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Sunday, July 11, 2004
4:27 AM.Sun.Jul 11.
Elvis didn't die, he got put into ice cream...
Yep that's right. Elvis is an ice cream now. I've got proof. * eats a spoonful of Elvis * Mmmm...delicious.
A few interesting things have happened since I last posted.This includes yet another really nasty thunderstorm that just happened to be only in our little city, and just happened to get really bad while we were driving. The result? We could barely see two feet in front of us the rain was falling so heavily, and then, of all things, it started hailing! Combined with that, we had lightening pretty much striking the land right next to us on either side of the road.
But hey, I'm alive! Woohoo!
Mimmi: Yes, that outfit is absolutely gorgeous. I think it would be hard NOT to look good in it.
Shin: I told you. You're completely photogenic. The camera loves you!
Arcadia: You naughty thing you. ;)
Sennen: Self-deprication is very unhealthy, dearest. ^.~
MC: Oh man, so much fun it's not even funny. * grin * But yea, it is kind of hard to explain pictures of random people being on your screen. --> "They're popups mommy, I swear!"
Ben: Yes, yes you do. AX rocketh.
.:End Commentary:.
Later that day (well, actually, it was the next day since it was around 1:30 AM) we went to Wal Mart and I bought a new CD player (10 bucks, baby), the Franz Ferdinand CD (more on that later), and the Totoro DVD for 5$! It was a very successful shopping trip, if I do say so myself. Once we got home, I popped Totoro into the DVD player right away. My mother said she could hear my squeals of pure and utter joy on and off for the whole movie, and I'm not surprised. I fell in love with it all over again. Totoro rocks so freaking much.
The whole idea that the children can see him because they simply have the mindset that things like that are perfectly capable of existing makes you wish that you could throw away all your cynicism and apathy and really believe in this beautiful, magical world, just as they do. Words fail me in my attempt to express how strongly one feels the message when watching this movie.
If you have never seen Totoro, you are very, very depraved person. Seek psychiatric help immediatly.
Moving on, I'm at a friend's house right now. And now I shall relate a particularily amusing bit of conversation we had:
(Franz Ferdinand's "Take Me Out" music video comes on)
Karmi: Oh my God he's so hot!
Luna: Yep. There's just something about the Scottish. Irish too...
Jewls: I don't know. I kind of prefer the British thing.
Luna: The Brits take second place. And then there's the Australians...
Karmi and Jewls: Australians! Aahhh...* blissful sigh *
Luna: * hysterical laughter *
That conversation continued long into the night, and well into the early hours of the morning, ranging from brunette vs blone, blonde vs fake blonde, fohawk vs mohawk, etc. I don't think we ever quite settled on what the "hottest" guy, but either way, he would definitely have an Australian accent.
And with that, I'll leave you all with one simple, yet powerful message:
Australians are hot.
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Friday, July 9, 2004
2:05 AM.Fri.Jul 9: Finally, the big AX post is here...
There And Back Again:
A Tale By Karmi-Kins
July 1st: But the pool isn't open at 4:30 AM...
As y'all know, my mother, brother, and myself left on the first from San Francisco (actually, we left from the San Jose airport, but that's besides the point) to LA, from which we took a shuttle to Anaheim. All was going somoothly until we got to the hotel. It turns out that although our rooms were reserved, the weren't paid for! My mom handed over a 100$ for us to stay one night, and we went to the hotel room. She was really freaking out, so I took it upon myself to call my aunt and give her the 411. A couple hours and several phone calls later, it was all sorted out. My mom was still in "Panic Mode" though, so she she didn't sleep much that night...
(actual conversation)-
Mom: Erin, Erin wake up!
Karmi: * mumble mumble indecipherable language *
Mom: Do you know where the key to the room is?
Karmi: ...wha... * looks at clock * Holy crap! It's 4:30 AM! >.< Why are you up?!
Mom: I want to go swimming! Do you know where the key is?
Karmi: ......SWIM-oh God whatever. The key is on the counter. * collapses *
Mom: Thanks! =^.^= * goes outside and jumps the fence to get into the pool *
Yea. I have a weird mom.
July 2nd: Day One of the Expo...
