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myOtaku.com: Karma of Chaos

Monday, June 14, 2004

   10:04 AM.Mon.Jun 14.
California Baby!

Yes minna-san, I am indeed in California. I got here around 6:45 pacific time (basically 10 PM my time), tired and hungry. Can you believe they charge 10$ for dinner on the airplane?! >=O Freggin' indecent! They gave us drinks like 5 times though, so not only was I hungry, but I had to pee reall bad too. Stupid airplane.

There were two MALE flight attendants. I swear I had hold my breath in order to keep from laughing.

There were, however, two ups to this trip. The first one was that it was my first trip completely alone, because 15 is the cut-off age for unaccompanied minors, meaning in the eyes of the airplane company, I'm an adult! * laughter is heard * Anyway, I had a three hour layover in Philly, although I'm not complaining because the airport there is huge! Not as big as Atlanta, but still huge. Why are all the big airports in Georgia...? O.o;; I, however, did not get lost!! I was so proud when I finally found my gate.

The other good thing was all the cool stuff I saw out of the airplane window. First we flew over the Sierra Nevada mountains, which looked so amazing...they were really beautiful. Then I saw this island that was identical to Pacman! It was great! One other cool thing I saw was all these different color land and water masses grouped together from bright red to dark blue and everything inbetween, so it looked like a giant artist's palette.

Nature really is one of the most spectacular and creative forces out there, if you just take the time to look...

On to other matters. The two days I've been here have been hectic. Rosie, my great-aunt who will be 95 in August (don't tell HER that though, she thinks she's 91), fell down, and my uncle came in and 'rescued' her.

Unfortunately, he was buck-naked.

Then, on Sunday, we had a big dinner party for two anastiesologists (did I spell that right?) who were leaving the hospital to go elsewhere. (My aunt is also an ana...thingy.) So we spent all day trying to get all the food together. We made really good food too! We had mozzerela and cherry tomato baby shishkabobs, and this yummy crackers and special cheeses, two different kinds of melon wrapped in this thin, ham-like meat (it had an Italian name, I forgot what though), and little squares of creamed artichoke between flakey bread.

We also had superb chicken and beef, noodle pasta, and cake. Man oh man was that delicious.

Later on that day, Rosie kept complaining of hip pain, so we took her to a clinic to see if she had broken a bone or something. And we waited. And waited and waited and waited. It took them 4 hours to get a bloody X-Ray done! Jebus. >.<

But she was okay (though from her complaining you wouldn't be able to tell), so we went home, blah blah blah, and here I am! I'm having a good time here, regardless of said incidents.

The twin toddlers (Gabriella and Mark) are sooo adorable! They're 2 and 1/2 now. So cute so cute so cute...

And that's all in my boring life. Muchas love to everyone! Ciao!


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