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Tuesday, January 30, 2007
back officialy more or less
with my new job in the mornings and my brother hogging the compy at night it is going to be hard to get on but I am officaly completly back...
ATF was a lot of fun...unfortunatly I didn't get to see that much of it because of where they had me working merch but it was still fun and I got to work the Afters table...and this guy...I asume he was there manger or somthing even gave me one of their cds...I bought some other stuff too which kind of brings me to the bad part of the weekend was I had set everything I got off to the side trying to hid it and when I went back for it it was gone *pouts* that was a good waste of $50 bucks....and a free CD on the bright side though I saw Josh, Adam, and Kristi as well as some other people I reconezed from HA I was actualy suprised there was a few that reconized me that I didn't know...anyways...
Sunday I whatched Trust and Betrayal finnaly! all thats left now is Remberance....
Kakshi: sorry....if it helps I usualy know the feeling I don't get things like that oftern...
Christian Otaku: sure....I'll let you know when I start playing it I'm still currently destracted with KoH:chain of Memorys, and Children of Mana I have 2-3 levels left for each of them...
Curi: I agree the book was about a million times better than the movie and it is kind of dumb they cut out the dwavers fortuantly I have the gift I mentaly taking the movie for what it is instead of just comparing it to the book and I still think it was a farely decent movie....
I think Lost starts up again this week I think and I hope I want to know what happends next and House is tonight the ep. looks really intersting and no more annoying cop!
see ya!
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Friday, January 26, 2007
yes Acquire the Fire starts tonight...I'll be volentering...hopefully...in not my tickets free anyways *grins* I love being Alumni!
anyways sorry I havn't been around lately I decided to take a compy break it was only supose to last a week then I got caught up in stuff last week...I likely won't be on tomorow cause of ATF but I'll be back after that
so gb signing I will get to you promise....I don't have long and will try to visit but no promises sorry...
in other news I've been playing Childern of Mana and Kingdom of Hearts Chain of Memorys on the DS I got for christmass...and will likely start on FF III soon...and I started to reread Eragon...I loved the movie but its got nothing on the book if you havn't read it read it! I'm telling you its awsome!
and on Sunday I shall be whatching Samuria X Trust and Betrayal FINNALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *does extreamly happy dance* okay I'm done...
thats all for now bye!
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Friday, January 12, 2007
I learned a valuble lesson during taekwondo last night when someone's ankle hits your foot it really hurts and then it will continue to hurt..I could barely walk on it last night...it still hurts to day but its at least barebel now....
my arms are a little sore to though but I'll live...
oh yesterday I ran into Antoney...I was really suprised my house is really close to the library so I was taking my short lazy at least I'm doing somthing walk yester day at around 5 I pass by the front of the school and look who's comming out but Anthony I didn't think it was him at first so I did't say anything but as he got closer he wanted to know if I wasn't going to say hi..so we talked for awhile then walked together part way tell I needed to go home...
and yeah thats about all that happend yesterday...
and...uhhh yeah okay I think thats all see ya!
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
sorry the post is soo late....well I couldn't get on because george was waiting for his friend Nelson to call...then I ate lunch and now its already pass noone!
well yesterday I got threw chapter 80 or Frutbaskets then Lunnaei called...the Kibou called...then I played children of mana for the DS then I walked to church close to the end of youth group ((I'm and adult helper person now woot)) Thunder called me..so when I got home I called him back but that didn't last long...well teakwondo tonight soooo see ya!
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
one day of teakwondo....on day an hour walk (Monday and yesterday) and now I fell completly drained of all life...*sighs*
well I'm on chapter 76 of Fubaru and it looks like that one guy will no longer be appearing on house...yeay....I really started to like him less after house put himself into rehab and he didn't care...now granted house still managed to get vidican but thats not the point....or that he had to spend a night in jail because he had to figure out what was going on with a pactiant....but I guess one night is better than 10years....
anyways what else I don't know...
oh random question just because I have been reading fubaru....what would you do if you huged a guy or fell on him or whatever and he suddenly became an animal...?
