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kaori x chan
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Kaori chan
Member Since
high school student
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, Trigun, Inuyasha, Evangelion, FLCL, Outlaw Star, Lain, Yu Yu Hakusho, ... I could go on forever!
to be fluent in Japanese
anime and manga of course ^_^
dancing (ballet, tap, jazz... etc)
Konnichiwa! I'm Kaori and this is my site! Sign the guestbook if you'd like. Hope you like my site! I'm still working on it ^_^
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what's your cowboy bebop theme song?
 Aqua! Your eyes are Aqua! You're a very energetic and fun-loving person, although at times you can be mellow. Your friends love you! Try not to let your need to have a fast heart rate ruin your health.
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla
Monday, April 26, 2004
Sooo tired...
My brother's concert went really well yesterday! You could tell they were all nervous, they kept pacing around the place before they went on! They only have 4 songs, but they did a great job!
Today wasn't much fun. Since I was at the concert, I didn't get much sleep last nite and school was incredibly slow! Plus my history teacher is assigning another essay for our class to write! Only 17 more days of school though! Hopefully I'll make it through it!
I'm beginning to worry about my friend Kaitlin. She has a livejournal and I've just read through the whole thing, and she keeps writing about how she hates her life, how she's so fat, and she wants to die. It's really starting to scare me, considering she came to school with scars on her wrists. What should I do? I've never really had a friend with this kind of problem before! Any advice you can give would be a great help!
Ja ne!
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Sunday, April 25, 2004
Stupid html...
Apparently its not just me that's having problems with broken images and html. So that makes me feel a little better. I did get some images back up, but the intro is being weird and has a weird character limit, so all of my pictures aren't there :(
Yesterday was my best friend's birthday. She had a party at the movies and then we spent the nite at her house. We played the "would you rather" game, and it got.. uh.. lets just say interesting. heh heh
My brother's band is playing at a local club today, New Brookland Tavern. He's pretty psyched, its his first performance.
Friday at school was junior/senior skip day, and there was no one there! We had a lot of fun all day. In 2nd block my friends Kate and Stephanie wanted me to teach them to play Egyptian Rat Screw, but we didn't have a deck of cards. We ended up making a pack of cards out of computer paper. It was really funny.
Ummm.. not much else going on. This time of the year is always exciting for me - between my dance recital in a couple weeks, and school getting out, and also my birthday! I'll finally be able to drive!!!! ^_^
Ok, I guess that's all for now!
Ja ne!
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Wednesday, April 21, 2004
I love these things!
heh heh! these things are fun to look at!
anyways, sorry I haven't posted in a while. been kinda busy with school, dance, and youth group. i got my interims today... 3 A's and a D! Jeez! I didn't think I was doing THAT bad in Algebra! =sigh= Oh well. I just gotta raise it in 4 weeks (yea right...)
eh, sorry to make this so short but I gotta get ready to go to youth group. maybe i'll post when i get back (if my brothers not on!)
Ja ne!
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Friday, April 16, 2004
One more time today!
I found this really neat survey thingy... just thought I'd post it!
I AM: unique
I WANT: to spend a day with Jesse Lacey
I HAVE: lots of CDs
I WISH: I had the Kenshin box sets!
I HATE: ignorance
I MISS: my friends
I FEAR: spiders
I HEAR: the phone ringing, but I'm too lazy to get up (heh...)
I SEARCH: for good music
I WONDER: what I'm going to do today
I REGRET: not following my instincts
I LOVE: my friends and family
I AM ALWAYS: listening to music
I AM NOT: perfect
I DANCE: all the time
I SING: when I know the words
I CRY: sometimes
I WRITE: down good song lyrics
I WON: 5th place overall Grand Champion at my last dance competition
I LOSE: things constantly
I CONFUSE: a lot of people ^_^
I NEED: music
I SHOULD: be doing something productive
well, thats all!
Ja ne!
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Ah! Sumimasen!
Ah! So sorry for not updating... but I've had a hectic week! I have a huge history project due on Monday (that I havent started =sweatdrops=) and I've had dance among other things. I hope to get a good layout for this page pretty soon. I'm new here, and I'm still getting used to everything, so bear with me!
So anyone listen to the band Thursday? I LOVE them!!! Lemme know! I'll be your best friend ^_^ Haha!
Ja ne!
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Monday, April 12, 2004
Hello minna-san!
I was having some problems with this site (mainly, my own stupidity...) so I had to totally remake my account.
Lets see... what was in my other posts? .... . .. . ..
.. .. .. .. ..
Oh yea! I asked if anyone listens to J-pop or J-rock. I'm starting to get into it, and I've heard some good bands/singers already! Which ones do you like to listen to? Leave a comment or a guestbook entry!
Ja ne!
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