We got up at 8AM in order to be there for the opening ceremonies, which started at 10. I figured given 20 minutes to get ready, 40 minutes to eat breakfast at Mimi's Cafe (the food there rocks, and the waiters are tre sexy!), and 20 to get to the convention center (which was a mile away), we'd be fine with 40 minutes left to get our badges.
...looking back on that, I find words like "naive" and "idiotic" just aren't strong enough. -.-
We spent two and a half hours in the line. And that was for pre-registered! During this time, we saw some pretty interesting cosplayers, met a 40-year-old anime freak, and used neon pink caution tape to decorate my body. The original purpose of the tape was to hold back and organize the lines, but needless to say, that failed. We saw a lot of Vashes, Wolfwoods, and Yunas. A lot.
When we finally, FINALLY, got our badges, we went outside to see al the pretty cosplayers. I took some pictures, and then we went back in and looked at fan art. I bought a cute little picture of Inu Yasha wearing a shirt that said "woof!", one of gothic Hello Kitty, and these adorable fuzzy pink cat ears. I also bought two little mini-key chains. One had a picture of chibi Link and Navi, under which it said "Link is Navi's bitch."
So beautiful.
I also purcahse one with a chibi Duo that said "Duo is my bitch." :D
Then, we went over to the HUGE hall of boothes, lovingly dubbed by me as "The Cave of Wonders." This was my first convention, so I spent a few moments in sheer awe of the beauty and magnintude of it. Once I had recovered, I took my time looking around and finally purchased the entire Excel Saga box set for 80$! There were 6 DVDs and for those of you that suck at division (like me), that's roughly 13$ per DVD!
I was a happy Karmi once I had completed that purchase.
After all of this, we went on over to the Marriott to check out a Deleter workshop on How To Draw Manga. It was really good. They covered a bunch of art basics like perspective, proportions, shading, etc, but with idea in mind that you were drawing anime versus real life. Needless to say, I was impressed. The workshop ended two hours later, and we went home and my brother and I went swimming. We then ordered pizza and I took a shower--a perfect ending to a perfect first day.
July 3rd: Day Two of the Expo...
Most of day two was spent inside "The Cave of Wonders." I made several more perchases, including a pink tee which said "Bishoujo" in both Japanese and English, an adorable Totoro and cat bus plushie, the first three Fruits Basket mangas, and a Cowboy Bebop wall scroll.
I did however go to one workshop about traditional Japanese dance. That was pretty interesting, and rather amusing. Some of these people had less coordination and grace than myself, and that's saying something. Something else very interesting also happened that day--Man Faye almost got arrested. I don't know how many of you know of Man Faye, but he's basically this very hairy guy who goes around dressed as Faye with his ass pretty much hanging out all the way. It's hilarious. However, the ACC manager didn't think so, and the security guard told him he either had to get some pants on or be arrested. Naturally, Man Faye refused, and started giving a speech to the crowd which had gathered. More and more people joined us until at least half of the convention was there, supporting Man Faye's right to not wear pants. Finally, the ACC manager succumbed and said he could wear the outfit, as long as he at least wore a woman's trenchcoat. He agreed, and everyone cheered. We were all very happy for Man Faye. ;D
We went home pretty early that night, had dinner at Mimi's, which rocked even more than their breakfast (but no sexy waiter ;-;), took showers, and went to bed.
Oh. And we saw some more cosplayers. ;)
July 4th: Day Three--OtakuBoarders Unite!
There was nothing going on that morning, so I woke up pretty late, around 10. We went to breakfast, as usual, then I hung around the fan art section until the clock struck noon. I skipped over to the registration line in hopes of meeting up with one of them, and lo and behold, there's Nick's t-shirt! (And Nick [OtakuSennen], too. ;p) We hugged and said and hi and all that good stuff, I met his family (they're nice :D), and we hung around the appointed meeting place and talked. Mike [Shinmaru] still hadn't shown up, so Nick suggested that he might have gotten the wrong staircase, and that we should go check over there, so we did.