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007
winny kitty
yeah my cats being very winny which is unusal for her..its kind of strange... anyways...
not much happend yesterday didn't get as far with apps as I would have liked so I'm doing more of that today...I might end up going back to my grandmothers for the weekend but I'm not sure yet that would be kind of nice though cause then I could stay up and whatch a lot of anime..maybe...hopefully....*hugs AN* hmmmmm oh and for once I'm not the last to know somthing! theres this weried relationship thing that happend with one of my HA friend that neither Kibou or Lunnaei know about yet and she told me! the best part is its one of those things that would have most girls really stressed trying to figure out what to do but not her! all three are taking a step back and waiting on God they're awsome! *hugs 'm all*
anyways...not much more to say I can't wait for new House and new Lost....or for my bro to go to work today...and...yep thats all see ya!!
oh quick question I know several people do questions at the end of their post would you guys like me to do that?
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Monday, January 8, 2007
*yawns* job hunting...
well not a lot happend yesterday just mostly did stuff on line like read another chapter of fubaru I'm to book 11! I love it it is soooooooo good my brother said though that a lot of people don't consider it a shojo which I don't understand cause it defently is but its so angsty and the charcter devolopment is amazing plus always trying to figure out what exactly characters like shigurue are thinking it be awsome...
anyways today I need to go apply for jobs..I'm going to try bookstores again even though since its right after the hollidays I doubt they are looking, blockbuster and not today but my aunt had some other good ideas for me too....tomorow I'll probably look at fast food places and stuff starting with subways...
anyways....not much else to say see ya!
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Sunday, January 7, 2007
back home
yeah I know it stinks...anyways not much happend yester day we bought my aunts new coutch she worked on some more people and took me home...now I'm back on dail up...with really not much at all to say...
and if you signed my gb recently I'm getting to you I promise ^__^
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Saturday, January 6, 2007
well betweens friends and choclate I feel much better from yesterday...
I finnaly got to whatch Eragon that was exiting there were a few things I didn't like in the movie just cause it was kind of dumb...like the Dragon grew over night she was small and suddenly she was big...now I know some times that happends to deminstrate time passing but there was nothing farther to give hint to that...and there were other things that I thought just went better in the book but then movies tend to be like that over all though as the movie stands on its own not award winning but still worth it....
then Jamie called and I talked to him for about an hour and that was nice I haven't had any contact with any of my HA brothers in a long time and he is just always so excited about God and pretty much anything that was going on it was great hearing him talk ^__^
then after that my phone was dieing so as I went inside to plug it in and called Kibou cause I told her I would but only got to talk to her for a few minutes because I lost my signal in the house...
then I ate, my aunt worked on me and I proceed to sleep for 11 hours fun yes?
and here I am and I will get to sites this time I promise!
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Friday, January 5, 2007
oh geez....
well...the last few day have been...intersting..Wendsday I baby sited Ben and Spencer...so Henry gave me $20 so when I was at Barnes and Nobel today I bought Dragon a bunch of Yugioh stickers and me a really good dark choclate bar $4 for choclate geez but its worth it...
then on Thursday I didn't do much of anything mostly whatched tv...then melted cryons and wax and messed with that...I'll have to show you that some time...
hmmm then my aunt worked on me and...
then today I made the mistake of showing Henery this quote that left me distresed...because it was a descustion where my faith was being questions and I KNOW the answeres but I can't find the right word I should be able to and I know people who wouldn't have had a problem but I couldn't do it...my aunt came in kind of put an end to it she could tell I was very frustrated and a little bit latter I needed to talk to someone so since no one else picked up I called Lunnaei..after crying for a bit...I know this seems kind of stupid but my lack of words reall frustrates me exspisialy when I feel like its making a fool out of me and my faith *sighs* anyways...
after talking to her I felt better even though I had hesetatied cause it was 7:30 her time...but that seemed okay it had been awhile since we were able to talk thats when I went to Barnes and Noble and now I'm bak see ya!
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