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myOtaku.com: KanuckGrrl

Friday, October 6, 2006

   ...*sigh* how troublesome

GRRR....My friend quit her job today haha, just in time to go to winnipeg! Of coarse thats not why she quit, she has an ulcer and acid reflux disease and the chemicals in her department make her sick and worse, plus her mom over heard her coworkers back talking her in the lunch room.

Walmart...gotta hate it.

HAHA, last night we rented "ultra violet" for shits and giggles, it was hillarious! we bash talked it through the whole thing, plus its just a HUGE knock off of "Equilibrium" which is a really good movie. Sooo, unless your looking for a good laugh, its not worth it.

Well, i wont go on about how awsome "LOST" was, cause no body probebly cares, or has also seen it. SO ill spare you

aaaaand i think thats it!


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Likes: Potato slices, Kanuckgrrl

Dislikes: Fleas, sesshomaru, wolves, loud noises, spiders, and sand

Owner: Kanuckgrrl

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