Karma of Chaos
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
1:32 PM.
Who is this Irresistible Creature who has an Insatiable Love for the Dead?
"University of Washington chemistry mid-term
- submitted by sting_au2000
The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term. The answer was so "profound" that the professor shared it with colleagues, which is why we have the pleasure of enjoying it as well.
Bonus Question:
Is Hell exothermic (gives of heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)?
Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law, (gas cools off when it expands and heats up when it is compressed) or some varient.
One student however, wrote the following:
First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate that souls are moving into Hell and the rate they are leaving.
I think we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, lets look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Some of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to hell. Since there are more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to hell.
With birth and death rates as they are we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially.
Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume of Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand as souls are added.
This gives two possibilities:
1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase untill all Hell breaks loose.
2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop untill Hell freezes over.
So which is it? If we accept the postulate given to me by Ms.Banyan during my freshman year that, "It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you" and we take into account the fact that I still have not succeeded in having sexual relations with her, then #2 cannot be true.
Thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and will not freeze.
The student recieved the only "A" given."
Story courtesy of and Trey's demented sense of humour. Gotta love it.
I'm going to see Phantom of the Opera today with Lauren, Kayla, Trey, and Johnnie. GOOD TIMES!!! But I still consider Hair to be the better musical. Lol. I made breakfast for my mom today - refried beans and mexican mix cheese quesadilla and an egg-scramble with onions and portabella mushrooms with a dash of some spices. She really enjoyed it! I love making people happy by making them a meal or doing something nice for makes me super warm and fuzzy inside. Plus, cooking is one of the few things I'm good at. ^.^;
I got some mail from Aleia a couple days ago, she sent me stuff from Egypt!! There was some really good Egyptian sweets and this BEAUTIFUL sheer scarf thing. And the cutest letter! I swear I want to just hug that girl till I can't hug her anymore. Uhm...there was something else I wanted to say except I--oh wait! I remember! Lauren and I played the most HILARIOUS game last night!!!!!!! It was called Alien Hominid, and basically, you're aliens that have crash-landed on Earth and the FBI has your ship and you need to get it back. So you run around the world battling the various armies/secret services of the world (ie: FBI, communist Russia, military base at Roswell) and oh my God! We could NOT stop laughing the whole time we were playing that game. It's like Invader Zim, except in video game form. * mad giggle fits *
Uh. That's all I have to say.
QOTD: "Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear." -Thomas Jefferson
-Karma |
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Monday, January 17, 2005
Something New
I have just watched the movie Hair. That movie is FUCKING AWESOME. It is now #2 on my top ten favorite movies EVER list. If you have not seen it, then go watch it. NOW. (*note: This should not be taken as approval for the shit that they do in the movie...)
And now, for response to comments, which I think deserve the majority of the space in this post:
Syk3: Apology accepted. I would hate to lose you as a friend. About pot, yes, it can be harmless. So can a nuclear weapon, as long as you don't set it off. I know that's a big hyperbole for a comparison, but for me there's just too many risks involved in doing drugs and alcohol, that make them not worth it. And to see my friend take those risks so frivolously, and at the same time, break a promise to me, hurts deeply. Especially because I've seen what the results of those risks are. (ie: addiction)
lea: It's alright. I'm glad to simply have your support and love, and I am extremely grateful for it. I couldn't get along without the love and support of my friends. * hugs her *
Shimaru: Exactly. Why is being out of control of your body so great? To alter your state of mind so you can't function me that is just frightening, and not at all attractive. And you know I love you Shin. You're the best lameass ever. ^-^
anatema: Don't take him being drunk to heart, as hard as I know that is. Just focus on your own life and detach yourself from him. Drunks don't make good fathers.
Syk3: Like I said before - sure, you can drink or do pot without any repurcussions. And the less often you do it and the smaller amounts that you do it with, the fewer risks there will be. But my experience has been that most people can't moderate themselves like that. Most people get addicted, and even if they started drinking or doing drugs without any intention of really getting into them, the escape that they offer is just too tempting. It's not safe. You get drunk or high, and you're not in control of what you're doing. And there's pleanty of mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and sons and daughters and friends of people who died for their 'fun' that will back that statement up.
Shinmaru: I think that should be taken on assumption.
QOTD: "One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I am having a good time." -Nancy Astor
-Karma |
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
4:42 PM.