And there he was! Nick spotted him first. >.>; More hugs passed around, and we were about to go into "The Cave of Wonders," when Kat jumped us from behind! More hugging, more greetings, and finally we were all there. We wandered around the CoW (whee for amusing abrreviations!) for a good long while, we all bought some stuff (I got a Tea Club shirt with a plump kitty-girl that said FULL), and then sat down to rest and eat ice cream (I also got Justin Cook's autograph, yay!). Nick was relatively quiet, but he talked some of the time, Kat and I were regular motor mouths, and Mike was bloody silent as the grave. I kept looking back to make sure he hadn't died or gotten seperated or something. ^^;;
We split up at 4 because I had a workshop to go to, and Nick and Kat wanted to go see some videos or something, and I went off to see Anime Hero With A Thousand Faces, which was REALLY good. If you ever get a chance to see it, take it!! I met Crispin Freeman, who was holding the workshop, he's a very intelligent and charasmatic person. ;) We then regrouped at 6, wandered around some more (somehow we ended up in an underground parking lot...o_O;;) and then at around 7 Mike had to go. T_T We hugged, he got a picture of us (in the middle of the road, nonetheless), and he and his little sister left. Nick, Kat, and I went and explored the Marriott's arcade and the Karoke Open Mic, then Nick too had to go.
Thus, it was just me and Kat, and I didn't know where my mother was. We searched around, and finally I decided to head back to the hotel alone, and Kat escorted me to the front, where I ran into my mom. Kat and I hugged and waved bye, and my mother and I walked home. She had actually filed a missing persons report because she couldn't find me, so we were waving to cops and giving them the thumbs up all the way to the hotel. Go figure it would be me. XD
July 4th-5th: Highway Fireworks
We caught the shuttle to the airport at 8:30 PM, and had a VERY long car ride with three fat old women from the Patriotic/God-worshipping convention. _._ On the brightside, we saw fireworks all along the way to the airport, almost as if there was a firework show just following us around. The fireworks were much cooler than if we had just stayed in one place, because we saw all different kinds of explosions. Once at the airport, it took 45 minutes to get the airplane tickets worked out, but we were finally given the all clear, and proceeded to our gate. The plane ride from LA to Chicago was very surreal. First of all, the plane ride was from 11:30 PM to 3:30 AM, so I was half-awake the whole time. There was also a thunderstorm going on outside, so we hit a lot of turbulence and saw lightening flashes everywhere. The airplane was almost completely dark, which all made for an extremely strange experience. But it was kind of cool too.
There was then a FIVE HOUR layover in Chicago, during which I was bored out of my mind. (or BOOMM, as I like to call it). The Chicago airport was actually pretty unique and visually appealing, but spending five hours there was just kind of exhausting. Our flight's gate switched three times, so we were running all over the airport too, which was annoying as hell. The plane eventually did arrive though, and we had a surprisingly short ride to Charleston. When someone asked why we had gotten there so fast, the pilot's response was thus,
"Well, we have a human organ on board."
Yep. Again, go figure. ^^;;
- - -
This is the way I'm going to do pictures-I'll post links to a set of them each day, so eventually we'll get through them all. Please click each link only once so as to minimize bandwith sucking. Here's the first batch.
OtakuBoard Member Moments
Photogenic Shinmaru
Shin's Sammich
Shin's Love Affair
All Four Weirdos
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Thursday, July 1, 2004
12:31 AM.Thurs.Jul 1.
Welcome To Tragic Kingdom
Heh heh, just a little tip of the hat to some old school No Doubt goodness, in regards to Anaheim. If you're not a big fan of the band and/or you're not familiar with the little trip to AX that's going on, you totally won't get that, but oh well. ^^;;
tic toc: 10:57 PM
dressed up: PJs & bathrobe
chomp chomp: Nada.
gulp, sip: Apple Juice.
ear candy: Franz Ferdinand
one word: Sex
up in the sky: thunder but no rain
emote me: c.c
We went to San Francisco today, it was okay. We went over the Golden Gate, it was my first time. The bridge actually isn't that long, it's height is impressive though, and it's very scenic. I took a whole bunch of pictures, I'll post them below.
I didn't enjoy most of the ride because I get car sick very easily, especially during long car rides. Not to mention, I get really terrified when I'm going up and down big hills in cars, and San Fran is full of hills. I could never live in this part of Cali full time...fortunatly, most of the colleges I'm looking at right now are in SoCal, which hopefully isn't as hilly.
