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TRIGUN, BLEACH, NARUTO, Black lagoon, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, gundam wing, Gundam Seed, Rurouni kenshin, witch hunter robin, Cowboy bebop, paranoia agent, samurai champloo, fruits basket, wolfs rain, DNAngel, DeathNote, spirited away
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Wednesday, November 8, 2006
definition of; Tmesis: putting one word in the middle of another word ex: Fan-diddley- tastic

| Heres a dinky little post for shits and giggles.
I do have a new drawing in progress, but I dont like it so much, so I might not post it...ill think about it.
Ive made 200 fanart comments as of today hurray! ^_^
aaaaaaaand.... done
P.S. if you havnt played "saints row" for xbox 360 yet, its very addicting! (and "dead rising")
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Thursday, November 2, 2006

| HEY everyone, sorry I havent updated as recently as I said I would, but I just got internet connection today :) and a dial tone on my phone, and dish sattelite.
Ill spare you the details, cause not much has happened at all since I got here....rather boring. There was a forest fire recently and the air was all smokey and nasty from a deliberatly set fire that killed 4 firemen. There wasnt even any trick or treaters this year, when i left canada there was lots of kids out on halloween, and here in california where its hot all the damn time and your costume isnt ruined by having to wear a coat, boots, and a touque, NO ONE! only at walmart. Whats the point anymore I ask. I dont think halloween will be around for many more years, which sucks. I used to loooove halloween.
Christmas time now.
Oh yes, at my high school there was a real lock down, some kid was going to bring a gun to school, but someone told the cops about, so the cops went to his house and found the gun, but the kid never took it, and he also wasnt even a student at my old school, but apparently on the intercom they said "this is not a drill" and shit haha! Kinda gay hey?
but yes, time to visit ppls sites!!

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Friday, October 13, 2006
travel doom

| Im off!! Its to California I go, and its going to be a hellish trip, and hopfully I live. I had a long night last night having a last minute party with my friends at the home at 2:45am. Woke up at 6:00, and im still crying over my sore legs! ;_;
Ill visit sites as best I can but we are loading the U-haul as I write this, so I cant be lazy for to long.
Be back hopefully by wednesday at the latest!
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
New Yorkers cant fly now?

| Oh good. The snow is here. Technically yesterday was our first snow fall, but today it has proven that its here to stay. Normally I would accept this change as a good thing, cause I have more fun in the winter what with skiing, snowboarding, skating, tubing, etc... but its no good to travel in! Which is what I have to do again on friday :( Back to California I go ;_;
I DONT WANT TOO!!! Im excited for it I suppose cause Ill get to sleep in my brand new bed with my brand new pillow top mattress and blankets, and ill have my own bedroom for the first time in months, ill get to watch t.v during the day, ill get to watch my anime FINALLY, and itll be sunny and hot when I get there! Its the GETTING there for the third time this year that kills me. 30 hour drive, and now we not only have our little v4 engine vehical to drag there, we have a U-haul on top of that, in the snow.
Last night I began my first drawing that ill be posting on the otaku in over a year!! :D Im wanting this one to be different from the others in my portfolio in the way that it should look much better. Its gonna be 100% origional from scratch, and it wont be half-assed and poorly done like some of my drawings had gotten...grr.
Ill be getting to your sites now before people bug me that im not helping with the cleaning and packing!
P.S. My friend who I mentioned earlier that got her lip peirced... the bar-bell thing was to small and the skin healed over it, she had to go to the hospital and have it dug out. Yum!
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Fly my stupids! FLY!! (not you)

