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Memorial computer achievment award
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since dragon ball and sailor moon. long long time ago (always grew up with it)
Favorite Anime
TRIGUN, BLEACH, NARUTO, Black lagoon, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, gundam wing, Gundam Seed, Rurouni kenshin, witch hunter robin, Cowboy bebop, paranoia agent, samurai champloo, fruits basket, wolfs rain, DNAngel, DeathNote, spirited away
To be a Naval electronic sensor operator
anime of coarse, drawing, sports, reading, and other stuff.......i think
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Saturday, December 30, 2006
blah! ASprin!

| My god! I have such a bad stomach ache right now! And my back is starting to hurt to :( Its late and ive spent most of my day on the internet chatting with friends on msn and theotaku, which is new to me, but also fun.
Mostly cause I got a lame ass guestbook signing from some queer bag bashing us Canadians!! But im glad hes not Canadian and tainting my country with his neo-nazi bull shit.
My cat almost got away on me today lol, hes usually really good at staying in our backyard, but its not safe for him outside with the hawks and the coyotes. poor kitty!
Saddam Hussein was executed today, he deserved it, but I think the Americans were too involved in it, and it makes me uneasy. But...horrible person, gone with the wind.
so...With that said, I need to be happy again, I think sad thoughts today. baah.
goodbye yall! Ill get around to sites as they update! ^_^
haha got a little carried away with the virtual pets lol! After today ill only keep browny :(

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Friday, December 29, 2006
gobbly gook

Yeah, nothing to dooooo! I felt lucky to be able to leave the house. All I did was go to the Ontario Mills mall where I found some stuff that I really want, but I have no money. Ive never mentioned it before, but I collect zippo lighters (no, i dont smoke haha ^_^) But they certainly are niffy little gadgets, And they make fire, soo...Nuff said right? Not much of a collection though lol, I have more swords than lighters o_O Ill say I collect swords teehee! jk, I dont. Im set for life with the amount ive got. (4)
$188.88...holy shit. I wont spend that much on a lighter, but... I suppose if you had a job, haha! jk

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006
holiday crankies

| *sigh* Woke up tired this morning dieing in my sleep cause my allergies were smothering me. I love my darling cat to peices, but I really cant wait to not feel sick all the time!! I actually WANT college to come! Im just always afraid that what with moving away from home and having to do everything myself will be overwhelming at first, but....ill grow up adventually.
So all I did today was shoot my brothers with paintballs with my new blowgun lol, and went miniature golfing to pass the time. So of coarse my obsessive need to keep score and win, clashed with my brothers desire to cheat all the live long day and to-just-have-fun corny attitude. Even now at midnight they are bitching worse than girls about that. Lamers.
They just have to accept me for the good and the bad. bowahaha.
Ooooh, I kicked my dads ass at monopoly!! Every time we play, EVERY time we play monopoly, its always us two battling it out at the end and everytime he wins, but today I won!
shining moment for mee. not that great for you lol!
Well, Im gonna start being a good girl and get to everyones sites.
have a nice day

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Christmas and more!!!!

| WELL! I hope you all had a fantastic christmas, cause I certainly did! Woke up this morning by my dog jumping on the couch and licking my face till I woke up, cause the dog was more excited about the fact that it was christmas than we were haha! Shes so cute ^_^ she got a presant, and some how she new today was special (doggie intuition)
For christmas I got: 3 katana's (small medium large, set type of thing) Very spiffy! and a wall mount for that. My dad got me and my brothers blowguns that you can put painballs into or little dart things haha! Cant wait to try that out tomorrow, Season passes to knotts berry farm (Rollercoasters ^_^) a chin up bar lol, (HEY, I have to get in shape!) Rainbowsix las vegas for xbox, a new live membership account for xbox, the new balderdash game (really fun) and of coarse, it wouldnt be christmas without...cloths. ^_^
So once the presants were opened and we had nothing to do, we went to Mission Beach, which is in the pacific ocean in san diego, went swimming, its so fun getting under waves when they cap size, even just standing a few feet in the water as waves roll in, you get knocked off your feet and its coooool.
After that, we went to sea world lol, first thing we did was watch Shamu the killer whale, and ended up sitting in the 'soak zone' and shamu was being a flamming biotch and kept dumping 50 below temp water all over us lol. We never got dry, and were cold, but we saw the sharks, and the belgium clidesdale horses from the budweiser commercials and the donkey!! crute.
Had to have a shower immediately on return just to warm up.
how was your christmas? What did you get and what did you do? ^_^