Later that day, we ate at Chicken! Chicken!, a very good Caribbean chicken resteraunt. The food was delicious, and I felt much better afterwards. There's a tiny little park by the resteraunt, so the kids played there for a little while, then we went to get ice cream, then went home.
There were ways I'd rather of spent my last day here, but then again, the world doesn't revolve around me, lol. Pictures I took are below!




A tunnel to make any gay rights' activist proud.


I thought this was hysterical.

This is my mother, the two twins are behind her.

My aunt!

Me, feeling a little carsick. ;)

The hills are pretty, but man oh man are they scary.

The twins are so cutsies!

The glare of my retainer blinds you all. Mweh heh heh...


Eight different ways.

Bat dog!
Shinmaru: I'll try to avoid it as long as possible.
Sennen: You wish.
Mimmi: Every field day has it's ups and downs...and yes. I'll implode into a caterpillar!
Lea: No love, I haven't forgotten. * admires ring *
Arcadia: I <3 towels.
.:End Commentary:.
This post feels like it has ADD. Let's end it with...
AX Countdown: 1 day!!
AX OB Meeting Countdown: 3 days
Number of Minutes Until I Implode: Ask my secretary.
Quiz Time!
 Mean lil fellow, arn't you?
What Monty Python Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, June 30, 2004
8:18 AM.Wed.June 30.
Interventional Cardiology
Highlights of Yesterday:
1) Rented an SUV.
2) My aunt, my mother, my brother, my two cousins, the Spanish nanny, and myself piled into the car.
3) Very long car ride through what would have been beautiful and peaceful scenery had I not been angry.
4) Ate lunch, which would have been very good had I not been angry.
5) Went to the beach and got bitchslapped by some really cold water and decided not to be angry, and just have fun with my little cousin. Went "swimming" with my clothes on and got a lot of exercise.
6) Undressed in public. Walked around with a towel on.
7) Ride home was long and painful, but only because I made it so.
8) I took a long shower and went to bed.
Anime Expo Coundount: 2 days
AX OB Meeting Countdown: 4 day
Numer of Minutes Until I Implode: I lost count.
Quiz Time!
 Your charm is...Playful!
What is Your Attractive Charm? -- for girls brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, June 29, 2004
8:27 AM.Tues. Jun 29.
Two More Moments And The Brilliance Fades
Only two more full days here in Cali, I'm leaving for Anaheim on the 1st. I'm going to try and make the best of them. After I signed off AIM yesterday, things got really crazy. As some of y'all know, Angela, one of the Hispanic nannies, failed to pick up Gabriella from her nursery school on time. My aunt and I were currently at the Standford Medical Hospital because she had to attend a meeting there (she's a cardiac anasthesiologist who works at the hospital and also is a proffessor there. Technically she's only sebatacle, but she still has to come in from time to time.) Anyway, she was in the meeting, and I was in her office along with her secretary (another Angela. She's a very nice woman.) when we got a phone call from Gloria who was back at the house. Apparently the school had called the house saying no one had picked up Gabriella, and Gloria was in a panic. The secretary and I were like "Oh shit" because we didn't even know where the nursery was to pick her up, and my aunt was still in the meeting.
It ended up that the secretary had to go and find my aunt and ask her directions. We spent about 30 minutes looking for this nursery all around the Stanford campus until finally someone was kind enough to give us directions. When we got there, we spent twenty minutes trying to find out where she was, only to discover that Angela had come around an hour later than she should have.
Boy, we were pissed.
We stayed at Stanford for a couple more hours, then went to Home Depot to quickly purchase some sinks and faucets because they had to be installed for a house that my aunt owns and is fixing up so she can rent it out. They had the right color for one of the sinks, but not the rest of them. We found faucets though. Then we drove over to the house that's being renovated, gave the plumber (who incidently is quite cute) the sinks and faucets, and then we headed on home.
My aunt was laughing at me the whole way there, because apparently the guy was flirting with me majorly. >.>;
We got home and relaxed for like, two seconds, then prepared to go get my mother and brother from the airport. But the babies wouldn't go to bed and the only one home was my uncle, who couldn't be trusted to keep an eye on both of them, so we brought THEM along too! (And this is at like...9:30 at night).
