Music: something really soft and instrumental cause i really dun wanna hear lyrics today =___=u
Gahh, well, I quit the whole idea. The two out of the three people who I actually cared to see can't come. And there are only 4 people going (not including me) and one of them is not my favorite +___=u
Yeah so the one girl is real pissed cause she's been asking me to come down for ages. I can't exactly help that coming down is hard for me, I mean, I definately appreciate the fact she drove all the way up to see me, but the timings are ALWAYS off when she calls me, and the days I *can* do the drive, she's busy working. I mean, that's kinda unfair in way =___= i didn't call her over when she was pressed for time.
Uhh yeah, so that kinda got on my nerves, cause there's no explaining that to her without her arguing her point with me. So I kinda dropped it. I may stop by later to her house so she wouldn't harass me, but I highly doubt. My mom's kinda iffy on that cause we have a guest at home and everything
Chances are I won't see her for the rest of the summer either. Cause she's basically *only* free on Sundays. And I'm only free when she's working on the weekdays. And every sunday, i'm practically booked (next week vacation, two weeks from now, wedding [again gah =___=]).
So I'm pretty frustrated, cause I really don't know who to be mad with. My mom's lack of sensitivity or her lack of understanding =___=u ahh well, about now I don't care for either much *shrug* I'm dependant on someone for travel, so I can't exactly be blamed for either. Urghh my mind hurts though =___=u
Anyway, I guess two more years before I'm on the road *shrug* I'm pretty sure i'll get a car then, just have to tackle the whole idea of 'driving' down =___=uu
Mmhmm, so i'm done getting my frustration out, or at least, some of it. I'll figure it out later, chances are i'll go buy some manga for ref. doodles later or something. That'll get my mood upped. Sorry for bothering anyone's day (hopefully it didn't, it's just the ramblings of a frivolous teen <3)