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Sunday, December 24, 2006
mah DAY!

| Had a really fun day today!! Ill sum it up in as few words as possible.
First off, I woke up at 1:30pm today, was able to sleep in my own bed for the last couple hours of that, felt soooo damn good! Me and my brothers had to pick up my dad from work, but it took us two hours to get there on the freeway where it would normally only take us half an hour, for the reason of STUPID RUBBERNECKERS!!! On the other side of the road was a massive crime scene, and as it turned out there was a shoot out and there were several murders o_O not far from home...kinda worried.
So after waiting for my dad at his work place for an hour in a half we went to that restraunt "medevil times" where theres a dinner and a show, it was really funny! It was really expensive though, but it was fun. Our knight kicked ass.
Got to ride home from dinner in a 2005 mustang which is a sweet difference, from a V4 engine to a V8 (weee!)<--jk, its a rental cause we only have 1 vehical and 8 people.
Came home and played poker with my 2 brothers, dad, and great aunt till 1am, it was really fun, everyone was drunk so everything seemed funnier haha! My dad won :( with some fangled made up hand.
Toays Christmas eve!!! I doubt many people will be on from now till the end of the holidays, and I cant really guarantee that Ill be able to, so... Merry christmas everyone ^_^!! Ill be sure to post again and get to everyones sites on boxing day!
buhbye people!
P.S. OKAY! I watched a really funny movie trailor today, called "Blach sheep" you should watch the movie trailor, at its only showing in australia right now, but give it time!

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Friday, December 22, 2006
time for christmas die hard : )

| Well, this was the first full day that my grandparents have been here! Havent done anything fun yet though, but christmas is coming up soon haha!
I just got back from seeing the movie "blood diamond" it was really good, but hard to believe that people are actually like that. People's idea of civil war is to go town to town slaughtering people as spite against the government, (talk about low IQ)
Had an odd experience at the theatre too, usually the clean up crew comes in and starts working AFTER the movie right? Well well well, today, some retard decided to come in NEAR the very end (and still during the movie) and bookit through isle after isle in search of garbage and climbing over the seats like a freakin psyco monkey. He even startled me at one time lol. I wanted to bitch him out... or spit in his mouth. haha, you know i would to right?
*siigh* fun times. Well, I found out today one of my buddies back in canada got cancer again, she fended it off the first time but then it came back, so now she has to have surgery, geez. One of the funniest people I know has cancer, its sad. Glad cancer doesnt run through my family, although alzeihmers does.
Cant remember if i got around to anyones sites today, sorry if i didnt!

haha i love what ratio says about gods of death

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
christmas ramble

| Just as I was getting good at posting daily, I get lazy. Actually Im sure it has a lot to do with the fact that theres nothing to talk about!
My grandparents are coming tomorrow from canada! Pretty excited about that, its only been a few months since we left canada, but I had gotten used to seeing my grandma every day for 18 years, grew up with them always being, I miss them. But what sucks is that we have no spare bedrooms, so my grandparents are sleeping on my bed while I have to sleep on the couch! what a drag, not being able to sleep on my amazing bed on christmas holidays!! ;_; oh well. Nothing wrong with putting seniors first.
What did I do today...? Ive read up to chapter 38 of deathnote now! And im also on episode 5 of fruitbasket, and episode 2 of wolfs rain! ^_^ I read one chapter of that That was so stupid, it was all manic and had basically no story.
Other than that, Im not sure how much im going to be able to update or get around to everyones site till january, but of coarse ill make an effort! I visit sites before I post anyways, thats how it usually is for me.
man, what a boring post.
P.S. Finall touches were added to my contest drawing, haha! Last time I touch this one for a while. Ill never be fully satisfied, but im beyond caring anymore ^_^ I like it reguardless of whether it wins or not.

