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Thursday, January 8, 2004

| IF I LIVED IN CHINA IDE BE PROTESTING RIGHT NOW! and ive decided to stop eating meat, i hear its more unhealthy for you than smoking! when i grow up, im going to have a farm with all these animals and i aint killing them, and theyll be my familly! lol shut up! talk to the hand! just kidding. nah im sticking with the zoology thing or rescue center for the tigers and civilcats! 
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| If life wasnt so boring ide have somthing to write, obviouse enuf as it is. well now i know for sure im quiting my job, and perhaps ill be working at a theater next, (not that im exstatic about it) but working at a friggin grocerie store isnt exactly "YAY FOR BAGGING SNOBBY PEOPLES GROCERIES, FOR SNOBBY PEOPLE! JOYGASIM!" maybe working at a theater ill get into movies for free hey! no....well maybe. i need a hobby. you know i dont have a hobby? i dont draw often enuf for it to be a hobby, watching tv isnt a hobby to me, (neither is computer stuff) well ill be doing somthing with my friends tomorrow woohoo, i hope we get hyper, its always fun when your hyper, better than drunk, but thats me. well ya thats all for now, if not..meh. ttyl chillins (new word by the way) for me at least:D
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|  Your soul is bound to the Solitary Rose: The Alone.
"When I wake up alone, the shades are still drawn on the cold window pane so they cast their lines on my bed and lines on my face."
The Solitary Rose is associated with loneliness, melancholy, and patience. It is governed by the goddess Merope and its sign is The Sword, or Unrequited Love.
As a Solitary Rose, you may be summed up as a hopeless romantic. You desire love and have so much love to give, but thing just never seem to work out the way you want them to. In life, you can be very optomistic, even when things are gray and nothing works out to your expectations.
What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To? brought to you by Quizilla

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|  Riku
Which Kingdom Hearts Character are You Most Like? brought to you by Quizilla

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Tuesday, January 6, 2004

| That had to have been the longest school day ive ever had. the temp rised about 20 degrese so i had to go to school. well, if you havnt noticed my sano pic is posted and i think its actually doing pretty good, i was a little if'y about it cuz i had to do so much touch ups on photoshop, and you know how i am with photoshop (suck!) well thanx crosscarsamarai for the nice comment (and wolf of darkstar who prevented me from beridding it instantly) perhaps i will keep it up after all lol, and hopfully everybody else isnt like "DELETE IT!" :D well i shouldnt ramble on about a whole lot of nothing eh. so ill seeya l8er!
bye now!

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Monday, January 5, 2004

| HA dont worry about rating my sanosuke picture cuz if it gets posted im probebly going to delet it, cuz it sux.
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down with hockey! ha jk

| GOD DAMN AMERICANS!!!! jk guys, im half american myself. *sigh* well sry wolf of darkstar but as it turns out the americans won 4-3. :( hopfully you didnt bet to much lol. well i guess im alright with it considering the americans lost twice at the olympics (both men and women) so..congratulations america :)
well the drawing im posting isnt exactly "naraku" lol i did some sangosuke guy from rurouni kenshin, oh well i still like it and ill just do naraku tomorrow cuz i probebly will have the whole day off this time :D YAAAAAY!
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hockey, cold, school, pix

| grrr, ive got, frost bite in the worst kind of way its 50 BELOW :'(, my parents let me skip the afternoon. and all the bus students get to stay home plus our van is frozen and wont start! and hey, theres that big hockey game goin on, so wede be watching that in all my classes anyways(not that i could afford to lose time with semester turn around coming up) last i checked canada was ahead 2-1 against the U.S. woohoo! not that any one really cares about hockey, but oh well.
well since i got some time i think im gonna draw me a picture :D probebly the Naraku picture below hey. bubi!
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Sunday, January 4, 2004

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