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myOtaku.com: Karma of Chaos

Monday, November 22, 2004

   4:28 PM

la la la: Golden Touch - Razorlight
munch munch: Nada
adorn me: Pajamas
face paint: Chapstick
tic toc: Almost 4:30

Today has been so very uneventful. Last night was fun though - there was a mad crazy AIM chat going on and it was hilarious. Then Lea called me and we had a very nice conversation. :D Sadly, I must go to school tommorow, because our state is full of lameasses, but then, Thanksgiving holiday begins! Whee!

Okay, so recently, the topic of sleeping and dreams has come up. The weirdest thing I've ever seen anyone do in their sleep is my mom moaning about how the volcano was going to kill us all and "oh god no, run, darling run!". Especially considering she had fallen asleep on the couch and there were about five other people in the room with me, and we were all very focused on playing Mario Kart 64 and didn't even realize she was in the room.

Just a little creepy.

I myself don't snore, sleep talk or walk, or really even move during my sleep. More often than not, I wake up in the exact same position I fell asleep in. The weirdest dream I've ever had was when I was 9, and I was helping Woody Woodpecker escape from jail, and this really fat cop, who was brandishing a nightstick, was chasing us. We finally hit a dead end, which happened to be a giant green dumpster, so we jumped in. Then, the dream went all Star Wars on my ass and the walls started closing in while we were sitting in all this trash.

And then I woke up.

Okay y'all. Your turn.

.:Commentary Mich, Mein Kapitän:.

Shimaru: That'd be funny to watch.
Instantramen: Yea it is, thanks!!
Mimmi: I think you should celebrate Thanksgiving, just to confuse all your Swedish relatives and neighbors. XD (I LOVE your avi.)
Lea: Visiting friends is good. :D
Arcadia: Yes. Let us chill. -^^-
OtakuSennen: Yea, contributed to America's rising obesity rate! >=O
Godel: Eccentricity usually comes with brilliance.
Solo: Not if you've ever been kicked in the small of your back, you wouldn't. * ouch *

.:Viele Danke:.

Fact O' Teh Day: The Bank of America was originally the Bank of Italy.


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