So we get to the airport, and it's an absolute mess. There are l0 something planes coming in all at the same time (half of them were from Hawaii. o.O) so everything's all clogged up. My aunt sent me out, alone, into a sea of flower necklace and Hawaii print t-shirt wearing crazy people, to find my mother. I couldn't. Turns out that she's still waiting at the gate!
I commend my mother for her lack of common sense.
So we go, park, and my aunt leaves to get my other, stupider family members. I sang songs with the twins, from Fly me away in an aeroplane, to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, to Wheels on the Bus...etc. They returned, we went home, and I practically collapsed into the bed with Gabriella.
Thus ended the crazy day which I never want to have again. I hope Angela gets fired.
Ken: You were the Fairy King? Lol, me too. We also got a chance to pick a Shakesperian scene we wanted to perform, sadly, I was being shy and antisocial, so she just gave me Lady Capulet in another scene when I didn't speak up in favor of Hamlet. Meh.
MC: Yea, it's fun to start talking Shakespeare. ;)
Shinmaru: As it should be! >.>
Mimmi: Spoofs are great. Unfortunatly, I don't think you get the full power of Hamlet in spoofs...;-;
Lea: Good. It's supposed to make you think. That's why it's a famous soliloquy.
Solo: Mmmm...Shakesperian goodness. And yes, I'm going to enjoy meeting Shin, but I have no clue if Shy is attending. Sennen is though. We'll think of you while we're there. ;)
Sennen: Yes. Baseball bats and deoderant I shall bring, for scary cave-dwelling fan boys shall be rampant. o_o;;
Arcadia: Hah hah, lol. Me too. The only Shakesperian play that I've read that I can honestly say I'm not too fond of is A Midsummer Night's dream. And that's only because I thought that Shakespeare should have mixed the couples up a bit...I loved Puck.
Karmi: Wow. Hi. * waves *
.:End Commentary:.
That's all I really have to say here...oh wait. If you're really interested in Hamlet, definitely see the movie done by Kenneth Bragnaugh, it's spectacular. And I don't give that praise lightly.
Quiz Time!
find your element
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Monday, June 28, 2004
10:40 AM.Mon.Jun 28,
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.
God I love that soliloquy. For anyone who has no clue that there was something beyond "To be or not to be" the question first is whether or not it takes a greater man to kill himself or simply suffer.
Hamlet then goes on to talk about how death is eternal rest which all men want, but for fear of the "dreams" they dare not kill themselves. Men are terrified of the unknowns after death, and there for lose any will to end their own life.
It's such a great passage. Alex and I were talking about Hamlet last night (rather breifly, but it's been on my mind anyway), so I just had to post that up.
There's not much going on here. My mother and brother are coming down today, so they're spending three days here, and then she, him, and I are going to Anaheim for Anime Expo. I hope we can stay out of each other's way, because my mother and I have a bad habit of...not getting along.
Anyway, I think I now have some very good experience with child care. I know how to catch them when the run out in the street into five lanes of traffic, I can stay up all night with them, and my ears have become accostomed to high pitched squeals.
Lol, they're actually pretty fun, but by the end of the day, I am just worn out. Gabriella slept in my bed with me last night, it was the cutest thing in the world. I really am going to miss them when I leave.
Mimmi: Swimming is the best. The RPG is definitely turning out to be fun, hopefully it will get even better. And yes, it's Auf Wiedersehen. ^-^
Mitch: I know where your mind is.
instantramen14: Chocolate ice cream is beyond good. It's bloody incredible.
Shinmaru: That was the most hysterical thing I've heard all day. Maybe you should show it to Sennen's mom, so she knows you're an innocent child? ;)
.:End Commentary:.
July and August are going to be very busy months, between Expo, getting ready for school, and actually going, (I'll be a Sophmore, woo), I'm sure pleanty of craziness will ensue.
So for right now...I'm just enjoying the silence. Ciao.
Quiz Time!
Find your Role-Playing
Stereotype, and visit
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Saturday, June 26, 2004
8:45 AM.Sat.Jun 26.