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Sunday, December 17, 2006
...anime? finally! A TOPIC ABOUT ANIME!!

| Sooo...I just read the first 6 chapters of 'death note', not to shabby ^_^, its proving to be rather interesting (apparently to the writers of deathnote, marijuana is addictive lol!). AND I also watched for the first time, after all this time, the first episode of 'DNAngel' ^_^ yesh! I also got the first episode of Gundam Wing, but it took 3 hours to get and its still not complete. (how old school haha!) I read a thing where they said gundam W first aired in japan in 1994, and is it ever dated! haha oh well, i still like it a lot!
Ill probebly even get to watch fruit basket, hellsing, hunter x hunter, trigun, wolfs rain, and yu yu hakusho, just to name off a few ive heard so much about that I havnt been able to see till I found this site. I believe...? I guess I just havent been looking hard enough and in all the right places.
uck, its 5 am and im not tired at all!! I woke up today at 4pm so that might have somthing to do with it. *sigh* I miss sun light..., nothing special happend today anyways except my mommy got one of my christmas presants today ^_^ score
Greed: | High
| | Gluttony: | Medium
| | Wrath: | Very High
| | Sloth: | Medium
| | Envy: | High
| | Lust: | Very Low
| | Pride: | High
| |
Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz
LOL Ide say im an honust woman!
In my deffenc about the "Lust" thing, most of the questions were for married people humh!

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Friday, December 15, 2006
Gross....its still on my carpet

| My god, I just had a heart attack! It was the most Ive felt in the past couple of boring ass weeks, so it actually was nice. So yes, what happend was: little innocent me was sitting on my bed listening to my music and tinkering with photoshop and what not, then BAM! What looked like fuzz blowing accross my bedroom floor, I swing a glance at what just happend to be the biggest spider I ever saw that wasnt on the discovery channel!!
I had five different murder tools in sight, but out of panic I just nabbed up my laptop and squished it into the carpet I JUST vacuumed. Poor little devil.
I dont know what it is about spiders, I think just before we're born as humans we're all flies. I mean come on! My cat has hurt me more and I adore my squishy kitty to death, where spiders...if it were'nt for them we'de all be dead!
man alive. I freaked OUT!
so yes, Ive decided to leave my house tomorrow. I know steps. There just hasnt been anything worth leaving for, Im NEVER working part time/retail again (not after the Wal-mart incident) Therefore I have no money, and I thought in California Ide be dodging death everyday you know, the fun stuff? But nope.
Well, right now im addicted to that Gundam Seed ending theme song: Annai isshodaate no ni, by..I dunno who (somthing about sea-saw?), But its just groovy. d ^_^ b
What IS it about spiders and jolts me? hmm.....iiinntereessting.

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
A lot of random shit teehee

| So dad came home and sad news about his trucking partner, he got fired. Apparently he was a little dangerous on the road cause he would drive for more than the 11 hours theyre supposed to drive and he had major road rage, but I met the guy once and seemed like a nice enough guy. Truck drivers here are pretty racist to mexicans so he was walking by a mexican and he said "hey buddy" and nudged him with his elbow, but it apparently hurt the mexican and he complained. so, thats pretty gay in my books.
I remember on the drive here to California, we saw a massive car accident, signs were actually refering it to a "wreck", there was a semi truck jack-knifed on the road, the cab was completely upside down and the top was all smashed in. Man, that was a slightly disterbing sight to see, esspecially since my dad drives in those for 4 weeks at a time.
Ive seen some carnage in my day while traveling, and that was the worst accident ive ever seen. Not the saddest, but the worst. The traffic was backed up litterally for miles people were actually playing football on the side of the road, and not just one group of people either.
So, moving on. I found out today that im an accident o_o lol yes, an unplanned birth. both me and my younger brother. We had a really funny conversation about that my older brother was ragging on us cause he was "planned" he would go on that thats why hes the favorite and such, so my younger brother came out with this smart ass remark: "Two accidents and one mistake"
Holy shit, I laughed so damn hard I cried, coming from my little brother, I was proud.
OH remember my demented friend I keep mentioning that only recently was nearly beaten to death by her boyfriend? Well, He's in jail (for another reason, other wise hed be there for 25 years for attempted murder), but he gets out in June. My friend says she still loves him and wants to see him again but if he hits her again she'll go into a coma. If a person is afraid of being hit, DONT SEE THAT PERSON! shes soo Dumb! Thank god im here and not over there!! Other wise IDE kill her.
I spent a lot of time today on msn. so thats all for today peeps! Thanks for your comments ^_^
some pictures for no reason

wow, gundam wing sure brings back memories ^_^

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