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myOtaku.com: Karma of Chaos

Sunday, November 28, 2004

   Take Me By Surprise
I hate you, Syk3.

I hope you explode into a billion little pieces.

Anyway...I had kind of a bummer day. Thomas left this morning. But I'm not even going to get into that. Didn't get nearly as much work done as I hoped. I also came down with a nasty headcold, and consequently feel quite lethargic. It can't help that tonight I decide to get a nice case of insomnia. I hadn't had one in awhile, but here this one just pops up.

I think I just sneezed my brains out...for the third time tonight. So grotty.

Anyway...I'm holding the fort down here though. A lot of stress, but I'm used to it. I do have one thing to ask of y'all though. Please go check my art thread out, and leave a comment about what you liked and didn't like. You don't have to be an artist, just an observer. It would really, really make my day.

Thanks minnasan. * sends out love vibes then crawls into bed *

.:So What'd The Critics Say?:.

Mimmi: I love you too, liebchen. * tips Fedora *
hEvN: Experiment time! ;D
Shinmaru: It's the part about screwing honors classes. * cough *
Syk3: I still hate you.

.:Not Too Bad.:.

Fact O' Teh Day: Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny, was allergic to carrots.


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