Time flies in the blink of an eye, when you're not watching it'll pass you right on by.
Just a bit of poetry to start of this thread. It pertains to the fact that I'll be leaving my aunt and, uncle, and cousins in 4 days, which is slightly depressing for me. I never enjoy leaving, but this summer it seems like I barely was here at all. It still feels like I just got off the plane and now I should be packing to leave again.
The person I will miss the most is my aunt. We're incredibly close, almost more of best friends rather than aunt and niece. We've both been each others pillars of support when other family members decided they were going to be a jerk or somebody had a breakdown.
I just know I'm gonna cry when I got on that plane. I always do. ;-;
So, Anime Expo approaches now with mixed feelings. I know I am going to enjoy myself immensely when I get there, and I am really looking forward to meeting Shinmaru and Sennen, but it also means that I'll be leaving my aunt. ...c'est la vie.
I had a pretty good time yesterday, my aunt, the twins, and I all went swimming in a neighbor's pool, they were so cute! The water was warm too, but the air was bloody freezing. It's useless to have a pool here because it's always so bloody cold outside, even in the middle of July.
Yes, I consider 70 F 'bloody cold'.
After that my aunt and I went to see Dodgeball, which was pretty funny. At some points the comedy seemed forced or frivolous, and it felt like there were a lot of 'loose ends'. It wasn't that spectacular, but if you're looking for a laugh it's a good movie to see.
Then we had and ice cream, which was delicious (Oh world class chocolate flavored ice cream, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...) And that was about that. Shinmaru has posted the RPG, so I'll be posting in that today, probably right after I finish this.
Ken: You have yet to tell me about it. ;) Thank you for your well-wishes! -^^-
Sennen: I'm sure Paper Karmi would love hanging out with you. I'm glad you liked the idea!
Shin: We all know all about your college escapades. ^.~ PK would definitely enjoy your house. I hear it's much warmer down there.
Mimmi: >:D Paper Karmi shall become Queen of the World and bring peace, love, happiness, and waffles to all!
Mitch: Yes, keep that sexy delicious figure of yours. ;)
.:End Commentary:.
I'm glad that I got mostly positive response for the OB Chain Mail idea. I would really love to go through with that, so when I get home (closer to the middle of July), look for a post in the Otaku Lounge about it. :) Love you all, ciao!
PS: Quiz Time!
 Spanish or Italian What Language Are You?
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Thursday, June 24, 2004
10:50 AM.Thurs.June 24.
It's official. We now have enough Jello to feed a small African nation.
Well, we do. We have red jello, green jello, yellow jello, sugar-free jello, jello gel sticks...the only thing that compares to our supply of jello is our supply of pudding.
All of it is, of course, for Mark, who just got his tonsils out. He's doing fine, and a big thank you to everyone who gave their good wishes to us. He won't take his pain medication willingly (then again, the way that stuff tastes, I wouldn't either), so every four hours or so I have to hold it down while my aunt forces it down his throat. It's not pleasant, but it's better than him being in pain 24/7.
Of course, at night it's different, we only give it to him if it's been four hours AND he wakes up (presumably from pain). He only woke up once last night, which was really good. My aunt came in to get me to help her restrain Mark, and for like the first five minutes I was really confused. My mind went 'medicine? what medicine? I don't need any medicine...' Then I thought about it for awhile, realized what she wanted, and hopped out of bed to help her.
Other than that, life is pretty much the same. My aunt and I worked out last night (I burned 300 something calories and biked over 9 miles. Yay for me!!). Before that, I was on the phone with my grandmother, who lives with my other aunt who happens to be schziophrenic. And I mean, full, blown-out mental illness. She hasn't been taking her medication lately, and she is bloody psychotic. My grandma, bless her heart, is really only making it worse, but she sounded pretty determined that my aunt wasn't going to live in her house anymore, and I hope she sticks to it, because it would be a MAJOR step in the right direction for the both of them. I'm kind of worried about her, but I can't do anything about it, and this has been going on for awhile now, so I'm just like "whatever, let them do their thing."
Mimmi: I hope my rant helped! I think the power of waffles is connecting us psychically...