| Yesterday was thanksgiving so I didnt get around to posting. But I did visit sites of those who updated. :)
About my last post, nothing really did get resolved with my "friend" who I dont think ill be seeing again. Me and someone else was going to call the cops and leave a tip that she was seeing her boyfriend again and ended up getting hit, plus with the whole child endangerment thing, but because she called us both at two very different times we were unsure what to believe. Shes a pathalogical liar and she uses us for rides all the time cause she lives by herself but doesnt own her own vehical. so...shes a moron.
A few years back a girl named 'Erin Chorney' in our home town went missing for a year or so, but found out her boyfriend at the time killed her. We thought it would be a good idea to tell someone about the abuse to avoid somthing like that happening again, but then didnt. Might later though.
TOtally went against my own principles. I told somebody that I would never be caught dead watching "fast and the furious: Tokyo drift" brothers rented it today....omg, the acting was horrible, if the cars werent so sweet, and people didnt die, ide have lost my mind. And whats with the token black guy???! I thought that was a little harsh lol. Vin deasle cameo was a little needed, otherwise they shouldnt have linked it to fast and the furious junk at all.
Saw and episode of "South park" where they buy martial art weapons from a flea market at the fair, and they have what was described as an "anime battle," pretty funny! Poor 'Butters' my favorite charactor gets a throwing star in the eye, and cause they were afraid their parents would find out, they glue dog hair on him to pass him off as a dog so they can take him to the vet to avoid getting in trouble. Butters escapes and goes to the "people" hospital, and the doctors believe that hes a dog ofcoarse haha! so they send him to the pound where they try to put him down. All is somewhat well in the end, The town thought cartmen being naked on stage when he thought he had invisability powers, was worse than the weapon in butters eye that was sold to fourth graders. meh!
AND! other than all that nothingness, I have nothing further to state.
Have yourself a groovy day
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Sunday, October 8, 2006
Not a fan of people

| I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Naruto
Likes: RAMEN and only ramen
Dislikes: brooding hunks taking all the girls
Owner: Kanuckgrrl
Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!
My day was pretty dull up untill 10pm when I got a phone call which I assumed was the drug addict friend I mentiond previousely, cause shes the only one that would call my grandparents house so late in the day. My first reaction was: "tell her im out", so my mom says I wont be home for another hour. I could hear her crying on the phone where my mom was standing 10 feet away from me, so my mom asks if shes okay and that someone will come pick her up cause she was calling for a ride in the first place. I decide to go get her myself, I get to where she is, and shes standing outside a small guitar store holding someone elses baby in the middle of the night while its raining.
What the fuck hey? My brother was in the back seat cause she was kicked out of her boyfriends place and she wasnt able to get back in to get her cell phone and such. So shes in the car with me and shes bawling her ass off, so I ask "should we go to the police?" shes says no cause she was in jail earlier because of a domestic dispute between the two of them before and there was a court date set and such so shed be violating the court rules by finding out that they had been dating again after being arrested and such. (Oh... and the reason she was crying so hard was cause he hit her again). So the only reason I went to go get her was for her to have me drive her around the corner and hide in someone elses driveway while she leaves me with the baby in my lap for 20 minutes, so she could go the the mothers house to pick up diapers.
dumb ass'.
Now my brothers are hassling me to call child services because the babies parents do drugs and whenever im on the phone with my friend while shes babysitting at their house, the mother is relentlessly screaming at the baby. Plus the father got beat up in front of the baby by a gang of natives, etc.
Dont worry, im nothing like these people. But how messed up are they haha, good thing im only here for a few more days or ide go crazy by getting involved in this 'recrium for a dream' life style.
Cant wait for things to be normal again!
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
FACT: Dr. McSteamy in

| I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Naruto
Likes: RAMEN and only ramen
Dislikes: brooding hunks taking all the girls
Owner: Kanuckgrrl
Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!
I managed to sort through my messed up html coding and get the comment link to be at the bottom of the post rather than the top where it was confusing a good number of people. If I visited a site and it were like that Ide confubbled to. soorrry bout that ^_^' all fixed! But....its still messed up some. Another day.
Went with my friend to get her lip peirced today. yeah....even though she said it didnt hurt all that much and she only winced a little bit, I dont think I could do that! Well...I dont think Ide suit a lip peircing in the first place, but whatever.
All this time I thought that because I hadnt posted or visited peoples sites in so long that I completely lost my popularity ranking, but as it turns out im at #192! I was pretty excited about that, been a member for 3 years and to be completely wiped off the charts I thought was a little sad lol, but theotaku hadnt forgotten me after all! :)
I applyed for that "art of the otaku" project, I know theyre all ready filled up but I have all the time in the world and why not apply when theyre giving people a 2nd chance hey? Plus, I guess im not half bad at drawing when I put time, thought, and energy into it. (dont take this as gloating or anything like that haha) I dont consider myself A-list when it comes to drawing anime, but...well, you can see my portfolio and judge for yourself I suppose. It would be nice to be apart of somthing thats a big deal like that.
Anyways...wont be going to winnipeg till sunday now, cause my friend quit her job and her parents got pissed, then before she got an answer as to whether she could still go or not she went and got her lip peirced when her parents told her they didnt like the idea of it.
Bye now

