table style='font-family : Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid black;' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2' align='center'> |
What type of Tea are you?

Orange Tea...
You are Orange Tea.
Spicy and with tons of flare you are the natural
party person! A night on the town is your
general being, your completely a night life
person. Your the life of the party in one sense
or another and anyone whos anyone knows your
name. Your popular and well liked although you
can sometimes be a little arrogant and self
absorbed. You are full of excitement and good
What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-} brought to you by Quizilla
Who is your boyfriend?
RPG or Anime Character

HOW MUCH OF A KITTY R U?=3(with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
What Anime Cat-girl are you?

Your me as a catgirl.
A bit strange, a little on the crazy side. You love
mangos and all types of anime. So maybe yoru a
little on the...weird side. You dont give a
DAMN what those other losers think. Congrats,
keep being yourself.
What Anime Cat-girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
What kind of Neko girl are you?

You're just a basic neko girl, You have the ears
and tail and still retain your high and mighty
neko attitude but that's pretty much it. You
tend to look down upon people and try to act
anti social and prefer the company of yourself
and your books, but when you have to you can be
social, though probably grudgingly. Well no
What kind of Neko girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
What is Your Ideal Anime Weapon?
What is Your Ideal Anime Weapon?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Which Inuyasha Character Will Make Love With You? And What Will He Do?
Anime survey of DOOM!
Anime survey of DOOM! |
Created by Trigunslinger and taken 220 times on bzoink! |
Anime Favorites |
Anime | tokyo mew mew |
Character | Ichigo |
Boy character | Masaya |
Girl character | Ichigo |
Song | Around the World |
Anime dislikes |
Least favorite anime | Kim Possible |
Character | Ron |
Boy character | Ron |
Girl character | Kim |
Song | My Will |
Random anime goodness |
Character you feel sympathy for | Kish |
Character that acts like you | Ichigo |
Character that looks like you | Ichigo |
Character you find attractive | Masaya |
Character you could be friends with | Ichigo |
Character that would make a good brother | The Blue Knight |
How about sister? | Zakuro |
Character you wish you could kill | Kish |
Weapon or skill you wish you could have | MEW STRAWBERRY BELL |
Character that reminds you of someone | Mint |
Who do they remind you of? | Molly |
If you could be in any anime which one would you choose? | tokyo mew mew |
Which anime character would you want to look like? | ichigo |
Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
Do you know Japanese?"

You are a japanese expert congrats! Wait for my
next quiz where the questions get harder.
Do you know Japanese? brought to you by Quizilla
Dark side of the Moon pt 16!

Your welcome! LOL Wasen't that fun? But who has the
nerve to interupt you? find out next time!
Dark side of the Moon pt 16! ( Sesshomaru quiz.) brought to you by Quizilla
Who's Your Soul Mate?::Based on Anime?

Hiei!!Your Hiei's soul mate!!This shocks him as
much as it shocks me!!!He acts like he doesn't
need you or like you.But deep in his heart he
loves you and he'll protect you from any sort
of danger!He'd never cheat on you and hopes you
love him as much as he loves you!!
Who's Your Soul Mate?::Based on Anime::For Boys and Girls!! brought to you by Quizilla
The Anime Friendship Quiz

Hiei!!Your Hiei's soul mate!!This shocks him as
much as it shocks me!!!He acts like he doesn't
need you or like you.But deep in his heart he
loves you and he'll protect you from any sort
of danger!He'd never cheat on you and hopes you
love him as much as he loves you!!
Who's Your Soul Mate?::Based on Anime::For Boys and Girls!! brought to you by Quizilla
What would your Anime life be like?
What Color Best Represents Your Personality?

You are Blue.
Overall you're a pretty content person. At peace
with yourself, you don't tend to over react.
Although at times you can be quite harsh and
cold towards others.
What Color Best Represents Your Personality? brought to you by Quizilla
Could you be called Hiei's friend?

(Hiei's surprised you actually got this result!)
Congrats! You'd make an excellent friend for
Hiei! You know when to stay out of his way and when
to not! Go you!
Could you be called Hiei's friend? (With pictures!) brought to you by Quizilla
Yu Yu Hakusho (Qualifying For The Team) Pt. 1
Congradulations on makeing the team!!!!You'll fit
right in. Dont worry abou Hiei. He'll warm up
to you soon enough. Kurama already seems to
have a liitle fire for you. Keep it
up!!!(Message me about who Amber should fall in
love with ok??)
Yu Yu Hakusho (Qualifying For The Team) Pt. 1 brought to you by Quizilla
Yu Yu Hakusho(Beginning to Control The Dragon Within)Pt.2
Keep up the training. Its going to get very
challenging over the next few days. Yuskue and
Kurama will be keeping an eye on you. Dont feel
stressed out or anything. Just keep up the good
Yu Yu Hakusho(Beginning to Control The Dragon Within)Pt.2 brought to you by Quizilla
Yu Yu Hakusho(Never Ending Training) Pt.3
Looks like Yusuke has fallen in love with you. But
there are more guyz that will fall for you in
the future. Thats all I'm giving away. Anyway,
keep up the good work and keep training!!!
Yu Yu Hakusho(Never Ending Training) Pt.3 brought to you by Quizilla
Yu Yu Hakusho (New Love) Pt. 4
Nothing new to say. Yusuke is in love with you.
Hiei and Kurama just consider you a friend.
Talk with them a little more and maybe through
in some flirting. Just wait and see if anything
comes out of it!!!
Yu Yu Hakusho (New Love) Pt. 4 brought to you by Quizilla
Yu Yu Hakusho{Out of Control}Pt.5
Ok, so you joined the Toguro team. Atleast you
joined a very challenging team. I guess you
could say that you are pretty mad at Yusuke's
team for dumping you like that. but what is to
come of you and Yusuke? I know and Im not going
to tell you until probably the 8th quiz.
HAHA!!! j/k. You'll now soon enough.
Yu Yu Hakusho{Out of Control}Pt.5 brought to you by Quizilla
Yu Yu Hakusho{Your Choice}Pt.6
So basiclly, if you dont stop getting stronger
you'll die. Man, does that suck. sorry about
this being so short. I'll try and get the next
one out soon. Remember to message me!!!
Yu Yu Hakusho{Your Choice}Pt.6 brought to you by Quizilla
Yu Yu Hakusho{Courage}PT. 7
So, you're back on the Urameshi team!!!! Ok, just
to let you know, next part you're going to get
to kick Jen's ass. Thats all Im telling ya.
Yu Yu Hakusho{Courage}PT. 7 brought to you by Quizilla
Yu Yu Hakusho {Kicking Some Ass} PT.8
Well, good job on kicking Jens ass. I told you that
you would get to. But anyway, what are you
going to talk to Hiei about?? Are you finally
over Yusuke? Hmmmm.....find out next time.
Yu Yu Hakusho {Kicking Some Ass} PT.8 brought to you by Quizilla
Yu Yu Hakusho{Confessing} PT.9
Lookes like you are falling in love with the Fire
demon. Keep it up. Well, you almost got your
head taken off twice because of Keiko. She
seems a little protective of Yusuke. Keep an
eye for her. She'll warm up to you sooner or
Yu Yu Hakusho{Confessing} PT.9 brought to you by Quizilla