First of all, I got OtakuSennen's Xmas card in the mail while I was in California, and the thing was fucking hilarious. I will be scanning it later. Thank you, Nick!!
Thank you Alex for introducing me to the glories of Jack Johnson and for having an awesome layout. You rock!
And once again, thank you Arcadia for the SWEET scarf. You also rock.
No more big font. FOR NOW.
~Warning: The below is a very depressing post and is quite unkarmi like. Don't read it if you don't like listening to people being whiny/self-pitying/"omfg i don't know what to do and the whole world is drowning me!!1!11 ;-;"~
Pot, illegal substances. It's such absolute BS. Negative escapism, succumbing to peer pressure - turning into an apathetic monster who's only thought is more drugs, as you friends and family have to watch on in horror and desperate sorrow. Why? I doubt there's any answer anyone can give me that would satisfy. All the stoners say it's not nearly as bad as I make it out to be, I'm so bloody melodramatic. But that's because they're not on my side of the looking glass - I've watched many people I love dearly fall through the hole, seen how miserable they've become. And I've seen the anguish that it takes to pick yourself back up again. It hurts my heart in a way nothing else does - I know that they aren't doing it to me, but it's horribly painful to care about someone when they don't care about themselves.
And I doubt they'll ever be able to understand that. My best friend certainly doesn't...she's started using while she's in Cali. And I can honestly say that when she told me she was doing it again, after she swore to me that she wouldn't, that my heart broke for the second time in my life.
The first was when I watched my mom stumble out the front door as drunk as she could be, screaming that she was going to kill herself. Then having the cops come and tell me through fake smiles that everything was going to be alright, and feeling fear and guilt far beyond anything I had ever felt before. And then finding her only to get a call from the hospital two hours later saying she had escaped and then getting a call from payphone as she asked us to pick her up in some godforsaken place.
Now that I'm faced with losing the person who I learned to trust, even after all of that, to basically the same goddamn thing...I can't help but loose a little bit of faith.
/end depressing BS.
Survey I stole from the Juusters:
1) First Grade Teacher: Mrs. Evans
2) Last word you said: Tomb.
3) Last song you sang: "In The End" by My Chemical Romance
4) Last person you hugged: Jesika. (my sexy-delicious ex-g/f who still makes me hot. ;D)
5) Last thing you laughed at: Singing "stop! in the name of love!" with Jacque.
6) Last time you said 'I love you': To MK.
7) Last time you cried: A couple nights ago. ...over MK. @_@
8) What's in your CD player: My Chemical Romance - Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
9) What colour socks are you wearing: Barefoot.
10) What's under your bed: Another bed. (spares for friends!)
11) What time did you wake up today: 6:03 AM.
12) Current taste: M&M's.
13) Current hair: Wind-blown.
14) Current clothes: Phantasmagorical black pinstripe pants with pocket that detaches and turns into a purse and a white spaghetti strap beneath my tight white long-sleeve with the elf-hood.
15) Current annoyance: My room is too dark to see anything.
16) Current longing: Johnny. (And not the comic book one, either)
17) Current desktop picture: FLCL goodness.
18) Current worry: Mary Kate, german, crushes, self-doubt.
19) Current hate: My bipolarity.
20) Story behind your LJ username: I've always dug the idea of karma - you get what you give. The idea of random, bad and good karma just swirrling around and smacking people in the face - that's so cool.
21) Current favourite article of clothing: Techno-punk black and red dress.
22) Favourite physical feature of the opposite sex: Hair, eyes, hands.
22a) Favourite physical feature of the same sex: Boobs, waist, hips, shoulders.
23) Last CD that you bought: My Chemical Romance - Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge and A Tribute To Matchbox 20.
24) Favourite place to be: In someone's arms/lap.
25) Least favourite place: Alone.
26) Time you wake up in the morning: 6 AM on weekdays, god-knows-when on weekends.
27) If you could play an instrument, what would it be: The ocaraina or the electric guitar.
28) Favourite color: Pink and red.
29) Do you believe in an afterlife: I don't know.
30) How tall are you: 5'7"
31) Current favourite word/saying: Phantasmagorical.
32) Favourite book: Sabriel series by Garth Nix, Catch-22, Speak...lots more...
33) Favourite season: Summer.
34) One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: My kindergarten teacher, so I could thank her for being so kind to me.
35) Favourite day: Friday and Saturday.
36) Where do you want to go: Everywhere.
37) What is your career going to be like: Very artistic and creative.
