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Friday, January 14, 2005
its Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!
well I'm in a beter mood than yesterday I finnised every thing I needed to so thats good
all though all these pop ups are still bugging me & why don't people comment am I doing something wrong please tell me
any ways I finnished Eragon over last weekend (its a really good book if you havn't read it you should)& I'm now reading Dragonlance: Dragons of a Winter night or somting like that
Plus I've decided that sense most of my friends arn't going I'm not going to Washington DC with the band & just go to the Reanisaunce(sp?) Festival a lot with them
other than that nothing much has happend
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
sometimes life sucks
sorry I havn't posted either I was to lazy ran out of time or my computer was being idiotic
as for the topic dumb pop up ads won't leave me alone they show up quiker than I can put them down a lot & the computer freezes just as Raven gets on then she leaves & by the time my comp. is on again my mom needs the phone plus I'm also having to get regesterd for this online course or I can't graduate my wires missing & I can't make animals from clay (well I can If I could figure it out)
on top of that my friends complaing because even though she's going to have a role in the renisonse (sp) festivel this year she's lower than a begger while this one girl whose not only younger has never even been to one gets to be a Duchess or something plus the person who was going to be there with her has to back out which means John will bug her & thats not good
plus I have to take an online course or I don't graduate plus health in night school
not to mention aplications for aquire the fire bright futures & BCC while pop ups bug me
other than that "love & peace" get stuck in my head periodicly so its kind of a reprive
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
so bored
I am so extreamly bored I have nothing to do
though I am borowing a new book from one of my friends Eragon I hear its supposed to be really good
and I need to finnish my aplication to show my rabbit at the state fair and one for The Honor Academy other than that nothing though I guess I should read my bible too
at random points for the past few days Vash's "Love & Peace" saying has been geting stuck in my head I think that might mean I'm now going through Trigun with draws *sighs*
anyways I've also been getting irritated with my brother because he's devoloping this habit of talking to me like I'm completly ignotant of computer & I know I am compared to most (I wish I wasn't) but not compared to him if our comp. is doing somthing weird he'll grab the mouse from me and start checking things I all ready did it drives me crazy!!!!! he'll regrated no doubt eventually
oh well g2g see ya
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
hi I'm back
long time no see sorry I wasn't really able to post during the break but the first week george was on it the intire time because he can't be on the computer during the lasst semester weeks because of his grades
then I went to my aunts and I couldn't get online
so lets see what happend
the first week was completly unevetfunl except I helped with my youth groups gift wrapping both &:
Thursday: we went to my gradparts (& whached the anime on cartoon network & anime unleased that night)
Friday: I had to go to my garanparnets cristmass eve service at there church (didn't get back till midnight)
Saturday/Cristmas:starting at noon was whaching as much Last Exile as posible though I still missed a lot due to the fact that except for me and george no one wanted to whach it I had to force garron & nathan to let us see what we did *rubs fist smirking* anyways some of the things I got consisted of cloths I was my mom told me to say I like so my grandmother would be happy (they were nice but slightly off my tippical style) 3 celtic knot rings that can be made to look like 1 a Kenshin shirt and lots of several manga including Kenshin 8 & 9
Not that much happened the next week either mostly I read whached tv (including anime at night!)&:
Wendsday: I went over to my aunts friend Ginger's house & started waching Trasporter (wich we sadly didn't get to finnish) with her oldest son Cory while quikly learning that once you peted their dog he didn't leave you alone then we went to go see A Series of Unfortunate Events. (this was slightly nerve wracking because he's the black belt my mom wants me to go with to prom *sighs & rolls eyes*
then I went to my other aunts youth group
Thursday:I was suppose to go with that aunt to see another movie but she fell so then I was suposed to go with Hennery to see National Treasure but that was sold out so we saw Aviater instead
Friday: I saw Finding Neverland with the 1st aunt
Sunday:I went with the 2nd aunt to church
Monday: I went to see Dr. Goldsby who told my to take all those vitamens now he took away most of them & add one so we'll see how I do now
Then I came home & wached the second Inu Yasha movie
Tuesday: I started school again I no longer have economics but do have drivers ed wich is wierd since I'm the only senior in the class pluss were starting clay in sculpture
& relativly nothings happend today so I'll go now sorry this was soo long
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Friday, December 31, 2004
I only have to second because I'm at my aunts house I havn't been able to get on, but I did want to come by real quick to say a late merry Christmass
and Happy New Year
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Friday, December 17, 2004
nothing particularly interesting to report
exctept I finnished my exams to day wich means its finnaly winter break!
Oh & I'm now reading Dragon on a Pedestal the next Zanth novel
other than that my days just been a typical boring day  What Witch Hunter Robin Character Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
1 more day of exams
well I didn't quite get to finnish my post yesterday because I was kind of hurried of the comeputer so I could help george(sessh) with his exams (by the way if you know him his grounded from the computer which is why he hasn't updated)
anyways now I forgot what else I was going to write
I think I caught a cold from my aunt it was realy bad yesterday but by 6:00 it started clearing up so I'm more or less better now
also yesterday our mouse broke so my dad amazingly remebered to get a new one
I finnally got to read the 3rd Eva manga (to bad I havn't read the other 2 yet) also I'm about 10 pages to the end of the 6th Zanth novel Night Mare
thats about it so bye
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
yep I saw Kenshin Saturday night it was old but good none the less though I forgot how whiny Kaoru can be.
I also got to see FMA & Gost in the Shell & Inu-yasha (which I know was old but I haven't seen it)
Yes what an exiting night it was its been so long
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Friday, December 10, 2004
I'm going to my aunts
you know what that means????
Cable=ANIME saturday night more importantly KENSHIN *runs around the room looking for the sacabato*
okay yeah thats all nothings happend at school just an exam reviw
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
Yes I'm still alive
theres a perfectly good reason for why I havn't been around I just don't know what it is yet what it is here are the running exuses though
Friday I was lazy
Saturday I had a Teakwondo compititon & didn't get home till 6 & then the computer wouldn't let me online
Sunday I din't get a chance to get on the computer
Monday-Wendsday I was going to & went to other sites but I got disracted & 1/2 the time was RPing
All thats new though is this weeks "dead week" cause exams start Tuesday
& I've been really woried about AP sculputer because I was under the impretion that we had to turn in 18 projects at the end of the semester but now it sounds like everything is turned in at the end of the year which I hope is the case or else I'm dead
but thats about it
Oh & in church on Sunday were suposed to help with the cantanta & we have this whole bowing thing were suposed to do or somthing when that one priest dued is looking for Jesus or somting like that anyways we had to get in costumes & some one said I looked like an elf wich I thought was pretty cool
Now thats it
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