Sennen: Inspiration is both a curse and a blessing. I also think that there has been a wave of waffle-thought going on throughout myOs. >.>
Mitch: * tries to imagine Mitch and Des as a couple *
* fails *
* tries again *
* succeeds, and is slightly disturbed by the images. *
.:End Commentary:.
Anyway, I had a really cool idea last night. OB Chain Mail. There would be a letter from me, a Paper Karmi, and some photos. I would send it to another OB member, who would spend five days with Paper Karmi and write about their escapades, hopefully take some photos, and send it to another OB member.
Slowly, Paper Karmi would make it around the world to all the OB members who wanted to be a part of the chain. Then, it would get sent back to me, and I would post everything on a website.
Of course, I've left a lot of details and precautions out, I really just wanted to give a feel for how it would work. If I did do it, it wouldn't be until I got back from Cali, in late July or early August. What do y'all think of the idea?
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
7:39 AM.Weds.June 23.
Well, it's 7:40 in the morning, my cousin Mark and my uncle just went to the hospital because he has to have surgery on his tonsils, and I didn't go to bed until 3 AM.
Frickin' A, man, frickin' A!!!
I had a serious case of insomnia last night, as both Ken and PT know. (They kept me company. Many thanks to them.) Half of it was neurosis over my cousin's surgery, and the other half was that hadn't gotten up until about noon yesterday. However, heading into the early mostly neurosis. x.x;;; I really hope he is going to be okay.
On a happier note, staying up late enabled me to have a fun conversation with PT about his trip NC and all the innuendo and comedy that is neatly tucked away in Shakespeare's most excellent writing. He has pictures posted from the trip, and I highly suggest going and looking at them. :)
.:Commentary Of The Day:.
Arcadia: I shall be thinking of you darling, when I pick up my first copies of Utena!! * is with her in spirit at the Anime Expo *
Shinmaru: You're a freak, and so is Deathbaby. I suggest a CAT scan. Immediatly. (j/k, but that thing IS really creepy.)
Mimmi: Waffles with you, my darling. ;)
.:End Commentary:.
Over the past few days, I've had a train of thought that is kind of unnerving, but highly relevant. It's come out of my head in the form of a rather poetic sentence (go figure):
Trying to find the fine line between trying too hard and not trying at all.
On the one hand, if you try too hard, you look like a fool, an amateur who's been found trying to act like the master. In your own perserverence, you end up showing your greatest faults. But, on the other hand, if you don't try at all, you're a lazy ass, and you will fade away into nothing. For if we do not make ourselves worthwhile, no one will find us as such.
So where's the line between fool and incomptent jerk? The Golden Mean always exists, no matter how hard it tries to hide. I'm just having a slight problem with finding it. Although I suppose, if you were to err on one side or another, I'd rather try too hard, which is mainly what I've been doing. So I suppose that could be viewed as a step in the right direction.
And thus ends my philosophical rant for the day. I love you all, ciao!
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
6:34 PM.Tues.June 22.
She has a crush
A deep dark crush
That's a pair of lines from one of my poems. It refuses to get out of my head, it's so annoying. It makes me want to take a Q-Tip and dig around in my brain to pull it out.
Anyway, I am muchly looking forward to Anime Expo. There has been slight debate as to whether or not I will be there on the 5th, but hopefully I will be.
I'm getting my 50$ worth of anime goodness, damnit.
I've been getting in touch with a couple people that I haven't talked to in a long time (namely Mitch and Mimmi). Which was cool, because I missed them (especially Mimmi, I love cooking up trouble and innuedo with her.)
On another note, has anyone seen Sennen's Deathbaby? That thing is scary. I think he's trying to take over the world with it or something.
Or at least OB. >.>;;
I went shopping the other day (yesterday, I think. I can't even tell the days apart anymore...). Anyway, the little town of Burlingame is full of boutiques rampant with cute clothes, but my favorite by far is Morning Glory. If any of you have ever seen artwork by Amy Brown, the clothes in there are like something right out of her paitings. It is absolutely amazing. The owner there sows, and she is so creative, it isn't funny.
I ended up buying a cute Love Revolution tank top, the most beautiful skirt, and a kick-ass belt. I wanted to get a tie too, but everything was so expensive. T_T
Money...wherefore art thou so hard to get?
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