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myOtaku.com: Karma of Chaos

Sunday, December 12, 2004

12:45 PM.
The ringing and singing of Bells

Notice To All: Karmilicious is sending out Christmas cards, if you would like one (and please don't be hesitant to ask, I'm very excited about doing this), leave me your address in a PM, (the one that you'll be at from now until the 25th) and you will recieve a personalized christmas/winter holiday card, complete with Karmi artwork and whatnot.

Short post for today. I went to the mall yesterday, shopping was excellent. Bought a KICK ASS bra from Victoria's Secret, a Faye Valentine shirt which is just too damn cool from Hot Topic, volumes 8 and 9 of Gravitation (shonen ai goodness, biatch), and more of Burt's Bee's chapstick cause that stuff is excellent.Oh, and a Christmas present for my best friend. So isss ALL good. Today we're going to downtown Charleston for even more shopping, yay! Not much else is up...have a good day e'rebody!

.:Well, we were talking about this thing...:.

Shinmaru: Yea, it's a bummer that I've already met someone who makes me that angry. But I don't think that, by nature, I'm a hateful person. Thanks for the congrats!
Baron Samedi: Thank you! ^-^
Godel: Oh God, teachers like that piss me off so much. I think they do it out of pure spite. They're just bitter. ;p
hEvN: Boil water, and then put some chemicals in it, wait until they dissolve, and then put the pipe cleaner thing in there and leave it be overnight. I forget what the chemicals were, I'll ask my Chem teacher tommorow for you though.
lea: Teehee!!
Sara: Public humiliation, it's a beautiful thing.

.:It wasn't that interesting, anyway.:.

QOTD: "Do not quench your inspiration and your imagination; do not become the slave of your model."
-Vincent van Gogh


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