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Friday, October 6, 2006
...*sigh* how troublesome

| GRRR....My friend quit her job today haha, just in time to go to winnipeg! Of coarse thats not why she quit, she has an ulcer and acid reflux disease and the chemicals in her department make her sick and worse, plus her mom over heard her coworkers back talking her in the lunch room.
Walmart...gotta hate it.
HAHA, last night we rented "ultra violet" for shits and giggles, it was hillarious! we bash talked it through the whole thing, plus its just a HUGE knock off of "Equilibrium" which is a really good movie. Sooo, unless your looking for a good laugh, its not worth it.
Well, i wont go on about how awsome "LOST" was, cause no body probebly cares, or has also seen it. SO ill spare you
aaaaand i think thats it!
I adopted a chibi! ^.^

Name: InuYasha
Likes: Potato slices, Kanuckgrrl
Dislikes: Fleas, sesshomaru, wolves, loud noises, spiders, and sand
Owner: Kanuckgrrl
Click here to adopt a chibi too!

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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Comment thingy majiggy is above the post, so read the post below! ^_^

| Time seems to stop when your waiting for somthing.
So I got sad today when I found out my best friend wouldnt be joining me and my other best friend to winnipeg on saturday cause her dumb dumb supervisor wouldnt switch shifts with someone else cause shes a lazy whore. Even when she used the excuse that shes going into winnipeg to visit her two year old cousin dieing of cancer, whome really exists, but is not the reason.
The real reason is, im going back to california next tuesday or wednesday and we've been talking about going to winnipeg just us two for years and its the only day off she has and my other friend is a work aholic (however you spell it) and is a merical she got that specific saturday off as well.
But of coarse ill still go...ill be sad though
Thats right! ive been waiting for the season premeir of "LOST" all summer long and before that, and today it finally is coming! today as in, its 3 am and i have yet to go to bed. But its gonna be gooooood. bowahah
My friend (the one thats not going to be able to come to winnipeg with me any more) has friends from ontario that she only knows through msn, and one of them she had a pic of him that she had in her school locker at one time Died in a car accident a week ago, she never really mentioned it till today cause she was afraid of how she would react mentioning it out loud for the first time. And it made me think of you guys, my Otaku buddies, and what i would think or feel if i ever found out somthing like that happend to any of you...
I would cry for a fact. she always talked about him and he really was cute, she also had a pic of him in her wallet, and thinking of him being in a car accident and being dead, got to me.
friends on the internet really are no different than those you see in the flesh, its own special way...they are probebly even better. And ive known some of you for 3 years!!
thats neat
I dont know what to say past this point...
dont die horribly please?
^_^ buhbye!
P.S: have a cookie, and pretend its from me!
<--- this is what your cookie shouldl look like. Im being more specific so it feels more like its from me :)
strange post i know, i jump from one thing to another. a.d.d attack
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
We believe in superstition, because we're smart enough to realize we know nothing of life

| Im off to winnipeg on saturday!! :D so happy me and my two best buddies are gonna make a day of it. i didnt even know it was going to be three of us till today, so im very happy.
For the past week ive been keeping myself busy like a bumble bee by watching hours upon hours of "nip/tuck". Bloody brilliant show i might add, not for the squeeeemish, but what more could you ask for!?! sex and surgery :)!! haha jk (not), but seriously throw in a hot doctor to the cast and your shows golden like an egg! Three seasons worth of obsession! (not with McDreamy) but add a creepy porclain faced villain and ill watch religously.
Highly recomended, but its GOT TO BE rated R. no doubt. bowahahaha!!! so be forwarned
AAWWW, "LOST" starts on wednesday!! Ill have to sleep the time away till then cause i have been waiting FOREVER, since the last episode of last season to be precise. ITs gonna be the shit, cause "lost" is as good as it getts!
yay, ill add a pic for your enjoyment,
<---silly boy
'Beauty is a curse' --- The Carver
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