39) What kind of car will you have: One that works. Dream car - Porsche or Audi convertible.
40) Type a line you remember from any book: "All that David Copperfield kind of crap." - Holden Caulfied, The Catcher In The Rye.
41) A random lyric: "Start bending me, it's never enough, till I feel all your pieces, start bending me, keep bending me until I'm completely broken-in."
42) Identify some things surrounding your computer: A naked mole rat in a sombrero, a penguin with ear muffs and a fish, four trolls, a pimp in zoot suit and a giant golden frog.
Oh, and a camel and a mouse riding a llama.
What is love? Knowing that when you are with that person you are home.
Name 3 things you feel very passionate about. Laughter, letting other people know how wonderful they are, leaving a lasting and inspiring mark upon the world.
Does fire fascinate you? In terms of how it reflects light and creates shadows, yes.
Do you have a short temper? Yes. ^^;;
Are you a friend to dragons? Only ones with an accent like Sean Connery's.
Are you very warm hearted? I think I am.
Do you feel intense emotions? Yes. I'm a very intense person.
Are you bright? No. XD
What are the three most wholesome things you've done lately? Did the laundry for my mom, tried to overcome the emotios of past experience to accept something, left a conversation instead of saying something I didn't mean.
Is vibrance a good characteristic to have? Oh YES!
Are you rich in self confidence? Not really.
Are you rich in vitamin c? Totally. I fucking love orange juice.
Is lala orange your favorite rainbow bright character? No, I love them all equally.
Are you a very happy person? Most of the time, yes.
Do you like the sun? No, I adore it.
Do you ever feel utter and complete joy? Yes.
Do you feel like the volume in your life is all the way up? Constantly. Why be quiet when you can be loud? :D
Do you feel warm inside when you hug people? Most of the time.
If you were a care bear would you be cheer bear? No way man, I'd be freggin hyper-psychotic spastic bear.
Are you lemon scented? No, I am Karmi-Scented.
Are you incredibly lucky? Definitely no.
Are you easy going? No, I'm pretty high-strung. But I do enjoy occasionally 'chill-out' moments.
Are you very mischievious? Yes.
Are you very lusty/sexy? Beyond words.
Ever find a four leafed clover? I forget.
Are you fresh like mint? Can't say that I am.
Does nature speak to you?, but I love nature's beauty and serenity. ^-^
Do you love to look at water? Yes!
Are you calm/relaxed? Every once in a blue moon.
Is it very difficult to upset you? Hah, no.
Are you at peace? Sometimes.
Are you comforting? I hope I am, at least to some people. =\
Are you well balanced? ...that's a funny one.
Are you content? Occasionally.
Are you royalty? I wish.
Are you very free spirited? * squeals like a Japanese school girl *
Are you conceited? I don't think so.
Do you have a passion for indulgence? Yes, but I usually know when to stop.
Are you a grape? o_O How did you know?!
Are you a purple horseshoe? No, I'm a grape. Duh.
Are you less than intense? No.
Are you incredibly feminine? When I want to be.
Do you absorb everything possible? Only when I've got the brain capacity.
Are you incredibly energetic? 99.8% of the time.
Are you expensive? Only when I can afford to be. ;)
Are you worth it? Yes.
Shinmaru: Lameass.
Sennen: Yay for nerdy seclusion!
Arcadilicious: * high fives her *
anatema: No more boys...I wish I could do that. ^^;;
Lassie Asphy: Yes, score! I freakin' love Andy Warhol.
.:Teh End:.
QOTD: "If we want Hell, then Hell's what we'll have." -Jack Johnson
-Karma |
Comments (6) |
Saturday, January 1, 2005
Drop Those Balls, Baby.
Happy New Years!
* kisses everyone * Wow. It's officially 2005. And with the new year, comes new resolutions. Some people want to lose weight, some want to quit smoking, others want to better in school, etc. But here are my own, personal resolutions:
Get all A's this semester
I have a very easy schedule this semester, and I know I am intellectually capable of achieving this. Those grades in English and Algebra still sting a bit, and I want to even out my GPA. I enjoy learning, and even though school is stressful, I want to do well. I expect myself to do well.
Improve my art skills
I consider myself a good artist, but I feel as if I am falling into a rut, like I will never improve beyond this point of somewhat mediocrity. I want to be able use a variety of mediums and surfaces, and do more detail and use many styles in my artwork. After all, I'm planning on going into art as a career, and it is what I love the most. So, it deserves a lot more attention than it's been getting.
