for being a good friend and getting to everyones sites to comment. '_'
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Monday, March 19, 2007
FAN ART< and la dee duh!

| Well, my brother is gone and had started basic training today.... or yesterday. I watched a video about what Ill be faced with during basic training while attending my brothers swearing in ceremony into the military. Aside frot the pointless yelling, and nit picking from our P.O -I think theyre called- It looks like it will be very fun, and Ill make lots of friends, and they say 'life long' friends. We are asigned a platoon before training starts, I believe its 60 people max, and we work with that group till the end etc etc.
ANyways!! I finally posted Resenguns request art!! I know!! FINALLY!! lol, I hope its all good. In the little amount of time it took for me to finish it, its amazing how long it was before I could scann it and finish it on photoshop. Geez.
Went to the library and picked up a few books to occupy my time, Im already half way through "Lord of the Flies", Ive heard so much about it that I had to lol!
Have any of you guys seen the movie "Steamboy"? Its an anime, and I saw a trailor for it a long time ago and remember it looking really good (even my brother was intrigued o_O), I was thinking of renting it, but since I dont have a blockbuster card at the time Ide ask your opinion on it... hopefully atleast one of you has seen it haha!
Mmmmm....aaaand that is all I can think of at the moment, I hope im getting better at getting to your sites even though I dont post very often!
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
life and all its crapy glories

| Hey everybody! Sorry Ive been pretty lazy and unmotivated when it comes to posting or even getting on the computer long enough to get to anybody's site, but I figured since posting in the middle of the day wont have its reprocutions, that ide do it now! Im also working my way around everyones sites.
Today my application got mailed off to the recruiters... Im really nervous now! They should be calling in two weeks time to arrange the interview date and all, and after that I probebly have a week before I go into winnipeg. Im supposed to be studying for the interview, cause on the site they encourage that we prepare by giving us the questions that they will possibly ask during our interview, and they are odd to say in the least. Ill be printing off the questions and be thinking about them till the interview time so I dont go in looking like a complete incompetent retard.
Not worried though! ^_^ last night I told myself: well, If I fail then I can go back down to california and see my DUCKY!! Hahaa, Not that that would be a good step to look forward to in my life, cause technically thats back tracking. The fact that Ive moved away from home, and im not a 40 year old virgin, im quite proud of myself lol! ^^
But yes, yesterday I went on a 2 1/2 hour bike ride with my brother, it took forever cause I had a goal to reach but we were riding against strong winds in the country area, and of coarse its still winter... my hands were cold, and they feel bruised from putting all my weight on them. My legs were so sore and felt like they were burning all last night from it to lol. I had let my muscles atrophied over so many years of being lazy, I have to re-develope them ;_;
Bought Casino Royale today, I cant wait to watch that!! But me and my brother has to wait till my grandparents to fall asleep before we can really watch it without interuptions haha. I also saw '300' in theaters, and thought it was just the coolest movie ever, I hadnt gotten so excited to see people die in a long time lol!! Good stuff I tell yuh!!
Im also done my request drawing for resengun ;_; BUT I NEED A SCANNER!! Omg this is driving me crazy lol!! Ill get that up ASAP I promise!!! -_-
well, thats all for now.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Back in Canada again!

| Uck, Im back in Canada atlast, and its not shaping out to be as great as I thought it would be. Well, my flights were alright, from my connecting flight from Denver to Winnipeg though there was a blizzard in Winnipeg prevented us from being able to land after we had actually arrived 15 minutes ahead of schedual, turned around to Bismark North Dakota to refuel, so I ended up being 2 hours late instead. Then I spent a good 45 minutes looking for my grandpa at the airport before I found out I had to take a shuttle home. The guy that drove me home was very strange, he brought cookies and juice for us (there were 5 other kids in the van also) and he was singing along to EVERY song on the radio, and was particularly happy when a backstreet boys came on lol. LOTS AND LOTS of snow though! On the way into town from Winnipeg the highways were closing down cause of all the traffic accidents, a semi even collided with a greyhound bus o_O
Its 8:00am right now, I was awake ALL night and I feel sick as hell from not getting any sleep due to my allergies. I thought it was my cat that I was allergic to, but whatever it is, its in my grandmas house. Of coarse I have a headache too cause I had some to drink last night, I never get good sleep after drinking any amount of alcohal...maybe I should stop lol! Oh well, Im glad my friend is on msn so I have somthing to do so early in the morning, its going to be a long ass day though lol.
It also appears that my grandma doesnt have a scanner...o_O Im pretty sure she had one! Ill find a way to scann my drawings though.
hmm...OH! My brothers interview with the military went well, and was paid $120 up front, which is sweet cause ill get the same amount ^_^ if I dont do so well in the interview thats not going to be as great as I had thought, apparently college tuitions are being increased 40%!!!!!! What the flying fuck?!! As if college wasnt expensive enough without them nearly doubling it, geez! We'll see, I dont think that will fly over so well, they cant make it impossible for people to get an education (imagine the interest build up after that jack in price) humbug
Well, Thats all for today! Ill get to as many sites as I can!

