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since dragon ball and sailor moon. long long time ago (always grew up with it)
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TRIGUN, BLEACH, NARUTO, Black lagoon, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, gundam wing, Gundam Seed, Rurouni kenshin, witch hunter robin, Cowboy bebop, paranoia agent, samurai champloo, fruits basket, wolfs rain, DNAngel, DeathNote, spirited away
To be a Naval electronic sensor operator
anime of coarse, drawing, sports, reading, and other stuff.......i think
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Sunday, January 4, 2004

| oh god, im not looking forward to school tomorrow at all! how can someone fail ART!!! well i am, and its not nesassarally because im bad at it, but my teacher marks hard because shell tell you "well i almost gave you 100% but just to be interesting im giving you 80% instead." she actually said that to me once, maybe not such a drastic change from 100 to 80, but, somthing like it! well this is the last year i take art, and thats a promise, to myself at least lol.
is there anything else i can do with my site? anything to make it more...interesting? it seems kinda boring to me. i have a background that dosnt show, i had music on here once, but, i took it off, so ya. im just bored and i need somthing to do ya know? well i guess ill go now ttyl!
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Thursday, January 1, 2004

| CANT WAIT TILL 1 O'CLOCK! of coarse its one in the morning but hey! 5 episodes in a row of inuyasha!!! theyve got this big animania thing going on for the new years! the only downer is that it seems thier not showing gundam wing this time. they do every other time... but anyways i saw the last samarai, and it was acctually a really good movie! it pisses me off though, stupid western style, that would be awsome if they still had samarai's! ide be one in a heart beat! ide of coarse go on and on about my favorite part and stuff like i usually do after i see a good movie, but i shouldnt spoil it for you if your interested eh? its of coarse a typicall american movie though (no offence) where an american saves the day. but it sure makes you wish you lived in japan back in the day, practising your sword fighting sure sounds more like fun than school work!!!! well im sorta just waiting for dragonball gt to end, reruns. well ttyl
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Tuesday, December 30, 2003
what do they mean?

| Heyz! i hope you all had a spectacular chirstmas! i know i did. now im bored untill new years :( at least i dont work all week but i sure am getting a cold witch of coarse dosent make me happy in the least! yesterday i spent 7 hours straight watching "friends" its the best show that isnt anime! my arms hurt like hell from toboganing and snowboarding, and i keep having dreams that im fighting in wars with swords, and one part made me sick, cuz after i killed someone i would lose my grip on the sword and it would fly out of my hands and i would yell for someone to lend me thier sword and someone gave me a knife instead, so i used the knife to stab a guy in the head. ive had 2 dreams like that in a row:S im not a violent crazy person that all i think about is war and sword fighting but my dreams are just like that i guess! stupid eh? well ttyl! bubi!
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Tuesday, December 23, 2003

| Well my picture is posted, hope you like it and rate it to please! i was supposed to have another dragonball picture posted and i must have uploaded it 20 times (literally) but for some reason its just NOT, ya know, i did everything right, it just needed the approval thing.
Today was a good day to start with my pic got posted and so far it has a good rating, i helped bake a bit for x-mas eve tomorrow, and i took the dog into the hills, it was great, then i came in and i got a phone call to come into work for 5 hours, then my brother started to piss me off, then my dad, then the dog, and now im feeling all shitty. and i work boxing day too, like i really want to eh?
but im done my ranting for now ill ttyl bye.
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|  Heero
The One Deep Gundam Wing Personality Test brought to you by Quizilla

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Sunday, December 21, 2003

|  Which anime show are you? Take this quiz to find out! brought to you by Quizilla

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|  You're a swordfighter! You are strong, brave, and probably the leader. You carry a huge sword and have powerful physical attacks. You can take on almost any enemy, any time, and usually have great limit breaks. Everyone likes you! Swordfighters: Cyan Garamonde, Cloud Strife, Squall Leonhart, Tidus, and Auron.
A cool Final Fantasy quiz: What type of FF fighter would you be? brought to you by Quizilla

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bluh bluh bluh bluh

| YAY! Guess what! what, you ask. well! I gotz a new drawing on its way, just as soon as i can get near a scanner, so it should be posted in the next 3 to 4 days. Its gonna be of daisuke frome DNAngle, i havnt seen the show yet but i like the chactors. Well when it does get posted i hope ppl will rate it:D. OH and thanks to wolf of darkstar for making me feel special lol jk! well i guess i could explain it but you might as well just go to his site eh? very nifty well ill talk to you ppl later then. have a nice day!
p.s. arent you glad you read that? jk bye
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Saturday, December 20, 2003

| Holy god, i nearly ran over a town worth of pedestrians today, its so buisy because of christmas and all. i was a foot away from blowing over some woman, a car was hiding her and she just came sprinting out not and she was looking behind her. so ya i was freakin out. she was lucky as hell, that would be sad to die 5 sleeps before christmas. but, here i am having a nervouse breakdown!yup , im done all my christmas shopping so i dont have to worry anymore. yay ttyl
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