Read more
I have recently rediscovered my love of reading. After speeding through Go Ask Alice (which is a fantastic book, by the way. everyone should go read it), I feel reading is another wonderful thing that I have been neglecting. Reading truly expands the mind and perception, it builds vocabulary and the ability to grasp concepts, and will give you new insights to either the human condition, scientific fact, or the state of the world (polictically, enviromentally, etc.) Reading is truly a joy.
and finally...
Take a deeper look into my future
I know that you risk wasting life if you spend all of it planning, but that doesn't mean you should go through life unprepared. I want to seriously consider colleges, which will determine the type of honors classes I take junior and senior year, and where I will live after I am 18. I'm going to need scholarships and whatnot, as well. If you just sit around and wait for these type of things to fall into place for you, you'll end up standing there at the end of your senior year going "uh..."
And that's it. What about everyone else?
.:2004 never seemed:.
Shinmaru: They didn't like it because they're afraid of change. Cowards!
Nick: Well I don't know where it is! Maybe the post office ate it.
hEvN: Ooh, you have a Morning Glory too??
Ken: You too dearest.
.:Quite right anyway:.
QOTD: "They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself."
-Andy Warhol
-Karma |
Comments (6) |
Friday, December 31, 2004
11:30 AM.
First of all, big thank you to Arcadia for the freaking awesome scarf and card!
Woohoo! Alright, so I've been in California since Sunday night, and it has been nothing but awesome.The twins are uber-adorable and so much fun to be with (except when they're cranky, lol). I got a manicure and now my nails look like pink Japanese paper lanterns with butterflies, and they're absolutely gorgeous. Also, I went shopping in Morning Glory, which is the boutiques of all boutiques. The stuff in there is so fantastic, it's like, straight of an Amy Brown painting. A lot of it has custom work done on it too, by the owner, who's creative energy is huge it isn't even funny. I got this fantabulous PLAID fisherman's hat, and put the rest of it on hold because the store was about to close, and you should never make clothes-buying desicions in a rush.
Then last night we had a mini-dinner party with Jeff and Michelle (two of my aunt and uncle's doctor friends) and that was really fun, cause my uncle, Jeff, and I all chilled out in front of the TV and watched the Holiday Bowl, only to see Cal's ass get completely whipped by Texas Tech.
Good times, good times.
Anyway, we're going ice skating today, and I haven't eaten (except for the chocolate Arcadialicious sent me) or gotten dressed or anything, so I have to go. But I hope everyone is having a fantastic vacation and that you stay safe over New Years.
.:Going To:.
Syk3: That hurts Syk3, that hurts real deep. /sarcasm
JJRiddler: Actually, the flight wasn't too bad to Charlotte, I got a whole row to myself. Going to San Fran, however, was a mess. Not to mention 6 straight hours on a plane can seriously distort your reality.
hEvN: You too, sweetheart.
Shinmaru: I loved your layout. ;-;
Lunai: Meh, I'd like to delete HIM.
Arcadia: I fucking love you. <3
Anatema: Cookies = good for the soul.
OtakuSennen: Well, I still haven't gotten it. Did you send it to CA or SC?
DK: Things are looking way up. ^-^
QOTD: "There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." -Fredrich Nietzsche
-Karma |
Comments (4) |
Saturday, December 25, 2004
12:17 AM.
Merry Christmas!
Woohoo guys! It's officially Christmas! Sadly, I'm still in South Carolina, I will be leaving later today. This means I will be on a plane for a majority of Christmas Day, so Merry Christmas to everyone that I don't get a chance to talk to on AIM. I love you all so much, and you are all wonderful and talking to y'all is like a Christmas present every day. I hope your holidays are warm and pleasant. ^-^
As for Christmas Eve, I spent it with my best friend's mom, who is pretty much my mom too. I took her out to lunch as a Christmas present (Mexican food, baby) and then we went home and watched Miracle on 34th Street, which has got to be one of the best feel-good movies on the face of this Earth. Then we made cookies which were absolutely saturated with chocolate, and she gave me a bunch for the plane ride. We had a few (we had to check for freshness, duh) and oh my GOD. Freaking orgasm cookies, man.
