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myOtaku.com: karasukurama

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Elena The Turk (03/11/07)


Hi im just a random person signing guestbooks lol. I love your site! Its so awesome! ^_^ Well anyway i gota skitter toodles!


"In ShinRa We Trust"

etaru (03/10/07)

You have such a cute page here dear!^^ May I add you to my Friends?

AnimeFreak003 (03/07/07)

hello I love ur site I also like neji too I'm adding you to my friends list. ttyl

Otaku Tenshi14 (03/07/07)

is your name featuring a slash?? anyways, cool page and so neat. I am adding you as a friend. take care always

lifes burden (02/08/07)

hey whats up... wow you have a great site hear very black and white.... kind of hurts the eyes but what can i say i like it.. took a look at your fanart but looks like you haven't drawn in a while ... why not... anyways i would like to see some more art... got to go

~Life is but a Burden~

kumi-chanmi (10/11/06)

Cool site! The pics are awesome! hope we can be friends!

ShadeyCharacter (12/15/05)

Your avatar is cool and I like your gifs a lot! They are cute!! Teehee!!! Your colors also work very nicely together. Great job!

metal-inuyasha (12/07/05)

5 things that are so random
“they might get you killed”

1#go play with a zombie,,,after all,,they are people to o_O

2#comment on my post, so i don't need to hunt you down^_^

3# if you see Big Foot,,,give him a hug ^_^

4# the #1 thing, you must never do with a cat is, t***, h*** y*********j**d8***, if you do that it will try and kill you oO

5#being random is fun for all,,,,ok,,maybe thats just me^^

i will now be going
you can pm this one any time you want
see ya

~may Peace be with you in a world of Zombies

inuyasha@heart (11/26/05)

hi i like your site its kool come visit me sometime bye

Runningdarkness (11/06/05)

I luv the site.

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