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Monday, February 26, 2007

| I have a new wallpaper up! ^_^ Yeah, this one im actually pretty proud of haha, I spent more time on it than the other two.
Geez, other than that there isnt much to update on. I finished my Aizen drawing, that I had posted a while ago, im sure most of you have already seen it, I just darkened it, colored in his eyes, and added some color to the background.
AND only three more days till im back in Canada!!! For the most part im pretty excited bowhaha! I just dont like air ports.
I just watched the oscars...Im beginning to wonder what the point is in watching them if I havent seen half the movies that are nominated or half the people that recieve the awards. Martin Scorseizy or however you spell his name finally won an oscar for 'the departed' which is a really really awesome movie! I also had no ide that mark whalberg was arrested 25 times o_o lol, silly.
Well, sorry I havnt been on the otaku much, my mother has been guilt tripping me into being awake and spending time with her and my brother till I leave, which is part of the reason why Ive been having a hard time finishing my trades and requests. Sorry!! SOON!
well have a good day people!!
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Friday, February 23, 2007
lah blah blah

| ^_^ I just finished watching episode 116 of bleach!! That was a really funny episode lol, but...can we say perverted writers? Those are some people that clearly never get layed -_-' and then takes it out on their poor fans. Geez, nice people (lamers).
Sooo...Earlier today we got a phone call from my dad just shortly after he had gotten into an accident. (Hes a truck driver) Well...him and his partner are fine, cause his partner swerved just in time to avoid a head on collision with a drunk driver that was in pursuit by the police. Not being a complete miss, the drunk driver had clipped the truck and the passengers head shot out the window and put a surprising dent in the trailor of the truck. the passenger died, and apparently lost his head, the driver survives of coarse, isnt that how it always works out in the end?
People who are dumb enough to drink and drive, while putting the lives of everyone else on the road at risk, doesnt deserve my sympathy in any case. Bah! Thats including the people dumb enough to get in the vehical with them, and encourage their stupidity.
Oh yes! Yesterday I uploaded a new wallpaper haha, I completely forgot about that, it might look a little familiar, just different charactor ^_^
Other than that, nuff said!
hope you all have a good day!

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007
oh dear

| Kay, so apparently people are scared off by long post lol! Well...Ill try to keep them medium in length.
There were some questions and skeptisism that came from yesterdays posts ha! But not to worry ^_^ Im NOT on drugs, and I do not smoke, those were mostly experimental type things that never took. They were easy to quit cause I only did it maybe once, and all the people I knew that did it, I didnt like which was a turn off all on its own. I became even more of a health freak, and it was just gross... haha!
I have 2 ear peircings on each ear lobe and one on the top of my ear, I pretty much only use the bottom peircings when im getting formal. My tattoo is maybe a little bigger than a Canadian two dollar coin. It didnt really hurt, the outlining kinda felt like a person poking a bruise, but the worst was mainly the irritation when he did the coloring. It depends where you get it done though, closer to bone and the kidneys is the most painful place to get a tattoo (is from what I hear) Plus theres the pain threshold variable.
My Rabbits. My rabbit had given birth one day, to only one bunny. My rabbit was really young herself and being domesticated and all I dont think she had the nessessary natural instincts. They were both in the cage and the mother was blocking our view, but from what we could assume she was cleaning the baby. It was a MAJOR relief! When she moved, only half the bunny was left, but was still alive. My dad took it outside and finished it off. I had another rabbit for 13 years, since before kindergarten and when he got really really old he began to have seizure type things, and appeard to have a hard time holding his head up. Came home one day, and he had died while we were at school, stupid brother asked if it was natural, stupid answer was 'no' and that my dad had to help him die. It was out of mercy of coarse, but it still pisses me off that they couldnt have it done properly. Some people would say its not worth the money to have a rabbit put down...Ive never heard of it being done, but theyre only small, quiet, motionless versions of dogs right?! Thats not all the rabbit stories I got, but none of them was really anyones fault. I had lots of rabbits kay lol! I adore those cute fuzzy babies!! *squishles*
Im not as bad of a person as I probebly let on lol! Just as always, the bad things were on my mind at the time. (I didnt skip class enough to get expelled, just the occasional time where I refused to get out of bed) and Ive never failed a class in my life.
Okay now! The OCD lol! Its really not that extreme, but I have a contamination issue, I used to leave class to clean my hands, I dont like to and will not touch things (including other people) I have to use liquid hand soap. I have irrational anxiety attacks to certain sounds (clicking and other people eating lol) and uneveness...blah, I piss everyone off with it. I also tap on my pop can 9 times before I open them for some reason, I dont know why or how it started, but Ive been like this since I was maybe around 6 years old.
A group of people at my school did an experiment where they did a mould scan or somthing like that as a project, and they found that the classrooms were more likely to make a person sick than the bathrooms O_O I can see why though, people spend more time hoverd over a desk and sweating and other gross crap where sweating is not far from urine, than in the bathrooms. groooosss.
This post has gotten longer than I expected, but thanks for everyones support and comments for both my site and my art, and not being scared of me now lol! ^_^