Oh, I got my grades. Here's the final verdict:
German II: 90
Chemistry I: 88
English III: 84
Algebra II: 83
I was kind of pissed that I didn't get B's in the last two classes, especially because I was SO close. But it's okay, I had a lot going on this semester and I can forgive myself not doing so well. Next semester I'm planning on getting straight A's though, all the classes I have are going to be so ridiculously easy I'd be ashamed if I didn't. Anywho, I'm just relieved that this semester is over. Way too much stress to cram into 5 months. @_@;
I still want people's opinions on the Big Bands of 04.
Shinmaru: You'd murder your own flesh and blood?! YOU SICK BASTARD!
Syk3: "Syk3 (12/23/04)
Wait, wait, wait.
You're a girl, Karmi?"
I hope you die.
Shinmaru 2: I know. Syk3's such a lameass.
Asphy: It's so pretty!! * is hypnotized *
QOTD: "Ho Ho Ho!" -Santa Clause aka Kris Kringle aka Saint Nick.
EDIT: Okay so my fucking flight got cancelled so I'm leaving tommorow at 2:15 instead. I hate this stupid holiday. The weather has been absolutely MISERABLE (rain, overcast, and bloody freezing cold) and when I tried to go cheer myself up by checking out the movie theater, everything was sold out. So much for merry.
Oh, I also fell in a puddle and got soaking wet and muddy. In 40 degree weather.
Disgusting. |
Comments (9) |
Thursday, December 23, 2004
2:37 PM.
The Perfect Little Smile In Your Tears.
My best friend left today. * cries and goes through withdrawl * Man I'm lame. Anyway!
The past two days I had a really thick, icky depression just like, suffocating my soul. Thankfully, I got out of it, realized how much I had to be grateful for and how I was just wasting my vacation moping. It is absolutely beautiful outside, and there is laughter to be heard, so I want everyone to go have a gorgeous day. Be happy.
In honor of the year being almost over and music being such a big part of it, I would like to compile a list of the top ten bands of 2004. I'm thinking about making it a thread in the music section of OB, but I'd like to get everyone's opinions first. Here are some bands that certainly deserve some consideration:
1) Muse
2) Modest Mouse
3) Franz Ferdinand
4) The Dresden Dolls
5) Taking Back Sunday
6) My Chemical Romance
However, I'm pretty deep set in the Rock genre, although I definitely dabble in a bit of everything (don't you say a word Mimmi), I wouldn't really know what band was a really big hit this year for, say, metal.
So, opinions, everyone?
Shintastic: They're not hellspawn, they're your second cousins. >.>
Arcadialicious: * high five * Yes! We shall sing on!
Senarific: Indeed it is Sen, indeed it is. And it was delicious.
Liebchen: You know me and my llamas. * falls over from being tackled *
Anna-banana: Yes, and it's sooo comfortable! Good luck with work. ;p
Lunai: Heheheh. Yes, sometimes I do that, lol.
Syk3: That or make love to it. ^-^
QOTD: "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die."
-Mel Brooks
-Karma |
Comments (5) |
Monday, December 20, 2004
12:55 AM.
Death By Chopsticks.
I had an absolutely glorious weekend. I had my second Christmas, lol, this time with my mom and a few of my better friends. The first Christmas was with my best friend MK, her older brother, and her mom, who are like family to me. MK goes to California as does her brother for Christmas, so we celebrate it on Thanksgiving when the brother (Thomas) comes down. This Christmas was me giving all my friends their presents, and then me recieved my presents from my friends and mom and dad and grandma.

Presents From Friends!

Presents From Momma And Grandmomma!
*My mom also bought me a 40$ bra, and my grandma sent me 100$ to spend at will, just to give credit where credit is due. ;)

Piece of artwork my mom bought me. The passage written on it is a really beautiful bit about love, I will type it out sometime.

Yuki Learns To Ride A Llama.
Good stuff, good stuff. Friday night I had my two best friends come over (Lauren and MK) and all three of us went to the mall for a couple of hours. I bought Lauren a Kurt Cobain poster and In Utero on casette (she's a total Nirvana freak) and I bought MK a dress she looked super pretty in from Hot Topic. Of course, later she complained that she she didn't look good in it and that she had no where to wear it to, so so much for gratitude. -.- Saturday Lauren left, and Luna and Julianne came over, and we watched Invader Zim all day and made brownies. Then we all went over to MK's house and went bowling for a couple hours. There were a LOT of teenage guys there, and all of them seemed determined to flirt with me. x_x;
The guy working there had chicken legs (seriously, they were like pencils), and Julianne kept bursting into hysterical song everytime she saw him running across the allies to retrieve errant balls or pins. It was rather amusing. Then we pretty much slept all day Sunday, which was excellent. MK was feeling depressed about going to California cause she hates everyone there except her brother, and her dad called last night and said they wouldn't be visiting San Francisco after all, so she and I wouldn't be able to meet up over the holidays. I told her to talk to her dad some more about it, tell him it was really important to her to see at least one of her friends during break, etc. Then we watched Aladdin. My mom picked me up and we went to a Christmas party (mostly adults, but it was fun ^.^) and then uh. I went home and got online.
