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myOtaku.com: Karinma

Friday, October 26, 2007

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Hey sorry about not being on! It's just that so much is going on. Did you hear about the fires in Malibu, San Diego, Chino, and Lake Arrowhead? I think there are a couple of more fires, but I can't think of any right now. So, basically, we're not allowed to do PE or any other physical stuff because of all the smoke.
Problem is, I don't know if the band competition that my school is in is cancelled or not! Some of my fellow band members say that its in Los Angeles County, but we don't know how the air conditions are there in order to do the competition. So yeah, I'm being lazy right now.
Oh! I just remembered something! I'm writing a Kurama Fan-Fic story on Quizilla.com. My username is KRose31. You should read it! Though, I'm not really finished with it yet. So, yeah. That's all I'm gonna say. Ja ne!

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