Eyes of Death - Your soul posesses Eyes of Death.
The darkest and most dangerous of all eyes
one's soul can posesess, you live life seeing
the world through darkness and pain. The sun
does not exist in your world and the tears you
cry are made of blood. You have few if any
friends and none of them are close to you.
Your emotions have become numb over time, and
you feel as if all you are waiting for is
death's cold kiss. You probably have the
ability to write the most beautiful poetry this
world has ever seen, and you probably
understand many things about the world that
others could not possibly imagine. You see
things for what they are, and you are never
afraid to be blunt. Your eyes scream of
desparation, but no one ever tries to see the
pain that lives inside you every day of your
life. The darkness is your master, and you do
not see that changing any day soon.
What Type of Eyes Does Your Soul Have? (girls)(pics) brought to you by Quizilla