It's so amazing to me that I don't have homework. No stress. None. Finals were finished Friday, which was an ordeal in and of itself. All day Friday, I was taking finals non-stop. First Algebra II exam, then Chemistry, then German (180 questions, oh my GOD), and last but not least English. So no more school stress. HALLEJUAH!
Now methinks a nice healthy doseage of sleep is in order. I love you all truly and dearly, and I hope that the Christmas spirit is with you all. * spreads sparkly love and joy *
.:So What Else Is New?:.
Lunai: That would have been awesome, lol.
Mimmi: I love you too, liebchen!
Shinmaru: Sin of all sins! How can you not like that ride?! * sign against evil *
lea: You know me and my dirty quizzes. ;)
Kentastic: * hugs * I know.
Godel: Of course it did, you wrote it, didn't you? ^.~
Syk3: That's because you're a perverted bastard.
hEvN: =| The perversion is everywhere!
Shinmaru: Absolutely.
.:Not Much.:.
QOTD (just for Shinarinamin): "Books are the open avenues down which, like kings coming to be crowned, great ideas and inspirations move to the abbey of man’s soul. There are some people still left who understand perfectly what Fenelon meant when he said, 'If the crowns of all the kingdoms of the empire were laid down at my feet in exchange for my books and my love of reading, I would spurn them all.'"
-Ernest Dressel North
-Karma |
Comments (7) |
Thursday, December 16, 2004
1:46 AM.
Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide
Notice To All: Karmilicious is sending out Christmas cards, if you would like one (and please don't be hesitant to ask, I'm very excited about doing this), leave me your address in a PM, (the one that you'll be at from now until the 25th) and you will recieve a personalized christmas/winter holiday card, complete with Karmi artwork and whatnot.
Today sucked. The end.
 "it's a small world": The happiest cruise that ever sailed! Surreal and silly, or sweat and touching, you are a well intentioned 1960s homage to the world's diversity that unfortunatly inspires feelings of sheer terror in those who can't help but feel something more sinister lays beneath your shiney surface. But most cannot deny your charm, even if they cannot explain it, and leave feeling better than when they entered. Most overlook the fact that because of your unique style and design, courtesy of Disney Legend Mary Blair, you are a true work of art and you deserve to be appreciated. You are both worldy and simplistic, both cosmopolitan and decidedly middle American. You are a splendid candy-coated contradiction with a sugary, sunny song that one never forgets. If the world truely listened to your never-ending optimism, it could be a small world after all.
What Disneyland attraction are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Oscar Wilde: The Portrait of Dorian Gray. You are a horror novel from the world of dandies, rich pretty boys, art and aesthetics, and intellectual debates between ethical people and decadent pleasure-seekers. You value beauty and pleasure but realize their dangers, as well.
Which literature classic are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You have the Renoir girl look. Youd have enchanted the French Impressionists, who painted lively girls at work and play. Their models were ballet dancers, girls of Paris enjoying themselves at open air dances or in music halls and cafes, delighting in the sunshine or the bright lights of French nightlife. The Renoir girl loved to experiment with make-up and were fun loving, sexy yet elegant. The following painters would have loved to paint you; Dietz Edzard, Edourad Manet, Edgar Degas and Auguste Renoir.
'Pretty As A Picture' - Which Artist Would Paint You? brought to you by Quizilla

Are you NASTY or NICE?
Quiz made by Angela
 Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
 The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
.:Death By Wrapping Paper:.
anatema: * sends her painkillers for xmas *
Shinmaru: Jude Law is such a man-whore.
Syk3: Well, the quote wasn't directed at you anyway, loser.
.:Ah, the sweet snowman-asphyxiation.:.
QOTD: "What I needed most was to love and to be loved, eager to be caught. Happily I wrapped those painful bonds around me; and sure enough, I would be lashed with the red-hot pokers or jealousy, by suspicions and fear, by burst of anger and quarrels."
