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Anime Fan Since
Around 1991 or 1992(somewhere around there)
Favorite Anime
Magic Knight Rayearth, The Slayers
Anime, computers, biking
No talents. I'm a talentless hack.
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
I'm moving!
Yep, we are leaving this town hopefully before summer's end. We went house shoppimg in this weekend but, we have alot more houses to look at next weekend. Me and my wife do not want to raise Michelle in a town that is full of "White Power" signs and other crap like that so, we decided to get the hell out and move somewhere close so, we still wouldn't have far to travel to get to work. Well other than that, my week has gone the way it usually does. I hope everyone else had a good weekend. Take care, everyone!
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Sunday, May 16, 2004
A very relaxing weekend.
This weekend went by real smoothly. We just sat at home watching tv and we went to my parents' house for a little while. My wife really needs a long vacation from her stressful work(she's a teacher's aid helping handicapped kids) so. I suggested she stay home and take it easy for a couple of days and she's still thinking about it. This would also give my mom a break from watching my daughter while we are at work(sometimes having a mother living across the street can be a good thing). Well, how's your weekend? I hope things are going well for all of you. I don't have time to visit everyones' sites right now, I'll try to do that tomorrow. I gotta go. Take care, everyone!
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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
No work for me today
We've been getting some heavy rain and my work has a policy of not sending it's novice(less than 2 yrs experience) truckers out on really bad road conditions and my wife took the day off to get rid of some stress from her work. I actually got her to watch some anime with me and she actually liked it! We pretty much watched The Slayers the whole day. It's supposed to clear off tomorrow so hopefully, I'll be back on the road. Well, I have to go now. Take care, everyone!
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Tuesday, May 11, 2004
I'm Rick James, Bitch! ....Just something fun I found.
A while ago, I was watching the Dave Chappelle show on Comedy Central and I can't stop laughing over a skit where played Rick James. So, I typed in "I'm Rick James, Bitch!" on Google and I came upon The Rick James Soundboard. It's got a few phrases from that episode and it's also a pretty good time waister if you got a couple of minutes to burn. That was probably Dave Chappelle's best work to date. Nobody can parody Rick James like Dave Chappelle. Check it out at
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G4+TechTV= G4TechTV??!!!
If you have G4(gaming channel) or TechTV, you know that comcast now owns both channels and plans to merge them into one called G4TechTV on May 28. What does this mean? It means that more people will be able to watch G4's programming since that channel has a very small market compared to TechTV. I've never seen g4 myself but, TechTV has nice late-night anime with shows like Lain, Dual!, Last Exile, and a few more. You can check out all the shows at TechTV's Anime Unleashed page. I was worried that the new channel would drop the anime but now, my fears have been put to rest. It's been confirmed that it will stay in the line-up. I don't like tv anime that much but, TechTV does very little editing to their shows. In other words, they keep the stuff that Cartoon Network would normally edit out. So, it looks like we'll have a video game channel with a little bit of anime after the merger is done. IT'S ABOUT TIME! I've been waiting for something like this for a loooong time.
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Monday, May 10, 2004
I was about to get to give away some anime but, my brother is such an ass...
My brother took his wife on vacation over the weekend and my stayed at my house while they were gone. I introduced him to anime by watching Real Bout High School with him. He loved it! I decided that I saw that show enough and I gave him the entire set to take home with him. I dropped him off last night and he couldn't wait to show his dad what I gave him. My Bro' got mad...really mad. I asked him what the problem is and he angrily said, "I will not allow Sean to watch this stuff, I don't want him to grow up to be a child molester!" That's just fine. There are so many other people in America that connect pedophilia to anime. It's pretty sad but, other than that, my weekend was alright. I got my wife and mom presents for Mother's Day and I even cooked dinner for them(yeah, I can cook but, not very good). Well, I just wanted to rant. How was everybody elses' weekend?
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Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Why are people so hateful?
What's the point of making an anti-anime site? I saw hate sites for anime in general and hate sites about specific anime. I understand that someone may not like an anime but, why go through the trouble and the effort of making a hate site? Here's one I found yesterday, Anime Sucks Foundation. At this site, people talk about how anime fans are pedophiles and fat, lazy losers. They even have their own comic hero, Anti-Anime Man! Some people really need to get lives! I don't expect everybody to like anime but, isn't this a little too much? Well, I gots to go. Take care, everyone!
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Myotaku got a nice little face lift. I like the new look of this place and I wonder what it would be like when MyOtaku V.2 is launched.
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Sunday, May 2, 2004
What a boring weekend it's been. These 2 days have been rainy and miserable. We were pretty much stuck in the house all weekend due to the crappy weather here. I only went outside to bring the cats in. I'm the cat person of the house. I have 2 cats and my wife prefers other types of pets. She has a huge snake(really, really huge) and tarantulas. She has a whole room just for the tanks and the stuff she uses to take care of them. Well anyway, I did talk to my little sister for a few hours so, I guess the whole weekend wasn't so bad(yeah, I actually enjoy talking to my little sis). Well, it's supposed to clear up tomorrow morning so, I hope I don't have to go through heavy rain and stuff at work. I'm getting pretty tired so, I'm going quit writing. Take care, everyone.
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Sunday, April 25, 2004
All is back to normal.....Well, it depends on what you call
Yeah, my wife and baby girl are back from England this weekend and I am damn glad to have them back! It seams that a few British people have taken an interest in U.S. military machines. There are stores and shops that are stocked with toy models of the M1 Abrams Tank and shirts with American military stuff on them(my wife brought a bunch home). Well anyway, it's good that my family was able to get out and away form home a litle while. I wish I can take a nice long trip, too. Well, I gots to go. I don't have too much to say right now. Take care, everyone!
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