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
A speil of a whole lot of nothingneess!!! XD

| Eight more days in California, only eight more days left with my kitty, and im sad for that. Oh well, haha. Im starting to get nervous of the whole thing, my younger brothers interview to get into the military is on the same day I head back to Canada, and when the recruiters called they said to dress formal, and to be prepared for the interview cause thats where most people! o_O I thought the military was desperate lol! Not that thats why im going into the navy of coarse, they say they dont want people going in with false expectations. Kinda weird, what kind of false expectations? Im pretty much expecting the worst of the worst when it comes to getting up early and training and staying on top of things, I know all the duties ill be responsable for etc. Interviews make me nervous though lol, and I get on and off, mixed feelings of whether im ready or not. I also found out my brother is going to be there while im there and who knows for how long. I thought he'd be out before I came back up, so I didnt get stuck sleeping on the couch. Such a shame, I have such a nice huge, comfy bed for only a few more days!! *strokes bed* "Ill miss you the most."
My mom is all like: "oh! Youll be on your way in only a few days!" Thats not what I want though ;_; she insists shes not pressureing but I know that if im still unemployed by the end of March Im going to get lots of angry/disapointed skype calls. Ive also officially decided to hide from my 'friends' while im there which will be ......................hard cause they are everywhere (theyll find me, and there will be some explaining to do).
The last time I was going to see my dad in what could be years was yesterday, I think I kinda ignored him though, didnt talk to him much, nor did I say bye. Just so you know, me and my dad dont have the greatest relationship, not that we'de fight a lot it was more that we barely spoke to eachother. I was a teenage girl with problems haha, (and he embarrased me a lot lol)! He killed my rabbits toooo. Plus him and my brothers are alike when it comes down to doing all the many things that aggitate me in the ways of my Obsessive compulsiveness T_T
In this family, how can I be OCD? man alive!! *shakes head* I make it sound like my familys crazy right? Its true though, not so much the five people I grew up with, but I got murderous grandmothers, psycos, drug addicts, perverts and then...hans christian andersen ^_^ lol! Yeah, apparently Im related to that guy, have you heard of him? I think hes best known for toys, or somthing like that. My dad also claims we're related to big named people that just CANNOT be validated...I wont even go there lol, its not worth mentioning. (like..medevil era! dont know how to spell)
I said I would tell a little about myself, although I dont know what to say! Uh, letsee.... Im 18 years old, Im a highschool graduate, Blond, blue eyed german/irish/scottish/danish/english/frenchy... HEY! My family got around okay lol!! Apparently my grandmas great grandfather was a "loyalist" kicked out of America and all that glory! yes, so proud! I have one true friend who I dont hate, and many more who are drunken junkies who got me started on smoking (Which i no longer do, It was easy to quit haha!) Because of them I tried pot, then got caught, skipped class so much that I was threatend with suspension (me suspended? O.O). mmm...I got a tatoo when I turned 13, small blue and black kanji that says tiger on my right arm, 5 ear peircings all of which I dont use. Im not emo, goth, punk or any of the rebellious over used teenage stereotypes, and to be honest dont know which category I fall under o_O Im a confused, very shy person I guess that very much loves anime that no one ever hears about (closet fan bowhaha!) *sigh* yeah
Ill stop there, I dont want to leave such a long post that no one wants to read, and will leave comments like "oh! thats great! bye!"
If theres anything people want to know, I suppose people could ask ^_^
Found another great song today ^_^! I now have THREE anime songs that I really really like lol! The one im listening to right now is called LIFE by YUI, the 5th ending theme to bleach. Its cute.
THERE!! Teeheeee! A very random uninteresting and possibly retarded post, but....................... that should give you somthing to think about!
AND AIZEN! Your glasses are to bright!! grr

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