-St. Augustine
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
8:17 PM.
Love is the red of the rose on your coffin door.
Notice To All: Karmilicious is sending out Christmas cards, if you would like one (and please don't be hesitant to ask, I'm very excited about doing this), leave me your address in a PM, (the one that you'll be at from now until the 25th) and you will recieve a personalized christmas/winter holiday card, complete with Karmi artwork and whatnot.
Hahahahahahah, I just woke up. Long, perception distorting naps are rather disorienting, but at least I feel better. Nature decided she was gonna make me bleed the week of the finals, right before the holidays, just to be a spiteful, bitter bitch, but hey. I can never remember to take pain killers in the morning, which has made for a painful yesterday and today, but again, nap = feeling much better.
Hopefully Christmas cards will be going out Thursday, possibly Friday, depending on how that goes. Speaking of Christmas, I've already gotten my presents from my gramma and my mom, since I'm going to Cali for the holidays. My mom bought me this excellent piece of artwork from Earthling
Day Spa (hippie-zen store) as well as this little latern thing with asian symbols on it, a Faye Valentine shirt which is just too cool, The Dresden Dolls CD, a new bra, and Gravitation vol. 8 & 9. My grandma sent socks (always useful), an excellent black leather and silver bracelet, a copy of Angela's Ashes, and 100$. I think I did pretty well for just two people, ne? ;D After Xmas, I'll do a full, pictures included post about presents, but that's for later. Meanwhile, useless survey time!
I am such a survey-whore. Stole this from anatema, who stole it from Arcadia, who undoubtly stumbled upon it while searching for porn.
1. Karmi
2. Erin
3. Karma
1. Karma_of_Chaos
2. chaos_kitten55
3. Karmi55
1. my optimism/light-hearted nature
2. my physical apperance
3. my ability to look at things from strange perspectives
1. my procrastination
2. my insecurity
3. when I lie to avoid a problem/confrontation
1. South American (Columbian, specifically)
2. Irish
3. French/Dutch
1. Hills
2. Being alone or helpless
3. Cockroaches
1. Mountain Dew
2. Pen, pencil, and paper
3. Laughter
1. Mushroom Head t-shirt
2. plaid giant goth pants
3. silver balls.
THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE BANDS (or artists at the moment):
1. The Dresden Dolls
2. Muse
3. No Doubt
1. Gravity by The Dresden Dolls
2. The New by Interpol
3. Sick Little Suicide by The Matches
1. Kissing in the rain
2. Driving in more than parking lots and empty roads
3. Going to a concert
1. Trust
2. Being easy going and unstressful
3. Deep, honest conversation
1. I own more than 100 articles of clothing
2. When I was little, I frequently went berry picking down this little path in my neighborhood with my Grandmomma.
3. I took two years of ballet when I was 9.
1. Long hair
2. Sensual lips
3. Strong arms
1. Go one day without doing something klutzy.
2. A geometric spiral
3. Swallow my pride
1. Writing and drawing
2. Reading
3. Decorating and messing with my clothes
1. Call a certain special person.
2. Eat mahsed potatoes.
3. Go to the airport. Because I like the airport. Especially when I get to get on an airplane, cause it makes me feel really cool. :D
1. Animator (Mixing both 2-D anime-styles and computer graphics)
2. Writer and/or Editor of poetry and prose
3. Masseur
1. Corsica
2. Germany
3. Japan
1. Jacquelynn
2. Jezebel
3. Felix
1. Go to Jamaica with Lacey and get absolutely wasted.
2. Design and decorate my own house
3. Go skydiving and bungee-jumping in New Zealand.
1. Sennen
2. Ken
3. Sara
.:How was your day?:.
hEvN: Yes, they look like crack.
Mimmi: Who cares about van Gogh? Score for me!
anatema: Feel the joy, bwahaha.
Arcadia: I know, I never leave home without my Burt's Bees chapstick.
Shinmaru: You tell 'em, Shinny.
Lea: Really? They tend to carry even a lot of the bigger sizes. I find that it's one of the few stores that I actually can find my bra size (34/36 D isn't too common, you know?)
Syk3: I want to see you in a bra. And Gravitation pwns your lame ass ANYDAY.
.:That's nice.:.
QOTD: "The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them while they're still alive."
-Orlando A. Battista
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