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myOtaku.com: Karma of Chaos

Wednesday, December 1, 2004

5:27 PM.
James is my liebchen!

Aah...make the piano playing stop. You'd think after five years my brother would actually be good. Then again, maybe he is, it's just that I've heard the song FOR SIX MONTHS STRAIGHT SO IT'S KIND OF GETTING REPETITVE YOU KNOW?!

* twitch twitch *

Well, the illness is getting worse, and stress and subsequent lack of sleep and food isn't helping. It's a vicious cycle, damnit! School is stressful, and as a result I'm not eating or sleeping well. That combined with me already having a pussy of an immune system...meh. So now I have a constant sinus headache and really can't eat, because eating makes me sick to my stomach and then I puke everywhere and that's just disgusting.

But but but - my stressing out is paying off! I got a 104 on my big English test!! And I got an 85 on my Chem test, which is pretty damn decent considering everything else. Also, we took a quiz today in Algebra about hyperbolas and parabolas and I'm pretty sure I aced it...

I'm jinxing myself, aren't I?

Ah well. C'est la vie. I absolutely cannot wait for Christmas vacation...three weeks of pure, unadultered, stress and obnoxious people-free goodness! I'm going out to California as soon as finals are over, and getting a lot of much-needed relaxing time. Christmas will be spent with dear family (my aunt and cousins) and the New Year's is up in the air - I might stay in the San Fran locale, and I might scootch on over to Nipomo to visit Mary Kate and Co, as she'll be visiting her dad in Cali while I visit my aunt.

So how about y'all? Plans for Christmas? New Years?

.:Everyone's A Critic:.

Mimmi: * is taken aback * You surprised me there, darling. ;)
DeathKnight: * bows to the greatness of the Mighty Texan *
Shinmaru: * salutes her loyal minion *
Godel: My parents have lost all say in whether I go to school or not...I either go or I don't. They've given up, methinks. XD
Syk3: You're so lame.
James: Isn't it though?! * squeals *

.:But they're so darn cute!:.

Fact O' Teh Day: Today is World AIDS day. What this means, I'm not quite sure. o_o;


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