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M e a G a n
Memorial computer achievment award
Anime Fan Since
since dragon ball and sailor moon. long long time ago (always grew up with it)
Favorite Anime
TRIGUN, BLEACH, NARUTO, Black lagoon, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, gundam wing, Gundam Seed, Rurouni kenshin, witch hunter robin, Cowboy bebop, paranoia agent, samurai champloo, fruits basket, wolfs rain, DNAngel, DeathNote, spirited away
To be a Naval electronic sensor operator
anime of coarse, drawing, sports, reading, and other stuff.......i think
Friday, November 10, 2006
I have a ducky....and he is my cat

| I am finally able to watch Bleach episodes again ^_^ after all this time....its pretty much been a year since I was unable to see any more from my crapping-out computer back in my old house long before we moved. I was also able to catch up on the last four episodes of "LOST" that I missed, not that there was much more to them than just watching Sawyer get the shit beat out of him poinlessly.
Im also able to download from narutocentral again which means I can watch from where I left off rather than jumping a good fifty episodes ahead. Unfortunatly all I get is sound and no video image. Grrr...will work on that. And to fininsh off my anime update from the world of "me", ive also discoverd 'samurai champloo' and 'paranoia agent'. Both now that I can watch on the television rather than jacking it off the internet. (Also full-metal alchemist, which ive seen plenty of before)
Anyhoo...yes ill put up my newest drawing up forsure when Ive added the finishing touches which will only ruin it even more, but better than blank, boring space I suppose.
Hahaha. Yes, yes, 200 fanart comments sure isnt a lot lol, especially for the length of time ive been an active member of the otaku which has now surpassed 3 years, but..... commenting sucks now that you have to have a certain number of charactors where before you could just put a thumbs up and that was considerd constructive. Now you have to have a thumbs up with fifty exclamation marks behind it ^_^ jk. When I have a new drawing posted im going to want as good of a responce as I hope my drawing is.
I miss where only so many drawings were posted per day and you could count on them being art of quality, and you also got more votes and comments where people would know they have a goal in site, and not just get lazy and not bother posting or voting at all. (even with the growth in otaku population)
What I dont miss is people being able to say "no" to your art without having to give a reasonable explanation. They couldve just said no for the hell of making their art look better, or they cant draw for shit and have no buisness passing on skepticism on others... or out of jelousy, ive seen people assume a person has traced because it looked to close to the real thing, and one to many examples of people not liking yaoi, therefore bashing and being a bitch about it. Pretty pathetic shit, cant stand it
(I almost just went to posting my art only on my site and friends could comment or give advise there, mostly because drawing anime isnt my strong suit, and putting it on display isnt necessary, haha ^_^'.)
I also just realized theres a voting limit :S What purpose do people have of going into the archives if they cant vote?
Vent is over.
Man...Im gonna go to bed feeling like a bitch lol.
Ahhhh well. sorry I havent been to good at getting to peoples sites, Ill try harder in the future!
P.S. Found a neat little paragraph in the book I just finished reading. The book is called "Hideaway" by Dean Koontz:
'The apocryphal story of the three blind men examining the elephant is (apparently) widely known. The first blind man feels only the elephants trunk and thereafter confidently describes the beast as a great snakelike creature, similar to a python. The second blind man feels only the elephants ears and announces that it is a bird that can soar to great heights. The third blind man examines only the elephants fringe-tipped, fly chasing tail and "sees" and animal that is curiously like a bottle brush.
So it is with any experience that human beings share. Each participant perceives it in a different way and takes from it a different lesson than do his or her compatriots.'
wow. Life summed up in a single paragraph O_X ..juuuust kidding
so long
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